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    Problems of regulatory-methodical support of diagnostics of financial conditions and the threat of bankruptcy of enterprises in conditions of European integration
    (Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016) Melnyk, Olha; Adamiv, Marta; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The article analyzes the national regulatory and methodical basis of diagnosing of such important parameters of enterprises such as financial conditions and the threat of bankruptcy. Based on the obtained results of analysing there are identified, generalized and justified the key contradictions of national regulations in the sphere of diagnostics of financial conditions and the threat of bankruptcy of enterprises according to the best European legal practice.
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    Problems and development ways of regulatory-methodological support of socio-economic diagnostics in conditions of European integration
    (Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2015) Melnyk, Olha; Adamiv, Marta; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    In the paper on the basis of studying and comparison of national and international practices of socioeconomic diagnostics the key problems of regulatorymethodological support in this sphere are grounded. The solution of identified problems is to develop the methodical recommendations on socio-economic diagnostics at micro-, mezzo-, and macro-levels of national and international economies, being universal, uniform and harmonized with the international standards and being based on justified indicators-criteria and identification-interpretation support of the diagnostical process with the account of modern challenges of European integration processes in Ukraine.