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    Production engineering and properties of low-energy masonry cement
    (Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016) Ivashchyshyn, Hanna; Kropyvnytska, Tetiana; Kotiv, Roman; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    Relation between sustainability and cement manufacture that can be obtained by replacement of clinker with zeolie and limestone additives which decreases the use of energy resources and reduce CO2 emissions in cement production is shown. It is shown that a synergistic combination of mineral additives of different groups with substantial reduction of high energy-consumption clinker component in the low-energy masonry cement allows to improve rheological properties and provides acceleration of strength increase, to improve quality parameters of mortar mixes and building mortars.
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    Prospects for the use of nanomaterials and nanocoatings for high-speed spindles
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017-12-23) Vishtak, Inna; Savulyak, Valeriy; Vinnytsya National Technical University
    Much attention in the field of research and use of nanomaterials and nanotechnology has led to the fact that this area of science has become more relevant. The special qualities of nanomaterials that provide unique strength, thermal conductivity, electrical properties, tribotechnical properties with minimum dimensions and mass of products have become the goal of many scientists. The main types of nanomaterials are identified. One of the differences between nanostructural depositions on the surface is their strength under static loading and hardness as compared to materials from ordinary grain sizes. Increased hardness and wear resistance as a result of deposition of such coatings opens the prospects of using them in high-speed spindle units.