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    Change of drivers functional condition while moving along highways of different technical categories
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-02-26) Krystopchuk, Mykhailo; National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
    The article analyzes the influence of a human factor on road safety and the main methods of its research. The main indicators of the functional state of the drivers, which most accurately illustrate the change in the neuro-emotional stress while operating the vehicle in different road conditions, are determined. The regularities of changing the functional state of the drivers who were driving the vehicle along different categories of roads were established. It is revealed that the geometric features of the highway that determine its category have a significant impact on the performance of drivers, and, consequently, on the reliability of their work. The results of this research provide an opportunity to predict the functional state of the driver under different road conditions, as well as to adjust the routes of traffic of vehicles and the mode of work and rest of drivers.