Ukrainian Journal of Educational Research

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    Post-secondary and higher education of indigenous peoples in Canada: historical, social, economic, cultural, family-related, and individual barriers
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2016-09-12) Mukan, Nataliya; Zapotichna, Mariya; Kravets, Svitlana; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The article deals with the issues of post-secondary and higher education of indigenous peoples in Canada. The main objectives are defined as the theoretical analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature highlighting different aspects of the problem under research and identifies of the barriers to obtaining postsecondary and higher education by indigenous peoples. The post-secondary and higher education have been studied by foreign and Ukrainian scientists (Т. Andryushchenko, O. Barabash, N. Bidyuk, B. Burtch, M. Busko, J. Friesen, V. Friesen, S. Honcharenko, V. Kirkness, D. Klyne, O. Kotlyakova, T. Kuchai, L. Lukyanova, H. McCue, M. Mendelson, N. Nychkalo, O. Ogiyenko, J. Peters, R. Price, L. Pukhovska, J. Silver, F. Simard, S. Sysoyeva, J. White, I. Zyazyun). The legislative and normative framework of post-secondary and higher education of indigenous peoples in Canada is considered; the statistical data which characterise the indigenous peoples’ participation in post-secondary and higher education programs are presented; the existing barriers to getting post-secondary and higher education by indigenous peoples are analysed and identified as historical, social, economic, cultural, family-related and individual ones. The research methodology comprises theoretical (logical, induction and deduction, comparison, structural and functional, systematic, analysis and synthesis), and applied (discussion, questioning and interviewing) methods. The research results are presented.
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    Personality aspect of professional activities of a higher school teacher
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-02-20) Kozlovskyi, Yurii; Kravets, Svitlana; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The article clarifies the fact that the issue of studying the personality development of higher school teachers in the context of their professional activity is relevant. Readiness for professional activity is considered as a system characterized by appropriate coefficients, the complex consideration of which allows obtaining reliable information about the real level of teachers’ professional work. It is expedient to present the features of the professional teaching staff of higher educational institutions in three categories: a practising teacher, a teacher-researcher and a scientist in the field of specialization of an educational institution. The higher school teachers’ scientific and pedagogical activities in the context of modern morality are an important component of their professional competence, substantially affecting the results of their teaching and research activities. It is considered as the realization of the idea of humanization of science and education.