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Item Logical models and strategies in management of active systems(Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009) Mounir, Gabsi; Sikora, L. SIntellectual agents have steadily matured in moving from the research laboratory to industrial application over the last ten years. Numerous systems have been deployed or are under advanced development with strong industrial support. These systems suggest important lessons for both industry and researchers. From an industrial perspective, these examples reflect trends in both business and technology that make agents an increasingly attractive commercial tool From a research perspective, these examples identify important gaps in intellectual agent that merit the attention of academicians. In this paper we will see strategies models witch are realised by intellectual agent into the Automatic Control System of Technological Process (ACS-TP) of agency travel example.Item Inducing and Evaluating Rule-Based Classification Models from Data(Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009) Zavaliy, TarasThe psychological testing results, which were analyzed by the author, are used for decision-making about admitting the power engineering specialists to work. The author describes the rough sets approach and its application for mining rules from data tables. These rules form a classification models that are used to classify new examples. The role of hitting fraction in model induction is considered Success rate and ROC curves are used for model evaluation. All of the analysis mis done with free Rosetta software.Item Персоніфікаційна класифікація Веб-ресурсів(Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009) Березко, ОлександрProposed is a new website classification based on website purpose and users activity analysis which can be used in Web content personification means such as Web personality directory, specialized wikis etc.Item Forms of Knowledge Representation in Enterprise Information Technologies(Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009) Dovgan, SvitlanaIn today's conditions of data saturation and economical globalization, decision making occurs in organizations more frequently. Effective actions rely on decisions that are both informed and knowledgeable. To remain competitive, organizations must effectively create, locate, capture, and share their knowledge and expertise. This requires application of new information technology — knowledge management.Item Впровадження програмних засобів і методів електронного документообігу в комп'ютерній лінгвістиці(Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009) Трішина, СвітланаScanning questions, recognitions, are considered in the article, translating of documents by development and introduction of programmatic facilities and methods of electronic dokumentooborota in linguistics.Item Assistive communication device for individuals with paralysis(Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009) Gupta, Akshima; Aggarwal, Ankita; Krishnan, MeethaPatients suffering from diseases like paralysis, ALS are very dependant upon attendants, even for the simplest of everyday acts. However, suitable assistive texnology can give suh individuals improved independence. The present project is very unique collection in the field of Component based assistive technology and systems. This system provides a possible new solution for a human-computer interaction system that can be used for highly disabled people. Such patients are not able to move their limb unable to speak; henceforth we have fabricated a system such that patient can communicate with the outside worl with the help of eye blinkto fulfill their basic needs. The patient can liste and understand everything. Therefore we can teach him directions for using the system. After learning the directions, he can convery a message in the form of eye flickering. The flickering of eye gives a signal to the sensor while the open eye gives no signal and for every signal there is a message at the computer screen. Whilst such a system does not represent the best interactive approach for all users in all situations, it does represent an important and useful option for individuals with movement restrictions.Item Розв'язання задачі занурення клину у рідину з вільною поверхнею за методом граничних елементів з найменшим квадратичним відхилом(Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009) Опанасенко, ВікторіяThe paper presents more stable variant of boundary element method for the hydrodynamics calculation. The advantages are proved by numerical result for different shapes of rigid contour.Item Програмні та схемотехнічні засоби моделювання роботи в мінус-двійковому середовищі(Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009) Король, Іван; Поцен, ВасильA lecture is devoted to perfection of the algorithms of operations implementation in the minus-binary system of calculation and realizaion of the received algorithms as a software product and schematic-tech solutions. Clarifications of the known numbers translation algorithms from binary and decimal systems of calculation to minus-binary and vice versa, passing to the number with a reverse sign, implementation of arithmetic operations are examined in a lecture, and the new algorithms are received for implementation of similar actions. A software product that was created owns a comfortable man-machine interface and allows, except for the receipt of eventual result of select operation implementation, to control algorithm's work on the differnt stages. Possibility of acquaintance is additionally given with the text description of the algorithm of operations implementation. The resulted options can be used in research and educational aims.Item Гама-сканер круговогу огляду з кодуючою маскою(Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009) Ярощук, ЄвгенійThe grammar-scanner of circular survey on the base of coding mask is considered. The angular resolution of the gamma-ray imaging systems with such constructive feature is determined, algorithms of the source distribution reconstruction of spectrum from direction are considered too.Item Класифікація інтернет-мемів за походженням(Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009) Куімова, ТетянаThere are a lot of cultural and linguistic phenomena appearing in the Internet, but only those that are acknowledged and transmitted through the whole language web segment may be considered intemet-memes and classified accordingly. This relatively new research topic has all the prerequisites for becoming one of the most urgent research fields in applied linguistics.Item Система автоматичної обробки даних неруйнівного контролю(Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009) Переїденко, АнтонThis report is devoted to realization the automatic data processing system of NDT measuring results using the LabVIEW 8.5 programming environment. System can be used for calculation signal data and certainty value of NDT.Item Some considerations on a Monte-Carlo method for evaluating measurement uncertainty(Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009) Novicov, VolodymyrUncertainty calculation task is discussed in the paper. Monte-Carlo method for uncertainty evaluation is covered. It is used for uncertainty evaluation of a proposed measuremered scenario. In order to validate the Monte-Carlo method, long-ran success rate estimation procedure is presented. Application of such procedure showed unexpected invalid results of uncertainty evaluation. A modification of the Monte-Carlo method is proposed that appears to deliver more valid results.Item Recognition of People by Photographs(Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009) Kazimov, Tofig Hasanaga; Mahmudova, Shafagat Jabrail qiziThe technique of the person search in base of images on its photograph is considered. On the basis of the chosen identification points of the face, distances between them are calculated Identification attributes of the face are defined on specially chosen way which differs from earlier available attributes.Item Застосування нечіткої мережі NEFCIass для оцінки кредитоспроможності постачальників банків(Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009) Циба, Т. А..; Гузнак, Г.A possible solution of problem of estimation of phisical persons' solvency with the usage of modified NEuro-Fuzzy СLASSifier(NEFCIass) that is based on the generalized architecture of fuzzy pertseptron is offered. A short description of architecture and principle of work of the original and modified NEFCIass are examined. The practical application of the system for the estimation of phisical persons' solvency and the result of this research are shown.Item Розробка інтерактивної інформаційної системи визначення імунного стану людини(Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009) Настенко, ОльгаThis paper presents the information-expert system for diagnostics and prevention of immunity system designing and development for the subsequent introduction. The method of the diagnostic is based on the method ef thermal imaging diagnostics developed by Russian immunologists on the basis of the research in acupuncturial reflexodiagnostics methods of the professor V. VograBk and M. Golovanova. System designing and development, based on this method, make accessible the prevention of the immunodeficiency to broad mass because can be introduced in any medical establishments for the preliminary estimation ef a common status ef the patient's health and recommendedfor diagnostics and prevention of the immunodeficiency at home. The further development - the design of its version for introduction on PPC, smartphones and some other.Item Нормативне забезпечення компетентності персоналу дослідних лабораторій(Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009) Сколоздра, МирославаThe human factor and his influence on quality of measuring process in testing laboratories was considering in the article. The analysis of existent normative base and methodology of accreditation of laboratories takking into account the ISO/IEC options was carried out.Item Перша сторінка до розділу “Метрологія, стандартизація та сертифікація”(Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009)Item Аналіз та опрацювання метрик оцінки якості програмного забезпечення на етапі проектування(Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009) Говорущенко, ТетянаIn article software quality and complexity valuation on the design stage, software metrics in the view of their exactness on the design stage and software capability maturity model are described Problem of metric analysis results processing was viewed The conclusions about life cycle model, acceptable for software quality evaluation on the design stage, and about quality coefficients measuring procedures on the design stage were made. Defects of known software system quality valuation techniques were specified.Item Аналіз сигналів на базі вейвлет-перетворення(Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009) Пуйда, В.Я.; Пищак, І.І.This report is considereted one of the methods of wavelet transform and benefits of it's using in digital signal processing systems. Develoed software shows the work of algorithm.Item Концепція створення єдиної магістральної транспортної мережі на базі технології IP\MPLS -Softswitch(Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009) Бугиль, БогданAppearance and introduction of new technologies in the field of telecommunications, as ever not come forward the universal decision of problems, and require considerable financial inflowings and reconstruction of network. This article examines introduction of new technologies on the base of existing.