Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Цифровий та інтернет-маркетинг: співвідношення понять
    (Видавництво Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”, 2022-03-01) Шпак, Н. О.; Грабович, І. В.; Срока, В.; Shpak, N.; Hrabovych, I.; Sroka, W.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”; Університет WSB; Йоганнесбурзький університет; Lviv Polytechnic National University; WSB University; University of Johannesburg
    Сьогодні цифровий та інтернет-маркетинг – галузі маркетингу, які найшвидше зростають. Цифрові технології трансформують організаційні та управлінські процеси, формують нові виклики та можливості для маркетологів та спонукають йти в ногу із новими тенденціями, зумовленими глобальною діджиталізацією. У статті вивчено еволюцію цифрового маркетингу через дослідження підходів до трактування категорійно-понятійного апарату; систематизовано відмінні характеристики традиційного маркетингу, інтернет-маркетингу та цифрового маркетингу. Автори підтвердили гіпотезу, що цифровий маркетинг є вищою формою еволюції інтернет-маркетингу та традиційного (класичного) маркетингу. Враховуючи різні підходи до організації маркетингової діяльності, автори систематизували основні відмінності між традиційним, цифровим та інтернет-маркетингом.
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    Model of sustainable development of the national economy of Ukraine: assessment of current state and prospects of development
    (Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2016) Kuzmin, O.; Shpak, N.; Pyrog, O.
    The article considers the research of sustainable development model of national economy of Ukraine at the modern conditions. Determine the structural changes of national economy of Ukraine at the period of 2001 – 2012. During the period from 2001 to 2012 increase of the share of economic activities of the sphere of immaterial production, while reduction of the share of economic activities of the sphere of material production. The lack of progress in the development and implementation of new technologies prevented the improvement of industrial competitiveness, which partly led to a deep structural crisis and drop in production. The share of type of economic activity in the structure of the national economy does not affect its importance for the development of national economy. The poor energy efficiency of Ukraine poses a serious threat to its economic security that results in a deformed structure of production and consumption, in the usage of old technology of production of energy and in slow implementation of energy saving technologies. For sustainable development of Ukrainian national economy at unstable modern conditions must improving public-private partnership in the field of energy efficiency are substantiated.
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    Modelling and spatial analysis of greenhouse gas emissions from fuel combustion in the industry sector in Poland
    (Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2016) Halushchak, M.; Bun, R.; Shpak, N.; Valakh, M.
    This paper describes the development of geoinformation technology for the spatial analysis of greenhouse gas emissions caused by fossil fuel combustion in the industry sector in Poland. Mathematical models and software have been elaborated, which make it possible to calculate the emissions and construct an appropriate geospatial database. The models are based on algorithms of proxy data disaggregation to the level of point- and area-type emission sources. These tools take into account the non-uniformity of anthropogenic activity and spatial distribution of emission sources. Numerical experiments were conducted and the results of spatial analysis are presented in the form of digital maps.
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    Commercialization of high-tech products: theoretical-methodological aspects
    (Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Shpak, N.; Knyaz, S.; Myroshchenko, N.; Kolomiyets, O.
    Based on theoretical knowing of modern, economic concepts of innovation, systems theory, management and information and also on the practice of their using in the management system of enterprises, in this case was proposed a new solution of scientific problems. It was the development of theoretical and methodical applied principles concerning the commercialization of high-tech products industry.
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    Sales channels selection for small industrial enterprises based on qualitative-quantitative characteristic criteria
    (Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2013) Shpak, N.; Kyrylych, T.
    In the article, the qualitative and quantitative criteria to compare and evaluate separately direct and indirect sales channels for small industrial enterprises are systemized; the diagnostics of such channels is carried out for concrete enterprise, the application of graphical radar method for comparative analysis is substantiated, the use of the radar method is improved taking into account the weight function of characteristic criteria, the mechanism of diversification of sales channels for a small industrial enterprise is proposed.
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    The role of innovative creative collectives in anticipatory management of enterprises
    (Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2013) Shpak, N.; Goryachka, O.; Adamiv, M.
    In the article the actuality of anticipatory management as an objectively necessary element of the enterprise’s management process in today’s rapidly changing and uncertain business environment is grounded. The role and functional assignment of innovative creative collectives in the implementation, forming and using the anticipatory management mechanisms at the enterprises are developed.
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    Modelling of an impact of investment maintenance on the condition of economic protectability of industrial enterprises
    (Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2013) Alekseyev, I.; Khoma, I.; Shpak, N.
    There was substantiated the necessity of im¬plementation of a modelling of an impact of investment mainte¬nance on the condition of economic protectability of industrial enterprises with the participation of estimation of cost of investments and investment projects, the mechanism of purchase and sale of securities and conclusion of option contracts that allows to rationally manage the profitability of investment programs, fully ensuring the protectability of entrepreneurship of each subject of real sector of economics.