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    Гаківниці Львівського історичного музею: питання атрибуціїі
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Верхотурова, Мар’яна
    Проаналізовано колекцію гаківниць Львівського історичного музею, час та джерела формування цієї збірки. Розглянуто історію, розвиток та поширення цього виду ручної вогнепальної зброї у XVI–XVIII ст., етапи її технічного вдосконалення; кількісний та якісний склад гаківниць Високого замку у Львові в період XV–XVI ст. Обґрунтовано шляхи та етапи формування колекції гаківниць Львівського історичного музею. In the article it is analysed the collection of the hook-bat weapon of the L’viv historical museum, the time and the sources of formation of giving collection. The formation of museum collections of the firearm is the most important element of the museologyand military history. The problems of the history of firearm and its museum collections are very important nowadays. But unfortunately, it has not been explored enough yet. The reason for it is insufficient level of the development of Weapons Science and Museum Science in our country. Anyway, we can surely affirm that the group of professional researchers in these field of science has been definitely formed. They are: O. Malchenko, D. Toichkin, B. Melnyk. These people are constantly contributing to their development. XІV century can be named as the century of radical changes in the military world of that time. It caused the invention of firearm which fired with gun powder. XV–XVI centuries are considered to be the period of increasing development of firearm, particularly the hand weapon. Thanks tocollectible colls that had been forming since firearm times, historians have the chance to observe the appearance and approving of its principal types.Unfortunately, the questions nascency of the history of museum collections is still remainingunsatisfactory. Deep analysis of this science subject is impossible without clarifying of appearing and developing conditions of this weaponry types. This research is the first attempt to give an historical essay on the formation of the museum weapon collections in L’viv on the example of hook-bat weapon collection of L’viv historical museum. In this article it is described the development and spread of this very type of the firearm of the XІV–XVIII centuries in Ukraine, Europe and all over the world; the stages of its technical improvement; quantitativeandqualitativecontent of hook-bat weapon Of High Castle in L’viv in the period of XV–XVI centuries. Hook-bat weapon were in service also in powerfulc os sackarmy hook-bat weapon is the type of firearm that had passed long-term period of the evolution. In this article it is examined in details every pattern of hook-bat weapon collection of L’viv historical museum. In the colls it is represented the weapon of the XVI –XVIІІ centuries. Thanks to the time gap of the examples of the hook-bat weapon It can be observed technical improvement of gun makinggenerally during this period. It is justified the conclusion about the ways and stages of the formation hook-bat weapon Collection of L’viv historical museum. Taking all the facts into account, we can assume that the collection of hook bat weapon of Lviv historical museum was formed in the first part of XX century. It was formed thanks to receiving of the articles for the fund of Lviv historical museum from the fund of the Museum named after Jan III, the museum named after Ljubomyrskyy, and from the funds of other regional museums. The main perspectives of this research are to find out the exact origin of all of all the hook-bat weapon of Lviv historical museum’s collection.