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    Собор Софії в Константинополі та формування традиції церковного будівництва Руси-України
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019-03-20) Диба, Ю. Р.; Dyba, Y.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    Автор звертає увагу на самобутній планувальний тип тридільних українських дерев’яних церков. Особливість храмів цього типу проявляється у тому, що західний та східний компартименти, приєднані до центрального зрубу, мають у плані гранчасту форму. Церкви такого планувального типу можна назвати двоапсидними. Зазвичай вважають, що багатогранні зруби з’являються унаслідок впливу бароко. Проте двоапсидний тип репрезентують найстарші дерев’яні храми. Автор доводить, що появу цих храмів слід пов’язати зі взоруванням на собор святої Софії у Константинополі – один із найшанованіших християнських храмів східної традиції.
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    Категорії біле та чорне в теорії та практиці архітектурної композиції
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Демків, М. В.; Черняєва, В. М.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
    Формулюється поняття “категорій білого та чорного” в архітектурі, виділяються композиційні схеми на основі проведеного аналізу колористики архітектурних об’єктів минулого і сьогодення. Розглядається специфіка формотворення композиційних схем білого та чорного. Особливу увагу приділено архітектурним об’єктам кінця ХХ – початку ХХІ ст. та відзначено композиційні особливості білого та чорного в них. Due to their special semantic richness, psychological, philosophical, cultural, ethical and aesthetic significance white and black have been actively used in everyday life and art for many ages. Since “white” is an achromatic color that reflects the maximum amount of light, and “black” is an achromatic color that absorbs the maximum amount of light, they are extreme expressions of the same, and both are identical. In architectural compositions they are represented by categories of white on white, black on black, white on black, and black on white. There is one more category present in practice, where white equals black - the category of white and black. We can say that in the architecture of ancient cultures and civilizations white and black could be frequently found in the wall paintings, specific architectural details could be highlighted with these colors on the facades of houses. They were presented by regular stonework on the facades of churches in the Middle Ages. In the epoch of Renaissance, a common architectural technique was a breaking a light plane with contrasting dark stripes, which compiled a geometric pattern of squares, diamonds, lines, frames, rings (Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, San Miniato al Monte, the Baptistery of Saint John in Florence, the Chapel of San Galgano in Monte Siena, Sardinia churches and temples in Tuscany). Under the influence of avant-garde art in the twentieth century white and black are becoming the expression of modernity, the integral parts of compositions in certain areas of architecture, such as minimalism, cubism, high-tech, op-art, conceptualism, they act as accents and dominants in the architectural environment of many cities. They could also be found in functionalism, constructivism and suprematism, since they best express simple spatial patterns and shapes, reveal the silhouette and volume of the building, set orientation in space. Shapes of black and white categories are presented in architecture by compositional schemes. The basic geometric shapes that form these compositional schemes are square, triangle, circle and line. Both main and derivative shapes can make the basis of compositional scheme in architectural practice. Moreover, various operations are carried out with the main shape, thus its transformation into derivative one takes place. These operations include: assimilation with another shape, change of plastics, change of proportions, change of twist, change of rhythm, transfer to the grid structure, intersection, comparison, deformation and overlaying. What is more, each shape undergoes not one, but several operations. If we consider the derivative compositional schemes, where a shape-building element is “square”, the basic operations in their creation can be assimilation, transfer to the grid structure and comparison. The rest of the compositional schemes are formed on the basis of their transformation. The most common operations on changing the basic shape of “circle” is assimilation to the line and square, transfer to the grid structure, comparison and conversion. Compositional schemes based on triangle are formed as the result of operations on assimilation to the square and the line, deformation, change of proportions and rhythms, transfer to the grid structure, and comparison. For transformation of the “line” the compositional schemes frequently use such operations as change of direction, plastics, thickness, grid structure formation, change of rhythm. With different ratio of categories of white and black in the compositions of architecture one can generate different perceptions, sense of architecture, which is one of the main tasks of an architect. Using such techniques, without resorting to the unique three-dimensional and constructive solutions, we can distinguish architectural objects from the crowd, create spatial landmarks and harmonize urban environment, make it integral, introduce statics and dynamism, optical illusions able to capture the attention, give an extraordinary, vivid, emotionally-saturated image to the building. One compositional scheme with the use of the defined categories of white and black allows achieving different images of the building. The issue of this relation remains open; its studying will make it possible to show new sides of the white and black categories in the architectural image making.
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    Періоди формування архітектури пасажирських споруд залізниць Закарпаття
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Рочняк, Ю. А.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
    Досліджуються найхарактерніші архітектурно-пластичні ознаки пасажирських споруд залізниць Закарпаття за основними історичними періодами їхнього формування. The article is concentrated on the most characteristic and primarily exterior architectural and compositional features of station buildings and passenger buildings of Transcarpathian railways according to the main historical periods of their formation. 1. The main historical periods of formation of Transcarpathian passenger buildings architecture, which were reflected in their composition, are determined in this article. Mostly, the periods correspond to state and political formations within this territory: Initial (1872–1914), Interwar (1919/1920–1938), Postwar (1945–1970), New (1970–2000) and Contemporary (from 2000). Wars and changes in the political formations could not be regarded as the positive factor for construction of railway station buildings (1914–1920, 1938–1945, 1991). 2. It was determined that Initial and Post-war periods were characterized by symmetrical composition of the main building, the image of these building matches other civil buildings of that time, facade finish, as well as the whole composition and corresponds to examples of classical buildings. Generic character and unification are confirmed by repeatedness of the use of such architecture in other territories of countries, to which Transcarpathia belonged at that time. This reflects the contemporary views of monarchical Austro-Hungarian (station buildings Batiovo, Berehovo, Bilyn, Lazeshtchyna, Vynohradiv, Vovtchyj, Zan’ka) totalitarian Soviet (Chop, Korolevo, Kosyny, Mukatchevo, Peretchyn, Svalava, Volovets,) centralistic patterns of life and thought. 3. The Interwar Period, when Carpathian Ruthenia belonged to Czechoslovakia (Irshava, Khust), and New Period (Velykyi Bereznyi, new building in Chop) demonstrate some liberty in formation of railway station buildings – no strict symmetry of form, laconism, no or limited number of decorations bring them Lviv Polytechnic National University Institutional Repository http://ena.lp.edu.ua 60 closer to rationalistic architecture. This is more common for residential and utilitarian construction and helps to perceive openness for the user and corresponds to the ideas of democratic communities. 4. The Contemporary Period shows polarity of approaches to architecture of passenger buildings of railway: on the one hand, this is the active visualization of facades, use of decorations, design of interiors that is close to idea of affirmation and pomposity (Uzhhorod, partially Rakhiv), and on the other hand, creating unpretentious canopies over the benches on the platforms (passenger buildings Svydovets, Uzhok). They are implemented by simple technological means, sometimes not very professionally, but as intended for users from remote areas. 5. Transcarpathia is characteristic of small passenger buildings at train stops of asymmetrical composition; some contain distinct arch motifs accompanied with half-open spaces or galleries. They differ in approach: from one-style with a large architectural complex (a stop Karpaty near health resort, the former palace of duke Schönborn near Svalava) to those made due to the typical design and replicated. Those buildings were erected in different periods, apart from the last one (Dobrosilla (it was destroyed 2012), Nevytske, Sil, Tsehlivka, Vorotchevo etc.). 6. By taking to account that the condition of Transcarpathia railway station buildings is satisfactory, there is the lack of quality in nowadays railway platforms of this region — their length and height rarely correspond to the length and height of the wagons, they are often narrow, are not fenced, don’t have easy access to sidewalks, as well as the ramps for wheelchairs and bicycles; coating, marking and labeling do not meet modern understanding; technical condition is average. Railway platforms of Uzhhorod station building and partly the Chop railway building are equipped with underground access, canopies, visual information system and in such a way they are getting close to modern safety requirements and the needs for passengers. On the one hand the small historical passenger building Dobrosilla (Bene) was destroyed and at another hand the new magnificent station building in Uzhhorod was constructed. With the course of time, a series of Transcarpathian station buildings were supplemented with new additions and underwent reconstruction that makes their dating more complicated and requires further research. The study shows temporal, typological and compositional diversity of passenger stations of Transcarpathian railway. They accompany us in the present and represent important architectural and economic achievements. Most of them require preservation, research and modernization as monuments.
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    Творча спадщина архітекторів родини Консулових
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Бірюльов, Ю. О.; Черкес, Б. С.
    Розглянено життєвий і творчий шлях львівських архітекторів Анатолія, Музи і Наталії Консулових. Проаналізовано їх архітектурні, дизайнерські та графічні твори, виокремлено формально-стильові прийоми. Article covers life path and art career of lviv architectors Anatoly, Muza and Natalia Konsulovs. Their architectural, design and graphical works are analyzed, formal style methods are selected.