Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Formation of readiness of future marine engineers for intercultural communication using game simulation technology
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2016-09-12) Slyusarenko, Nina; Soter, Mariya; Kherson State University
    The article is dedicated to the problem of formation of future marine engineers’ readiness for intercultural communication. The purpose of the article is defined as analysis of the formation of readiness of the future marine engineers for intercultural communication by means of game simulation technology. The authors analyze the of scientific and pedagogical literature highlighting different aspects of the problem under research, define the main terms and notions, and focus on pedagogical technologies, contributing to the formation of future marine engineers’ readiness for intercultural communication. The issue of readiness for intercultural communication of the future marine engineers is dealt with in the works of such researchers as F. Batsevych, H. Devyatova, V. Yeromina, A. Kozak, O. Krychkivska, N. Paperna, A. Sadokhin, M. Safina, A. Solodka, M. Sokolova, L. Yusupova. The simulation game technologies have been presented as the mean of developing students’ instrumental motivation to learn a foreign language in general, as well as to develop skills of intercultural communication. The authors analyze different types of games used in the educational process (business, role-plays, didactic, simulation games etc.), as well as the components included in the structure of the game activity (motivating, orientating, executive, monitoring, and evaluating.
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    Problems of intercultural communication in temporary project teams in Ukraine
    (Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Chukhray, N.; Gawrys, J.
    The paper deals with the problems of managing intercultural communication in implementing temporary complex projects. The essence and tasks of communication in difficult temporary project teams are explained. The author describes the main peculiarities of intercultural communication in Ukraine and CIS countries. The problems in managing intercultural communication in implementing temporary complex projects are given on the example of designing and constructioning of the Lviv stadium "Arena Lviv".
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    Підготовка фахівців міжнародного туризму до міжкультурного спілкування
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Баглай, Оксана
    В статье представлены результаты экспериментального исследования. Доказано, что применение авторского комплекса учебно-методических материалов позволит повысить уровень готовности будущих специалистов международного туризма к межкультурному общению. Установлена связь между межкультурной компетентностью и изучением иностранного языка, а также обоснованно потенциальную возможность повышения уровня межкультурного общения средствами иностранного языка. The article formulates the hypothesis of the experimental investigation and proves that the application of author’s teaching materials complex in comparison with the usual one improves the readiness level of future international tourism specialists to intercultural communication.