Метод згладжування вхідного навантаження на cервер on-line тарифікації
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Запропоновано метод згладжування вхідного потоку заявок на сервер тарифікації, що враховує вимоги до ресурсів кожного з етапів обслуговування заявок, що дасть змогу рівномірно навантажити ресурси системи протягом часу обслуговування заявки. Charging users for a server operator billing involves performing a number of operations. Each service provided by the operator or service provider customers, charged at a separate scheme, as the bottleneck in the process of providing services are bilingual system. Operation performed is limited. In case of exceeding its application is considered lost and the user is notified of the inability to obtain services. In this situation, the operator has monetary losses. In systematic failures in service deteriorates reputation. Therefore, it is important to
make a control input streams so as to reduce the possibility of exceeding the service time of the
user’s requests. The process of managing incoming applications to the server should consider
charging the features of charging large companies:
• charging process involves a sequence of standard operations, speed and resources for
the implementation of which depends on the type of service that serviced
• a variety of services that are billed differently,
• extremely high number of requests for billing,
• irregularity of the input stream, applications received according to Poisson.
Scheme smoothing the input load is a set of values of the maximum number of requests (the
sequence {ki}), arriving at the input of the system in a short time interval in a given sequence.
Number of elements in a sequence of n is chosen so that the equation was carried out ,
where t - the average time of the system. It’s necessary to choose a sequence {ki} to satisfy conditions:
1. Applications that are both served by the system must use the volume V of resources
close to the total maximum number of resource Vmax. Dispersion sequences such amounts
shall be minimized.
2. Dispersion elements of the sequence {ki} should be minimal.
The method of solution of choice sequence {ki} by using genetic algorithm. When using
the proposed scheme smoothing the input load is provided by the maximum allowable flow
uniformity requests. Since overlooked the sequence of operations performed on the application
server to the mobile operator, the amount of resource that is required for these operations.
Selected sequence of maximum permissible values of number of applications coming into the
system in a short period of time.
система керування потоками, ресурси сервера, процес обслуговування, система тарифікації, flow management system, server’s resources, service processing, charging system
Скулиш М. А. Метод згладжування вхідного навантаження на cервер on-line тарифікації / М. А. Скулиш // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". – 2014. – № 796 : Радіоелектроніка та телекомунікації. – С. 97-103. – Бібліографія: 3 назви.