The concept of environmental safety of Vinnytsia region in the waste management sphere

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Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University


The aim of the research is to collect the information and analyze integrated systems of municipal solid waste (MSW) management and treatment in Vinnytsia region for its further optimization. The state of landfills and waste dump sites in Vinnytsia region, existing MSW collection system (container availability) and waste transportation system (availability and frequency of transportation) in all districts of Vinnytsia region, legal framework in the field of solid waste management, the state of public awareness and public opinion on MSW management in Vinnytsia region are analyzed; recommendations for environmental safety of Vinnytsia region in the waste management sphere are given.



The concept of environmental safety of Vinnytsia region in the waste management sphere / Roman Petruk, Vasyl Petruk, Vitalii Ishchenko, Sergey Kvaterniuk // Environmental problems. – 2016. – Volume 1, number 1. – P. 39–43. – Bibliography: 11 titles.



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