The role of methodological work in forming vocational education teachers’ readiness to train future professionally mobile qualified workers


The article deals with the issues of forming vocational education teachers’ readiness to train future professionally mobile qualified workers and the role of methodological work in this process. It is examined that modern vocational education teachers require the deeper knowledge of nature and meaning of the professional mobility, they would like to know how to forecast their personal and professional development and their students’ personal development and professional level. The main aim of the leading principles and approaches and the task of methodological work are defined. The authors consider that methodological work is a relatively integral, open dynamic system, whose functioning is directed into increasing pedagogical mastery of lecturers, masters of vocational training, improving their competence to generalize experience, procedures of viable organization and approaches to job training process, development of their initiative that allow them to successfully resolve the task concerning the preparation of professionally mobile qualified workers who are competitive in the labour market. The study confirms that it is worth observing the content of methodological work to provide conditions for vocational education teacher’s personality development, who would be ready to form professionally mobile qualified worker; teachers should have developed a social perception (human perceiving by humans) and emotional reactivity, behavioural flexibility, self-respect and respect to students. It is affirmed that in a system of methodological work it is desirable to use traditional and non-traditional forms of methodological work organization, active teachers’ study methods and innovative approaches to increase their psychological competence.



vocational education, professional mobility, methodological work, masters of vocational training, pedagogical mastery, professional competence, vocational education institution, vocational education teacher, vocational training and mobile qualified worker


Sushentseva L. The role of methodological work in forming vocational education teachers’ readiness to train future professionally mobile qualified workers / Lilia Sushentseva, Oryslava Bilyk // Ukrainian Journal of Educational Research. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017. — Vol 2. — No 1. — P. 61–66.



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