Consideration of the software tests quality evaluation problem


Software testing problems were considered. Tests quality estimation approaches were determined and justified. There are performance, coverage and implementation factors, which can be used for comprehensive evaluation. Performance approach can be used to estimate testing effectiveness in action by proportions of fixed and not fixed bugs. Coverage approach means volume of fully tested requirements and code structures. Implementation characteristics can be used to evaluate tests as software code. Software tests quality indicators were selected for each of these factors and can be used for assessment. Multicriterion evaluation problems were considered. ПАКС ("Последовательное агрегирование классифицируемых состояний") method was proposed as decision of quality assessment problems.



Assessment, Testing, Tests, Software, Indicator, Quality


Liutenko I. Consideration of the software tests quality evaluation problem / Iryna Liutenko, Oleksiy Kurasov // Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 2 : Proceedings of the 3nd International conference, COLINS 2019. Workshop, Kharkiv, Ukraine, April 18-19, 2019. — P. 62–65. — (Student section).



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