System approach to the assessment of anthropogenic impact on marine ecosystems during oil production activities


The system of quality categories, integrated and single indicators was created for the marine ecosystem under the impact of oil production. On the basis of the integral differential approach, a significant and moderate degree of influence has been substantiated for the stages of drilling the well and extracting oil, as well as an insignificant impact for seismic exploration and decommissioning.



shelf fields, marine biota, biodegradation, bioaccumulation, oil pollution, quality indicators


System approach to the assessment of anthropogenic impact on marine ecosystems during oil production activities / Leonid Plyatsuk, Iryna Ablieieva, Sabina Gabbasova, Alua Mamutova // Environmental problems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — Vol 3. — No 3. — P. 157–166.



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