Bearing estimation of a source with complicated spectrum using a moving sparse antenna array
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Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"
Estimation of bearing of a narrowband source with the use of a sparse equidistant array usually turns out to be ambiguous. For a wideband source with smooth spectrum, this ambiguity can be overcome at the expense of decreasing the spatial resolution. At the same time, the ambiguity of bearing estimate of a narrowband source can be eliminated if the array is moving in respect to the source, and the well-known technique used in radars and sonars with synthetic aperture is used (in this case, a single receiver is enough). In the present paper, a scenario is analyzed when the source spectrum has a smooth wideband component and several narrowband components; such a spectrum is typical, for example, for underwater noise of ships. It is shown that a procedure of aperture synthesis applied to such a signal gives, under some conditions, the same result as conventional beamforming using a motionless array. This fact allows for effective separation of discrete components of the spectrum from its continuous part. Estimates of aperture synthesis duration allowing one to perform such a separation, as well as output signal-to-noise ratios, are presented.
аcoustic array systems and processing, aperture synthesis and source localization, sparse antenna array
Korotin P. I. Bearing estimation of a source with complicated spectrum using a moving sparse antenna array / P. I. Korotin, A. A. Rodionov, V. I. Turchin // Теорія та техніка антен : матеріали 7-ої Міжнародної конференції, 9–12 червня 2009 року, Львів, Україна. – Львів : Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009. – C. 151–153. – Bibliography: 3 titles.