Implementation of the Removing Homonymy by Collocation System


This article describes implementation of the removing homonymy by collocation system method in Ukrainian language, which can be implemented on Python programming language. It also includes the relevance of removing homonymy phenomenon and difficulties associated with it. A study of various methods of removing homonymy was carried out and conclusions are mentioned in this work. In article there is an algorithm of the removing of homonymy, particularly homoforms, by collocation system method.



Homonymy, methods of removing homonymy, collocations, corpora


Khluieva A. Implementation of the Removing Homonymy by Collocation System / Anastasiia Khluieva, Zoia Kochuieva, Natalia Borysova // Computational linguistics and intelligent systems, 22-23 April 2021, Kharkiv. — Lviv ; Kharkiv, 2021. — Vol Vol. II : Proceedings of the 5th International conference, COLINS 2021, Workshop, Kharkiv, Ukraine, April 22-23. — P. 105–107.



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