Environmental Problems. – 2022. – Vol. 7, No. 4

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Засновник і видавець Національний університет «Львівська політехніка». Виходить двічі на рік з 2016 року.

Environmental Problems = Екологічні проблеми : [науковий журнал] / Lviv Polytechnic National University ; [editor-in-chief M. Malovanyy]. – Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2022. – Volume 7, number 4. – P. 163–233 : ill.



Content (Vol. 7, No 4)



Search Results

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    Bioecological assessment of the state of the adventitious fraction of the dendroflora of recreational and park landscapes (Dnipro)
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-03-01) Shamray, Marina; Didur, Oleh; Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
    The state of seed self-regeneration of woody plants of Kyrylivka Park (Dnipro, Ukraine) in areas with a strong, moderate and non-existent level of recreational load was studied. Floristic methods (estimates of species richness, determination of floristic community and homogeneity), methods of ecological analysis of vegetation, physico-chemical methods of soil analysis, statistical methods are applied. It was established for the first time that in Kyrylivka Park, artificial stands are capable of forming a sufficient amount of viable undergrowth of autochthonous (53.5 %) and introduced (46.5 %) species. The amount of tree growth of adventitious plants in the areas according to the level of recreational load is distributed as follows: with no load – 32.2 % of the number of self-regenerating trees, with moderate – 41.3 %, with strong – 89.7 %. The indices of species richness of Margalef and Menkhinik of self-regenerating tree species for the site with a strong recreational load turned out to be the largest (at the expense of adventitious species) compared to the sites with a moderate recreational load and without it. The calculated Koch index of biotic dispersion (40.0 %) indicates a certain process of floristic homogenization of the tree stand in the investigated territory of the park. The correlation coefficients between the number of self-restored allochthonous and autochthonous tree species for the studied areas with strong, moderate and absent recreational loads are significant (0.90, 0.92 and 0.88 respectively). The need to analyze and forecast the possible remote consequences of the introduction of alien species in the composition of the dendroflora is emphasized.
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    Disposal of used forming mixtures from foundries of machine-building plants in the production of perforated material
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-03-01) Malovanyy, Myroslav; Ilyash, Oksana; Povzun, Oleksiy; Bylym, Ludmyla; Osinniy, Nikita; Lviv Polytechnic National University; National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”; Donetsk National Technical University
    The waste of foundries of machine-building plants - spent moulding mixtures was studied. The expediency of using spent mixtures of foundry production as a siliceous component of foam concrete mixtures has been proven. The spent mixtures were studied for their foaming ability. The foam properties are determined. The effect of concrete mixture components on the pore-forming ability of foam agents was investigated. Of the six foaming agents studied in the work, saponified tree resin was found to be the most effective. The technological parameters for the preparation of aerated concrete mixture have been developed. The average density of foam concrete in the dry state and its limit of compressive strength were used as criteria for resource evaluation of used moulding mixtures of foundry production. Foam concrete products of non-autoclave hardening with an average density of not less than 900 kg/ m3 and a compressive strength of not less than 4.5 MPa were obtained.
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    Current challenges in environmental education: case study of human-induced landscapes dynamics
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-03-01) Dudar, Tamara; Saienko, Tetiana; Matvieieva, Iryna; Hroza, Valentyna; Karpenko, Tetiana; Kozlova, Anna; Radomska, Marharyta; Savytskyi, Volodymyr; Yavniuk, Andrian; National Aviation University
    The purpose of the article is to present the research results on the landscape changes dynamics in the frame of the Educational and Professional Program “Ecology and Environmental Protection” developed at the Department of Environmental Sciences at National Aviation University. The noosphere paradigm as the most integral bio-adequate basis of the interaction between the society and ambient environment under conditions of present-day challenges is highlighted. The advantages of education in English are emphasized in terms of the abundance of primary educational sources to tackle environmental challenges especially connected with the warfare activities in the country. Digital technologies and remote sensing development within the framework of the educational and professional program provide students, in particular, with the opportunity to perform landscape changes assessment due to long-term anthropogenic stress. The example of the border region landscapes of the Novgorod-Siverskyi Polissia is considered.
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    Environmental indicators for assessing the state of the rural territorial community in the context of sustainable development
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-03-01) Pustova, Svitlana; Bogoliubov, Volodymyr; National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
    The article discusses the essence and concept of sustainable development, the results of the agro-ecological assessment of the given territorial community lands, and determines the indicators of the goals of sustainable development that can be used in the local territories. The author has worked on scientific materials in Ukrainian and international professional publications and outlined the prospects for further scientific research in this direction. The general scientific, ecological, sociological, and mathematical research methods are used in the work. A brief analysis of indicator systems for forecasting the state of the environment is provided using the example of the settlement of Velyka Snitynka. It was established that the excess content of heavy metals in the soil is mainly related to the incorrect use of mineral fertilizers. It has been investigated that the assessment of the ecological state of water bodies in rural areas is an important indicator for the development of a strategy for sustainable development: the main contribution to water pollution is made by anthropogenic sources, in particular, the livestock complex and domestic manure storages and dumps. It was determined that the air quality index is a relevant indicator: exceeding the average daily concentration of fine dust indicates the need to develop programs for local monitoring of the atmospheric air.
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    Statics of adsorption of anionic surfactants
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-03-01) Sabadash, Vira; Konovalov, Oleh; Nowik-Zając, Anna; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Academy of Jan Dlugosz in Czestochow
    The paper presents the results of the study of the statics of adsorption of surface-active substances from model solutions by activated carbon and zeolite. The results of photometric determination of the concentration of anionic surfactants before and after adsorption are presented. The results of adsorption capacity calculations are presented. The experimental results using the program (Langmuir 1.03) were numerically calculated. Sorption isotherms of sodium dodecyl sulfate indicate the mechanism of monomolecular physical adsorption. A good convergence of experimental data and theoretical calculations were established, the coefficient of determination R2>0.9, the value of the Chebyshev criterion 9·10-4... 2·10-4, and the root mean square deviation equal to 0 were established.
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    Residents’ Narratives of Environmental Quality in Metropolitan Lagos, Nigeria
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-03-01) Mobolaji, David; Daramola, Oluwole; Olowoporoku, Oluwaseun; Obafemi Awolowo University
    This study narrates environmental quality of residential areas in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria with a view to evolving policy response for planning and development of livable environment and others with similar characteristics. This narration is in terms of the environmental characteristics of the residential areas, the level of importance that the residents attached to the environmental characteristics and the level of satisfaction that they derived from them. The study made use of data collected from three hundred and twenty-one (321) residents systematically sampled across the three residential density areas (high-density, medium-density and low-density) of Lagos Metropolis. Data analysis was done using crosstabulations and analysis of variance. Findings revealed that environmental quality in the metropolis was at the low ebb, especially in high and medium density areas. Residents attached high level of importance to environmental characteristics of the study area but derived low level of satisfaction from the environmental characteristics. Based on the study, it was recommended that there is need to put in place a workable legal framework to boost the condition of environment across the residential density areas of the metropolis. Also, through public enlightenments, and awareness, residents should ensure judicious use of the environmental amenities and be environmentally-friendly in their utilization.
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    Heavy metals concentration in the water of human-made objects
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-03-01) Sukhodolska, Iryna; Krupko, Halyna; Portukhay, Oksana; Basaraba, Ilona; Kostiuk, Kateryna; Rivne State University for the Humanities; Rivne branch office of State Institution “Soils Protection Institute of Ukraine”; University of Hohenheim
    The study concerns with the changes of heavy metals concentration in the water of human-made objects (ponds and canals of drainage system). It has been revealed the exceeding of maximum permissible norm of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd in the ponds, and the exceeding of maximum permissible norm of Pb and Cd in the canals of drainage system during the continuous time that certifies their permanent getting in the soils and waters from point and diffuse sources. The paper analyzes basic sources of heavy metals getting in the waters and their positive and negative impact on the biota. In order to increase ecological value of water objects and resources of agricultural lands it has been offered to use fertilizers and pesticides in a rational way, move to electric car use gradually, arrange landfills in a proper way, standardize algicidal fertilization, use fish fauna representatives to regulate number and algae biomass, equip the bioplateau and implement phytoremediation technologies with the aim to remove heavy metals from the soils and waters.
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    Investigation of deportment of chalcophilic heavy metals in the waste rock of central coal enrichment plant “Chervonohradska” for the purposes of environmental safety of Lviv-Volyn coal basin
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-03-01) Kochmar, Iryna; Karabyn, Vasyl; Lviv State University of Life Safety
    Mining areas are centres of increased environmental danger. This is due to the development and operation of mines and subsequent beneficiation of coal, as well as the storage of significant volumes of empty waste rock in landfills. An important component of ensuring environmental safety is the investigation of the factors and ways of the impact of rock dumps on the state of the environment. In this regard, the article examines the forms of heavy metals found in the rock of the waste heap of the central coal enrichment plant “Chervonohradska” of the Lviv-Volyn coal basin. The environmental hazard factors caused by the distribution of various forms of lead, cadmium, zinc, and copper, based on establishing the migration capabilities of these elements in the technogenesis zone, are analyzed. It was determined that the gross content of lead reaches 16.32 mg/kg, cadmium – 5.84 mg/kg (exceeding clarke up to 29.2 times in siliceous siltstone and siltstone), zinc – 421 mg/kg (exceeding clarke up to 5.26 times in sandstone, siltstone and siliceous siltstone), copper – 112.89 mg/kg (exceeding clarke by 2 times in siltstone). The concentration coefficients of heavy metals in the samples were determined in relation to the gross form. The results of the research give a reason to evaluate the rocks of the waste dump in terms of the distribution of various forms of Pb, Cd, Zn and Cu as dangerous for the environment and unsuitable for use because in all the samples an excess content was observed in one form or another.
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    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-03-01)
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    The study of properties of soda production wastes as anti-icing reagents
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-03-01) Suvorin, Oleksandr; Kravchenko, Inna; Ozheredova, Maryna; Zubtsov, Yevhen; Píštěk, Václav; Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
    The article considers the possibility of reducing the man-made load on surface and ground waters in Lysychansk- Severodonetsk industrial agglomeration caused by numerous sludge collectors and tailings storage facilities of various industries formed many decades ago. The paper provides information on the location and technical condition of the sludge collectors of the liquidated “LYSSODA” manufacture (Luhansk oblast), the amount of waste currently stored in them as well as the impact of these wastes on the quality of groundwater in the area where the sludge collectors are located. The work shows one of several possible options for using such wastes as a valuable secondary mineral raw material for obtaining a marketable product. The averaged data on the chemical composition of the solid phase of sludge and indicators of the liquid phase composition are given. According to the results of the analysis of scientific and technical information, it has been found that such wastes can ultimately be used for the production of anti-icing reagents. The obtained results of research on the dependence of the freezing point of working solutions on the concentration of salts, including the added corrosion inhibitors (triethanolamine, hexamethylenetetramine), indicate the feasibility of using soda ash production waste to obtain effective liquid anti-icing reagents without a mechanical component, while the optimal amount of added corrosion inhibitors is 0.5 % wt. Such reagents can be used both undiluted at temperatures up to minus 20 °C and strengthened to 15–20 % wt. by calcium chloride at temperatures up to minus 40 °C with consumption on highways at the level of about 100 g/m2 of the treated surface.