Modeling the influence of the shape of the local heat flow intensity distribution on the surface of a semi-infinite body on the stress state in the vicinity of a subsurface crack
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
A mathematical model to determine the two-dimensional thermoelastic
state in a semi-infinite solid weakened by an internal crack under conditions of local heating is
examined. Heat flux due to frictional heating on the local area of the body causes changes in
temperature and stresses in the body, which significantly affects its strength, as it can lead to crack
growth and local destruction. Therefore, the study of the problem of frictional heat is of practical
interest. This paper proposes to investigate the stress-deformed state in the vicinity of the crack tip,
depending on the crack placement.
The methods for studying the two-dimensional thermoelastic state of a body with
cracks as stress concentrators are based on the method of complex variable function. Reducing the
problem of stationary heat conduction and thermoelasticity to singular integral equations (SIE) of the
first kind, the numerical solution by the method of mechanical quadrature was obtained.
In this paper, we present graphical dependencies of stress intensity factors (SIF) at
the crack tip on the angle orientation of the crack as well as forms of the intensity distribution of the
local heat flux. The obtained results will be used later to determine the critical value of the intensity
of the local heat flux from equations of limit equilibrium at which crack growth and the local
destruction of the body occur.
The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the solutions to two-dimensional problems
of heat conduction and thermoelasticity for a half-plane containing a crack due to local heating by a
heat flux were obtained. This would make it possible to obtain a comparative analysis of the intensity
of thermal stresses around the top of the crack, depending on the form of distribution of the intensity
of the heat flow on the surface of the body.
The practical value is the ability to extend our knowledge of the real situation
in the thermoelastic elements of engineering structures with the crack that operate under conditions of
heat stress (frictional heat) in various industries, particularly in mechanical engineering. The results
of specific values of SIF at the crack tip in graphs may be useful in the development of sustainable
modes of structural elements in terms of preventing the growth of cracks.
Zelenyak V. Modeling the influence of the shape of the local heat flow intensity distribution on the surface of a semi-infinite body on the stress state in the vicinity of a subsurface crack / Volodymyr Zelenyak, Liubov Kolyasa, Myroslava Klapchuk // Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2023. — Vol 9. — No 1. — P. 44–52.