Comparative characteristics and selection of speed bearings
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
The characteristics of bearing supports have been considered. Improving the
efficiency of mechanical processing, the quality of operation of mechanisms that use sliding bearing
supports, and ensuring stable operation are always important tasks. Solving these tasks contributes to
reducing labor costs, reducing operating costs, and increasing the productivity of individual
operations. The following main criteria are proposed for the selection of supports: the magnitude of
the loads that supports can withstand; the range of allowable shaft rotation frequencies; accuracy in
maintaining the position of the axis of shaft rotation; stability of shaft rotation (possibility of autooscillations
and undesirable transient processes); energy costs and economic indicators of
manufacturing and operation; vibroacoustic characteristics (noise level, sound level).
The study of the movement of the working body that separates the friction pairs in the bearing
is based on two fundamental laws of hydrodynamic lubrication theory: the law of mass conservation
and the law ofmomentumconservation.Mathematicalmodels of supports with fluid lubrication, based
on the Navier-Stokes equations, were used. The requirements for bearing supports are formulated on
the basis of the tasks solved by the entire mechanism. The flow parameters of the working body affect
the load-bearing capacity of radial bearings, and the proposed evaluation dependencies can also be
used for tapered supports. The calculation results indicate a significant influence of the flow
parameters of the working body on the expansion of the areas of rarefaction and the range of their
values, as well as on the reduction of the area and range of increased pressures. It has been established
that with small shaft eccentricities rotating at speeds of 60–70 m/s and with a radial clearance of
80 μm, the increase in load capacity can reach 20 %. An important qualitative feature has been
identified: with an increase in the Reynolds number Re*, the load capacity of the bearing increases.
The greatest intensity of changes in load capacity due to the influence of flow parameters of the
working body is observed at a relative eccentricity of e = 0.2–0.4. The terms in the Navier-Stokes
equation that take into account the parameters of the working fluid flow can have values that are
comparable to other terms, so ignoring them is not always permissible.
Vishtak I. Comparative characteristics and selection of speed bearings / Inna Vishtak, Valeriy Savulyak // Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2023. — Vol 9. — No 2. — P. 12–25.