Динамічне кодування трансформант відеозображень з уточненням системи основ

dc.citation.journalTitleІнфокомунікаційні технології та електронна інженерія
dc.contributor.affiliationХарківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна
dc.contributor.affiliationХарківський національний університет радіоелектроніки
dc.contributor.affiliationV. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
dc.contributor.affiliationKharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
dc.contributor.authorБараннік, В.
dc.contributor.authorШульгін, С.
dc.contributor.authorБараннік, Д.
dc.contributor.authorОнищенко, Р.
dc.contributor.authorBarannik, V.
dc.contributor.authorShulgin, S.
dc.contributor.authorBarannik, D.
dc.contributor.authorOnyshchenko, R.
dc.description.abstractВ цій статті створюється метод динамічного кодування послідовності відеосегментів на основі адаптивного оновлення системи основ структурно-позиційного базису. В цьому випадку обробка частини компонент проводиться за один прохід. Показано, що потрібно врахувати нові закономірност, які притаманні послідовності трансформованих сегментів. Стверджується, що усунення структурної надмірності створює умови для додаткового зменьшення бітового об’єму. Обгрунтовано те, що збільшення обсягу цифрового подання стисненого відеозображення на величину рівну кількості розрядів, яке витрачається на матрицю маркерів компенсується зменшенням кількості розрядів на подання коду та скороченням кількості основ, що використовуються для його формування. Практична значимість полягає в тому, що створена технологія щодо методу, який реалізовано у форматах сімейства JPEG та JPEG2000, дозволяє додатково збільшити ступінь стиснення реалістичних відеозображень без внесення похибки та знизити час на їх обробку.
dc.description.abstractThis article creates a method of dynamic encodiofng the sequence of video segments based on the adaptive update of the system fundamentals the structural positional basis. In this case, the processing of part of the components is carried out in one pass. It is shown that it is necessary to take into account new patterns that are inherent in the sequence of transformed segments. It is argued that the elimination of structural redundancy creates the conditions for additional reduction in the bit volume. It is substantiated that the increase in the volume of digital representation compressed video image by an amount equal to the number of digits spent on the marker matrix is compensated by a decrease in the number of digits for the presentation of the code and a reduction in the number bases used to form it. The practical significance lies in the fact that the technology created in relation to the method, which is implemented in the formats of the JPEG and JPEG2000 families, allows you to further increase the compression ratio of realistic video images without making an error and reduce the time for their processing.
dc.identifier.citationДинамічне кодування трансформант відеозображень з уточненням системи основ / В. Бараннік, С. Шульгін, Д. Бараннік, Р. Онищенко // Інфокомунікаційні технології та електронна інженерія. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022. — Том 2. — № 2. — С. 1–11.
dc.identifier.citationenDynamic encoding of the transformer video images with refinement of the base system / V. Barannik, S. Shulgin, D. Barannik, R. Onyshchenko // Infocommunication Technologies and Electronic Engineering. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2022. — Vol 2. — No 2. — P. 1–11.
dc.publisherВидавництво Львівської політехніки
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofІнфокомунікаційні технології та електронна інженерія, 2 (2), 2022
dc.relation.ispartofInfocommunication Technologies and Electronic Engineering, 2 (2), 2022
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dc.relation.references[8] Minemura K. and Moayed Z. and Wong K. and Qi X. and Tanaka K. JPEG image scrambling without expansion in bitstream size. In.: 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. Pp. 261–264. (2012). DOI: 10.1109/ICIP.2012.6466845.
dc.relation.references[9] Barannik D. Stegano-Compression Coding in a Non-Equalible Positional Base. Advanced Trends in Information Theory (IEEE ATIT 2020): proceedings of the IEEE 2nd International Conference, 2020. P. 83–86. DOI: 10.1109/ATIT50783.2020.9349328.
dc.relation.references[10] Barannik V., Sidchenko S., Barannik N., Barannik V. Development of the method for encoding service data in cryptocompression image representation systems. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologie. 2017. Vol. 3. No. 9 (111). P. 112 – 124.
dc.relation.references[11] JPEG image scrambling without expansion in bitstream size [Text] / K. Minemura, Z. Moayed, K. Wong, X. Qi, K. Tanaka // 19 th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2012. P. 261–264. DOI: 10.1109/ICIP.2012.6466845.
dc.relation.references[12] Barannik V., Belikova T., Gurzhii P. The model of threats to information and psychological security, taking into account the hidden information destructive impact on the subconscious of adolescents. Advanced Trends in Information Theory (ATIT`2019): proceedings of the IEEE International Conference, 2019. P. 656–661. DOI: 10.1109/ATIT49449.2019.9030432.
dc.relation.references[13] Barannik V., Sidchenko S., Barannik N., Khimenko A. The method of masking overhead compaction in video compression systems, Radioelectronic and Computer Systems, 2021.No. 2. Pp. 51–63. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32620/reks.2021.2.05.
dc.relation.references[14] Barannik V., JancarczykD.,Babenko Yu., Stepanko O., Nikodem J., Zawislak S. A Model for Representing Significant Segments of a Video Image Based on Locally Positional Coding on a Structural Basis. Smart and Wireless Systems within the Conferences on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IEEE IDAACS-SWS 2020): proceedings of IEEE 5nd International Symposium, 2020. P. 1–5. DOI: 10.1109/IDAACS-SWS50031.2020.9297068.
dc.relation.references[15] Kurihara K., Watanabe O., Kiya H. An encryption-then-compression system for JPEG XR standard. Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB): proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium, 2016. P. 1–5. DOI: 10.1109/BMSB.2016.7521997.
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dc.relation.references[18] Barannik V. Babenko Yu., Kulitsa O., Barannik V., Khimenko V., Matviichuk-Yudina O. Significant Microsegment Transformants Encoding Method to Increase the Availability of Video Information Resource. Advanced Trends in Information Theory (IEEE ATIT 2020): proceedings of IEEE 2nd International Conference, 2020. P. 52–56. DOI: 10.1109/ATIT50783.2020.9349256.
dc.relation.references[19] Barannik V.V., Barannik D., Podlesny S., Tarasenko D., Kulitsa O. The video stream encoding method in infocommunication systems. IEEE 14th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelecrtronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering (IEEE TCSET 2018), 2018. Pp. 538–541. DOI: 10.1109/TCSET.2018.8336259.
dc.relation.references[20] Barannik V., Barannik N., Khimenko V. Method of indirect information hiding in the process of video compression. Radioelectronic and Computer Systems. 2021. No.. 4. Pp. 119–131. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32620/reks.2021.4.
dc.relation.references[21] Minemura K., Moayed Z., Wong K., Qi X., Tanaka K. JPEG image scrambling without expansion in bitstream size. Image Processing: proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference, 2012. P. 261–264. DOI: 10.1109/ICIP.2012.6466845.
dc.relation.references[22] Barannik V., Barannik V., Havrylov D., Sorokun A. Development Second and Third Phase of the Selective Frame Processing Method. Advanced Information and Communications Technologies (AICT`2019): proceedings of the 3rd International Conference, 2019. P. 54–57. DOI: 10.1109/AIACT.2019.8847897.
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dc.relation.references[24] Barannik V., Shulgin S., Krasnorutsky A., Slobodyanyuk O., Gurzhii P., Korolyova N. Methodological Fundamentals of Deciphering Coding of Aerophotography Segments on Special Equipment of Unmanned Complex. IEEE Advanced Trends in Information Theory (IEEE ATIT 2020): proceedings IEEE 2nd International Conference. 2020. P. 38–43. DOI: 10.1109/ATIT50783.2020.9349257.
dc.relation.references[25] Barannik V., Barannik N., Barannik D. Indirect Steganographic Embedding Method Based On Modifications of The Basis of the Polyadic System. Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science (TCSET’2020): proceedings of 15th IEEE International Conference, 2020. P. 699–702. DOI: 10.1109/TCSET49122.2020.235522.
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dc.relation.references[30] Barannik V., Barannik D. Binomial-Polyadic Binary Data Encoding by Quantity of Series of Ones. Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science (TCSET’2020): proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference, 2020. Pp. 775–780. DOI: 10.1109/TCSET49122.2020.235540.
dc.relation.referencesen[1] SkodrasA., Christopoulos C., and Ebrahimi T."The jpeg 2000 still image compression standard", in IEEE Signal processing magazine, 2001. Vol. 18 (5). Pp. 36–58.
dc.relation.referencesen[2] Kobayashi H. and Kiya H. Bitstream-Based JPEG Image Encryption with File-Size Preserving. In., IEEE 7th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE). Pp. 1–4. (2018). DOI: 10.1109/gcce.2018.8574605.
dc.relation.referencesen[3] Belikova T. Decoding Method of Information-Psychological Destructions in the Phonetic Space of Information Resources. Advanced Trends in Information Theory (ATIT): proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference, 2020. P. 87–91. URL: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9349300.
dc.relation.referencesen[4] Announcing the ADVANCED ENCRYPTION STANDARD (AES). Federal Information Processing Standards Publication, 197. (2001).
dc.relation.referencesen[5] Belikova T., Lekakh A., Dovbenko O., Dodukh O. Method of Increasing the Capacity of Information Threat Detection Filters in Modern Information and Communication Systems. Advanced Information and Communications Technologies (AICT 2019): proceedings of the IEEE 3rd International Conference, 2019. P. 426–429. DOI: 10.1109/AIACT.2019.8847754.
dc.relation.referencesen[6] Barannik V. Fast Coding of Irregular Binary Binomial Numbers with a Set Number of Units Series. Advanced Trends in Information Theory (IEEE ATIT 2020): proceedings of the IEEE 2nd International Conference, 2020. P. 72–76. DOI: 10.1109/ATIT50783.2020.9349356.
dc.relation.referencesen[7] Rivest R. L., Shamir A., Adleman L. M. A method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems. Communications of the ACM. 1978. Vol. 21. Iss. 2. P. 120–126. DOI: 10.1145/359340.359342.
dc.relation.referencesen[8] Minemura K. and Moayed Z. and Wong K. and Qi X. and Tanaka K. JPEG image scrambling without expansion in bitstream size. In., 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. Pp. 261–264. (2012). DOI: 10.1109/ICIP.2012.6466845.
dc.relation.referencesen[9] Barannik D. Stegano-Compression Coding in a Non-Equalible Positional Base. Advanced Trends in Information Theory (IEEE ATIT 2020): proceedings of the IEEE 2nd International Conference, 2020. P. 83–86. DOI: 10.1109/ATIT50783.2020.9349328.
dc.relation.referencesen[10] Barannik V., Sidchenko S., Barannik N., Barannik V. Development of the method for encoding service data in cryptocompression image representation systems. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologie. 2017. Vol. 3. No. 9 (111). P. 112 – 124.
dc.relation.referencesen[11] JPEG image scrambling without expansion in bitstream size [Text], K. Minemura, Z. Moayed, K. Wong, X. Qi, K. Tanaka, 19 th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 2012. P. 261–264. DOI: 10.1109/ICIP.2012.6466845.
dc.relation.referencesen[12] Barannik V., Belikova T., Gurzhii P. The model of threats to information and psychological security, taking into account the hidden information destructive impact on the subconscious of adolescents. Advanced Trends in Information Theory (ATIT`2019): proceedings of the IEEE International Conference, 2019. P. 656–661. DOI: 10.1109/ATIT49449.2019.9030432.
dc.relation.referencesen[13] Barannik V., Sidchenko S., Barannik N., Khimenko A. The method of masking overhead compaction in video compression systems, Radioelectronic and Computer Systems, 2021.No. 2. Pp. 51–63. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32620/reks.2021.2.05.
dc.relation.referencesen[14] Barannik V., JancarczykD.,Babenko Yu., Stepanko O., Nikodem J., Zawislak S. A Model for Representing Significant Segments of a Video Image Based on Locally Positional Coding on a Structural Basis. Smart and Wireless Systems within the Conferences on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IEEE IDAACS-SWS 2020): proceedings of IEEE 5nd International Symposium, 2020. P. 1–5. DOI: 10.1109/IDAACS-SWS50031.2020.9297068.
dc.relation.referencesen[15] Kurihara K., Watanabe O., Kiya H. An encryption-then-compression system for JPEG XR standard. Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB): proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium, 2016. P. 1–5. DOI: 10.1109/BMSB.2016.7521997.
dc.relation.referencesen[16] Zhou J., Liu X., Au O. C., Tang Y. Y. Designing an Efficient Image Encryption-Then-Compression System via Prediction Error Clustering and Random Permutation. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 2014. Vol. 9.No. 1. P. 39–50. DOI: 10.1109/TIFS.2013.2291625.
dc.relation.referencesen[17] Information technology – JPEG 2000 image coding system: Secure JPEG 2000 [Text], International Standard ISO/IEC 15444-8, ITU-T Recommendation T.807, 2007. 108 p.
dc.relation.referencesen[18] Barannik V. Babenko Yu., Kulitsa O., Barannik V., Khimenko V., Matviichuk-Yudina O. Significant Microsegment Transformants Encoding Method to Increase the Availability of Video Information Resource. Advanced Trends in Information Theory (IEEE ATIT 2020): proceedings of IEEE 2nd International Conference, 2020. P. 52–56. DOI: 10.1109/ATIT50783.2020.9349256.
dc.relation.referencesen[19] Barannik V.V., Barannik D., Podlesny S., Tarasenko D., Kulitsa O. The video stream encoding method in infocommunication systems. IEEE 14th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelecrtronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering (IEEE TCSET 2018), 2018. Pp. 538–541. DOI: 10.1109/TCSET.2018.8336259.
dc.relation.referencesen[20] Barannik V., Barannik N., Khimenko V. Method of indirect information hiding in the process of video compression. Radioelectronic and Computer Systems. 2021. No.. 4. Pp. 119–131. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32620/reks.2021.4.
dc.relation.referencesen[21] Minemura K., Moayed Z., Wong K., Qi X., Tanaka K. JPEG image scrambling without expansion in bitstream size. Image Processing: proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference, 2012. P. 261–264. DOI: 10.1109/ICIP.2012.6466845.
dc.relation.referencesen[22] Barannik V., Barannik V., Havrylov D., Sorokun A. Development Second and Third Phase of the Selective Frame Processing Method. Advanced Information and Communications Technologies (AICT`2019): proceedings of the 3rd International Conference, 2019. P. 54–57. DOI: 10.1109/AIACT.2019.8847897.
dc.relation.referencesen[23] Wong K. W. Image encryption using chaotic maps. Intelligent Computing Based on Chaos. 2009. Vol. 184. Pp. 333–354. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-95972-4_16.
dc.relation.referencesen[24] Barannik V., Shulgin S., Krasnorutsky A., Slobodyanyuk O., Gurzhii P., Korolyova N. Methodological Fundamentals of Deciphering Coding of Aerophotography Segments on Special Equipment of Unmanned Complex. IEEE Advanced Trends in Information Theory (IEEE ATIT 2020): proceedings IEEE 2nd International Conference. 2020. P. 38–43. DOI: 10.1109/ATIT50783.2020.9349257.
dc.relation.referencesen[25] Barannik V., Barannik N., Barannik D. Indirect Steganographic Embedding Method Based On Modifications of The Basis of the Polyadic System. Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science (TCSET’2020): proceedings of 15th IEEE International Conference, 2020. P. 699–702. DOI: 10.1109/TCSET49122.2020.235522.
dc.relation.referencesen[26] Information technology – JPEG 2000 image coding system: Secure JPEG 2000. International Standard ISO/IEC 15444-8; ITU-T Recommendation T.807, 108 p. (2007).
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dc.relation.referencesen[28] Barannik V., Hahanova A., Slobodyanyuk A. Architectural presentation of isotopic levels of relief of images. Experience of Designing and Application of CAD Systems in Microelectronics (CADSM): proceedings of IEEE 10th International Conference, 2009.Pp. 385–387.
dc.relation.referencesen[29] Yeriemieev O. I. Kombinovana metryka vizualnoi yakosti zobrazhen dystantsiinoho zonduvannia na osnovi neironnoi merezhi [Text], O. I. Yeriemieev, V. V. Lukin, K. Okarma, Radioelektronni i kompiuterni systemy. 2020. No 1. P. 4–15. DOI: 10.32620/reks.2020.4.01.
dc.relation.referencesen[30] Barannik V., Barannik D. Binomial-Polyadic Binary Data Encoding by Quantity of Series of Ones. Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science (TCSET’2020): proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference, 2020. Pp. 775–780. DOI: 10.1109/TCSET49122.2020.235540.
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2022
dc.subjectстиснення відеосегментів
dc.subjectструктурно-позиційне кодування
dc.subjectцілісність інформації
dc.subjectvideo segment compression
dc.subjectstructural positional coding
dc.subjectinformation integrity
dc.titleДинамічне кодування трансформант відеозображень з уточненням системи основ
dc.title.alternativeDynamic encoding of the transformer video images with refinement of the base system


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