Комп’ютерне прогнозування під час пошуку нових антитромбоцитарних агентів з антиоксидантним ефектом серед сульфуровмісних похідних 9,10-антрахінону

dc.contributor.affiliationНаціональний університет “Львівська політехніка”
dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University
dc.contributor.authorСтасевич, М. В.
dc.contributor.authorЗварич, В. І.
dc.contributor.authorНовіков, В. П.
dc.contributor.authorStasevych, M. V.
dc.contributor.authorZvarych, V. I.
dc.contributor.authorNovikov, V. P.
dc.description.abstractПроведено комп’ютерне прогнозування щодо ймовірного прояву антитромбоцитарної та антиоксидантної активностей для сульфуровмісних похідних 9,10-антрацендіону з використанням онлайн-програми PASS Online платформи Way2Drug. Встановлено, що для більшості сполук прогнозується антитромбоцитарна дія, яка доповнюється антиоксидантним ефектом. Здійснено молекулярне моделювання взаємодії з рецепторами-мішенями, які беруть участь у регуляції агрегації тромбоцитів та білками-мішенями, пов’язаними з процесом згортання крові. Визначено, що найвищий рівень зв’язування виявлений до вітамін К-епоксидредуктази (VKOR), пов’язаної зі згортанням крові, а саме до активної зони білка 3KP9. Показано, що сульфуропохідна 9,10-антацендіону 3 відзначається значенням скорингової функції Gscore на рівні відомого препарату Варфарину, що може свідчити про ймовірний механізм прояву антитромботичної дії.
dc.description.abstractA computer-aided prediction of the probable presence of anti-platelet and antioxidant activities for sulfurcontaining derivatives of 9,10-anthracenedione using the online program PASS Online of the Way2Drug platform was carried out. It has been established that the antiplatelet effect is characteristic for the majority of compounds and supplemented with the antioxidant action. Molecular modeling of interaction with target receptors that are involved in the regulation of platelet aggregation and target proteins associated with the blood coagulation process was performed. It was determined that a high level of affinity was found for the active zone of the protein 3KP9 of vitamin K-epoxy-reductase (VKOR) associated with blood clotting. It was shown that the sulfur-containing derivative 9,10-antacendione 3 shows the value of the scoring function of Gscore at the level of the well-known drug Warfarin, which may indicate the likely mechanismof antithrombotic action.
dc.identifier.citationСтасевич М. В. Комп’ютерне прогнозування під час пошуку нових антитромбоцитарних агентів з антиоксидантним ефектом серед сульфуровмісних похідних 9,10-антрахінону / М. В. Стасевич, В. І. Зварич, В. П. Новіков // Chemistry, Technology and Application of Substances. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Том 2. — № 2. — С. 115–121.
dc.identifier.citationenStasevych M. V. Computer-aided prediction in search of new antiplatelet agents with antioxidant effect among sulfur-containing derivatives of 9,10-anthraquinonone / M. V. Stasevych, V. I. Zvarych, V. P. Novikov // Chemistry, Technology and Application of Substances. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 2. — No 2. — P. 115–121.
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofChemistry, Technology and Application of Substances, 2 (2), 2019
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dc.relation.references3. Shoichiro, D. (2019). Adverse Effect of Antithrombotic Medications on BleedingEvents and Comparison of Antithrombotic Agentsin Hemodialysis Patients. Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis, 23(1), 32-37. doi: 10.1111/1744-9987.12744
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dc.relation.references6. Gouda, A. S., Amine, M. S., & Pedersen, E. B. (2016). Synthesis of New DNA G-Quadruplex Constructs with Anthraquinone Insertions and Their Anticoagulant Activity. Helvetica Chimica Acta, 99, 116-124. doi: 10.1002/hlca.201500207
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dc.relation.references8. Halenova, T., Nikolaeva, I., Nakonechna, A., & Lubenets, V. (2017). Inhibition of human platelet aggregation by some newly synthesized S-esters of thiosulfonic acid. Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 1(1), 1276-1277. doi: 10.1002/rth2.12012
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dc.relation.references13. Zvarych, V., Stasevych, M., Lunin, V., Deniz, N. G., Sayil, C., Ozyurek, M., Guclu, K., Vovk, M., & Novikov V. (2016). Synthesis and investigation of antioxidant activity of the dithiocarbamates derivatives of 9,10-anthracenedione. Monatshefte für Chemie, 147(12), 2093-2101. doi: 10.1007/s00706-016-1839-y
dc.relation.references14. Zvarych, V. I., Stasevych, M. V., Lunin, V. V., Vovk, M. V., & Novikov V. P. (2016). Synthesis of 9,10- anthracenedione diethyldithiocarbamates. Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 86(12), 2699–2701. doi: 10.1134/S1070363216120227
dc.relation.references15. Zvarych, V. I., Stasevych, M. V., Stanko, O. V., Komarovskaya-Porokhnyavets, E.Z., Poroikov, V. V., Rudik, A. V., … Novikov, V. P. (2014). Computerized prediction, synthesis, and antimicrobial activity of new amino-acid derivatives of 2-chloro-N-(9,10-dioxo-9,10- dihydroanthracen-1-yl)acetamide. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 48(9), 584-588. doi: 10.1007/s11094-014-1154-z
dc.relation.references16. Stasevych, M., Zvarych, V., Lunin, V., Deniz, N. G., Gokmen, Z., Akgun, O., … Novikov V. (2017). Computer-aided prediction and cytotoxicity evaluation of some dithiocarbamates of 9,10-anthracenedione as new anticancer agents // SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 28(5), 355-366. doi: 10.1080/1062936X.2017.1323796
dc.relation.references17. Stasevych, M., Zvarych, V., Lunin, V., Vovk, M., & Novikov V. (2017). The new 1,2,3-triazolylantracene-9,10-diones: synthesis and computer bioactivity screening. Chemistry and Chemical technology, 11(1), 1-9. doi: 10.23939/chcht11.01.001
dc.relation.references18. Zvarych, V., Stasevych, М., Stanko, О., Novikov, V., Vovk, М., Poroikov, V., & Solovyov, O. (2013). Computer prediction and synthesis of new azoles based on N-benzoyl-N'-(9,10-dioxo-9,10- dihydroanthacen-1-yl)thioureas. Cheminė Technologija, 61(2), 5–13. doi: 10.5755/j01.ct.64.2.6018
dc.relation.references19. Shi, X., Ding, M., Dong, Z., Chen, F., Ye, J., Wang, S. …Vallyathan V. (1999). Antioxidant properties of aspirin: Characterization of the ability of aspirin to inhibit silica-induced lipid peroxidation, DNA damage, NF-κB activation, and TNF-α production. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 199(1), 93-102. doi: 10.1023/A:100693461
dc.relation.references20. Xu, Y., Wang, S., Miao, Q., Jin, K., Lou, L., Ye, X., Xi, Y., & Ye, J. (2017). Protective Role of Hinokitiol Against H2O2-Induced Injury in Human Corneal Epithelium. Current Eye Research, 42(1), 47-53. doi: 10.3109/02713683.2016.1151530
dc.relation.references21. Taher, M. A. & Nassir, E. S. (2011). Beneficial effects of clopidogrel on glycemic indices and oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 19(2), 107-113. doi: 10.1016/j.jsps.2011.01.006
dc.relation.references22. Nassiri, A. A., Hakemi, M. S., Soulati, M., Marashian, M., Rahbar, K., & Azizi, F. (2009). Effects of heparin and dalteparin on oxidative stress during hemodialysis in patients with end-stage renal disease. Iranian journal of kidney diseases, 3(3), 162-167. Retrieved from
dc.relation.references23. Cases, A., Vera, M., Palomo, M., Torramade S., Escolar G., & Diaz-Ricart, M. (2017). TO021 direct factor Xa inhibitor apixaban prevents endothelial activation and damage associated with chronic kidney disease. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 32(3), iii87. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfx131
dc.relation.references24. Winship, I., Ross, G., Nicoll, A., Hogan, C., Leong, Y., & Varigos, G. (2009). Antioxidant effect of warfarin therapy: a possible symptomatic treatment for erythropoietic protoporphyria. Archives of Dermatology, 145(8), 960-961. doi: 10.1001/archdermatol.2009.165.
dc.relation.referencesen1. Gregson, J., Kaptoge, S., Bolton, T., Pennells, L., Willeit, P., Burgess, S., Meade, T. (2019). Cardiovascular Risk Factors Associated With Venous Thromboembolism. JAMA Cardiology, 4(2), 163–173. doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2018.4537
dc.relation.referencesen2. Jerjes-Sánchez, C. (2015). Mechanisms of Thrombosis. In: Jerjes-Sánchez, C. Thrombolysis in Pulmonary Embolism (pp. 1-17). Springer, Cham
dc.relation.referencesen3. Shoichiro, D. (2019). Adverse Effect of Antithrombotic Medications on BleedingEvents and Comparison of Antithrombotic Agentsin Hemodialysis Patients. Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis, 23(1), 32-37. doi: 10.1111/1744-9987.12744
dc.relation.referencesen4. Kaur, A., Kaur, S., Kaur, M., Mahajan, A., & Bose, S. (2014). Rheum emodi: a review on pharmacology and phytochemistry. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 4(1), 1892-1902. Retrieved from
dc.relation.referencesen5. Memariani, Z., Moeini, R., Hamedi, S.S., Narjes, G., & Mozaffarpur, S.A. (2018). Medicinal plants with antithrombotic property in Persian medicine: a mechanistic review. Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, 45(1), 158–179. doi: 10.1007/s11239-017-1580-3
dc.relation.referencesen6. Gouda, A. S., Amine, M. S., & Pedersen, E. B. (2016). Synthesis of New DNA G-Quadruplex Constructs with Anthraquinone Insertions and Their Anticoagulant Activity. Helvetica Chimica Acta, 99, 116-124. doi: 10.1002/hlca.201500207
dc.relation.referencesen7. Muralidharan-Chari, V., Kim, J., Abuawad, A., Naeem, M., Cui, H., & Mousa, S.A. (2016). Thymoquinone modulates blood coagulation in vitro via its effects on inflammatory and coagulation pathways. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17(4), Article number 474. doi: 10.3390/ijms17040474
dc.relation.referencesen8. Halenova, T., Nikolaeva, I., Nakonechna, A., & Lubenets, V. (2017). Inhibition of human platelet aggregation by some newly synthesized S-esters of thiosulfonic acid. Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 1(1), 1276-1277. doi: 10.1002/rth2.12012
dc.relation.referencesen9. Chemaxon (2018). Retrieved from
dc.relation.referencesen10. PASS Online (2019). Retrieved from
dc.relation.referencesen11. Friesner, R. A., Murphy, R. B., Repasky, M. P., Frye, L. L., Greenwood, J. R., Halgren, T. A., Sanschagrin, P. C., & Mainz, D. T. (2006). Extra Precision Glide: Docking and Scoring Incorporating a Model of Hydrophobic Enclosure for Protein-Ligand Complexes. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 49, 6177-6196. doi: 10.1021/jm051256o
dc.relation.referencesen12. Berman, H. M., Westbrook, J., Feng, Z., Gilliland, G., Bhat, T. N., Weissig, H., Shindyalov, I. N., & Bourne, P. E. (2000). The Protein Data Bank. Nucleic Acids Research, 28(1), 235-242. doi: 10.1093/nar/28.1.235
dc.relation.referencesen13. Zvarych, V., Stasevych, M., Lunin, V., Deniz, N. G., Sayil, C., Ozyurek, M., Guclu, K., Vovk, M., & Novikov V. (2016). Synthesis and investigation of antioxidant activity of the dithiocarbamates derivatives of 9,10-anthracenedione. Monatshefte für Chemie, 147(12), 2093-2101. doi: 10.1007/s00706-016-1839-y
dc.relation.referencesen14. Zvarych, V. I., Stasevych, M. V., Lunin, V. V., Vovk, M. V., & Novikov V. P. (2016). Synthesis of 9,10- anthracenedione diethyldithiocarbamates. Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 86(12), 2699–2701. doi: 10.1134/S1070363216120227
dc.relation.referencesen15. Zvarych, V. I., Stasevych, M. V., Stanko, O. V., Komarovskaya-Porokhnyavets, E.Z., Poroikov, V. V., Rudik, A. V., … Novikov, V. P. (2014). Computerized prediction, synthesis, and antimicrobial activity of new amino-acid derivatives of 2-chloro-N-(9,10-dioxo-9,10- dihydroanthracen-1-yl)acetamide. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 48(9), 584-588. doi: 10.1007/s11094-014-1154-z
dc.relation.referencesen16. Stasevych, M., Zvarych, V., Lunin, V., Deniz, N. G., Gokmen, Z., Akgun, O., … Novikov V. (2017). Computer-aided prediction and cytotoxicity evaluation of some dithiocarbamates of 9,10-anthracenedione as new anticancer agents, SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 28(5), 355-366. doi: 10.1080/1062936X.2017.1323796
dc.relation.referencesen17. Stasevych, M., Zvarych, V., Lunin, V., Vovk, M., & Novikov V. (2017). The new 1,2,3-triazolylantracene-9,10-diones: synthesis and computer bioactivity screening. Chemistry and Chemical technology, 11(1), 1-9. doi: 10.23939/chcht11.01.001
dc.relation.referencesen18. Zvarych, V., Stasevych, M., Stanko, O., Novikov, V., Vovk, M., Poroikov, V., & Solovyov, O. (2013). Computer prediction and synthesis of new azoles based on N-benzoyl-N'-(9,10-dioxo-9,10- dihydroanthacen-1-yl)thioureas. Cheminė Technologija, 61(2), 5–13. doi: 10.5755/j01.ct.64.2.6018
dc.relation.referencesen19. Shi, X., Ding, M., Dong, Z., Chen, F., Ye, J., Wang, S. …Vallyathan V. (1999). Antioxidant properties of aspirin: Characterization of the ability of aspirin to inhibit silica-induced lipid peroxidation, DNA damage, NF-kB activation, and TNF-α production. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 199(1), 93-102. doi: 10.1023/A:100693461
dc.relation.referencesen20. Xu, Y., Wang, S., Miao, Q., Jin, K., Lou, L., Ye, X., Xi, Y., & Ye, J. (2017). Protective Role of Hinokitiol Against H2O2-Induced Injury in Human Corneal Epithelium. Current Eye Research, 42(1), 47-53. doi: 10.3109/02713683.2016.1151530
dc.relation.referencesen21. Taher, M. A. & Nassir, E. S. (2011). Beneficial effects of clopidogrel on glycemic indices and oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 19(2), 107-113. doi: 10.1016/j.jsps.2011.01.006
dc.relation.referencesen22. Nassiri, A. A., Hakemi, M. S., Soulati, M., Marashian, M., Rahbar, K., & Azizi, F. (2009). Effects of heparin and dalteparin on oxidative stress during hemodialysis in patients with end-stage renal disease. Iranian journal of kidney diseases, 3(3), 162-167. Retrieved from
dc.relation.referencesen23. Cases, A., Vera, M., Palomo, M., Torramade S., Escolar G., & Diaz-Ricart, M. (2017). TO021 direct factor Xa inhibitor apixaban prevents endothelial activation and damage associated with chronic kidney disease. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 32(3), iii87. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfx131
dc.relation.referencesen24. Winship, I., Ross, G., Nicoll, A., Hogan, C., Leong, Y., & Varigos, G. (2009). Antioxidant effect of warfarin therapy: a possible symptomatic treatment for erythropoietic protoporphyria. Archives of Dermatology, 145(8), 960-961. doi: 10.1001/archdermatol.2009.165.
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет „Львівська політехніка“, 2019
dc.subjectсульфуровмісні похідні 9
dc.subjectin silico прогнозування
dc.subjectантитромбоцитарна активність
dc.subjectантиоксидантна активність
dc.subjectмолекулярний докінг
dc.subjectsulfur-containing derivatives of 9
dc.subjectin silico prediction
dc.subjectantiplatelet activity
dc.subjectantioxidant activity
dc.subjectmolecular docking
dc.titleКомп’ютерне прогнозування під час пошуку нових антитромбоцитарних агентів з антиоксидантним ефектом серед сульфуровмісних похідних 9,10-антрахінону
dc.title.alternativeComputer-aided prediction in search of new antiplatelet agents with antioxidant effect among sulfur-containing derivatives of 9,10-anthraquinonone


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