Вплив світової кризи на рівень життя населення України

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Видавництво Львівської політехніки


Розглянуто поняття “рівень життя” та “бідність” населення, проаналізовано вплив світових кризових процесів на добробут населення держави. Виокремлено основні ключові поняття багатопланової категорії “рівень життя” у контексті соціально- економічних відносин. Проведено дослідження рівня життя населення України. Висвітлено найвагоміші причини поширення бідності в Україні. Визначено важливі пріоритети подальшої соціальної політики, спрямованої на забезпечення належного рівня життя та стабільності суспільства. The article is the development of theoretical, methodological guidelines and practical recommendations on minimization of the global crisis on the living standards of Ukraine. The theoretical and methodological basis of research is fundamental tenets of modern economic theory, scientific works of scientists, regulatory and legislative acts of Ukraine on social protection. The study used the following methods: Economics and Statistics (the study of life in Ukraine); graphic (for visual presentation of research results); analytical and structural logic (in determining the optimum areas of social policy of the Ukrainian government). The article discusses the concept of “standard of living” and “poverty” population, the influence of the world crisis processes in the welfare state. Thesis there is determined basic key concepts multifaceted category “standard of living” in the context of socio-economic relations. A study of living standards in Ukraine. The most significant causes of poverty in Ukraine. Determined further important priorities of social policies to ensure adequate living standards and social stability. The results of research aimed at solving problems of social security. They can be used in the formation of government social policy. The difficult economic situation, burdened by the armed conflict in the east and the annexation of the Crimea, leads to a decline in living standards, growing poverty and social exclusion among the population of Ukraine, especially among vulnerable groups such as persons vnutrishnoperemischeni, large families, people with disabilities, representatives rural communities, orphans, and others. Many people were limited in their access to basic resources of life, so that there are: chronic malnutrition, increased morbidity and mortality, reduced life expectancy, reduced access to education, health care, cultural values and so on. At this stage, quality of life in Ukraine in terms of household income is very low compared to neighboring countries, minimum and average wages much lower. This suggests that the population lives quite poorly. Uncontrolled spread of the effects of the crisis period and the absence of effective steps by the state to fight can result in higher socio-economic risks and threats to the development of both regions and the country as a whole. In order to improve the welfare of life in our country need to: reduce the rate of price growth, improve living wage, minimum wages, reduce income differentiation, prevent unemployment and to reduce its volume. The implementation of the proposed measures will stabilize living standards, to prevent increased social tension in the country and in the future ensure more harmonious development of economic relations at the stage of market transformation of Ukraine. The European orientation of Ukraine requires software to enter the following indicators: the share of wages in GDP of 55–60 %, the ratio of minimum wage to average no lower than 55 % and increase the minimum wage to a level that is at least officially established living wage at least 2 times. All branches of government must focus on creating stable conditions for both economic development and social support and protection from the effects of global shocks, since the state must fulfill the principal regulator and stabilizer of the national economy, which automatically will improve the welfare and living standards of ordinary people.



рівень життя, бідність, світова економічна криза, соціальна політика, прожитковий мінімум, безробіття, інфляція, the standard of living, poverty, global economic crisis, social policy, minimum wage, unemployment, inflation


Вербицька Г. Л. Вплив світової кризи на рівень життя населення України / Г. Л. Вербицька // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". Серія: Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку : збірник наукових праць. – 2016. – № 851. – С. 157–163. – Бібліографія: 16 назв.



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