Резерви та напрями розвитку містобудування та архітектури в Україні – близьке майбутнє
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Висвітлено напрями розвитку містобудування та архітектури в Україні. На думку
автора, розвиток вітчизняної архітектури та містобудування супроводжується
виникненням істотних суперечностей, шляхи подолання яких за напрямами можна
поділити на адміністративно-правові та професійно-комерційні. Виявлено резерви
розвитку містобудування та визначено складові елементи адміністративно-правового і
професійно-комерційного регулювання.
By directions the ways of overcoming contradictions are divided into: – administrative and legal; – professional and commercial. Administrative and legal regulation consists of: – overcoming the inconsistency of the administrative system of regulation of urban planning relations of the socialist model, which continues to be used in modern practice of urban planning regulation, with the requirements of the evolution of political formation; – to stop the leverage of administrative levers, in particular, institutions of urban architects and their administrative apparatus, to restore their ability to adequately balance the corporate pressure of economic structures on the process of urban development; – providing an adequate level of maintenance of financial and economic demand for vacant land for construction; – restoring public confidence in the authorities by maintaining the transparency of procedures for disposal of communal property, in particular land, other objects of urban development; – the proper provision of parity between the commercial interests of investors and the vital interests of the community. Professional-commercial regulation consists of: – reorientation of the commercial interests of newly formed elites from the territory of structured historical centers, not intended for development, or with special requirements for preservation (zones of regulation and restriction), shared areas, zones of parks, forest parks, squares, etc. to other commercially attractive sites; – parity of interests of development of communities and potential investors by optimization of management and improvement of logistics of city management; – pre-emptive commercial urban development with professionally scientifically substantiated proposals for planned investment attraction to the development of neglected urban territories, or territories of inefficient (at present) use, in particular of former industrial zones, of the city’s original “factory reservations”, of its sanitary and zoning protection zones ways, so-called “Disturbed” and degraded territories; – professional proposals to expand the functional range of commercial investment objects in order to avoid unilateral urban development of residential buildings; – comprehensive creation of conditions for increasing the range of functional direction of investment flows into infrastructure objects, which will improve the level of attractiveness and comfort of living in the territories of urban development (medical, educational, sports and recreational facilities, cultural and leisure facilities, transport communications, and communications) increase the market value of the territory and raise the level of capital investment efficiency.
By directions the ways of overcoming contradictions are divided into: – administrative and legal; – professional and commercial. Administrative and legal regulation consists of: – overcoming the inconsistency of the administrative system of regulation of urban planning relations of the socialist model, which continues to be used in modern practice of urban planning regulation, with the requirements of the evolution of political formation; – to stop the leverage of administrative levers, in particular, institutions of urban architects and their administrative apparatus, to restore their ability to adequately balance the corporate pressure of economic structures on the process of urban development; – providing an adequate level of maintenance of financial and economic demand for vacant land for construction; – restoring public confidence in the authorities by maintaining the transparency of procedures for disposal of communal property, in particular land, other objects of urban development; – the proper provision of parity between the commercial interests of investors and the vital interests of the community. Professional-commercial regulation consists of: – reorientation of the commercial interests of newly formed elites from the territory of structured historical centers, not intended for development, or with special requirements for preservation (zones of regulation and restriction), shared areas, zones of parks, forest parks, squares, etc. to other commercially attractive sites; – parity of interests of development of communities and potential investors by optimization of management and improvement of logistics of city management; – pre-emptive commercial urban development with professionally scientifically substantiated proposals for planned investment attraction to the development of neglected urban territories, or territories of inefficient (at present) use, in particular of former industrial zones, of the city’s original “factory reservations”, of its sanitary and zoning protection zones ways, so-called “Disturbed” and degraded territories; – professional proposals to expand the functional range of commercial investment objects in order to avoid unilateral urban development of residential buildings; – comprehensive creation of conditions for increasing the range of functional direction of investment flows into infrastructure objects, which will improve the level of attractiveness and comfort of living in the territories of urban development (medical, educational, sports and recreational facilities, cultural and leisure facilities, transport communications, and communications) increase the market value of the territory and raise the level of capital investment efficiency.
архітектура, містобудування
Коротун І. В. Резерви та напрями розвитку містобудування та архітектури в Україні – близьке майбутнє / І. В. Коротун // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Архітектура. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019. — Том 1. — № 2s. — С. 35–37.