Діяльність Є. Коновальця навколо військово-політичних процесів у серпні – жовтні 1920 р.


У статті вперше на основі нових джерел введено в науковий обіг інформацію, що відображає спроби Є. Коновальця в серпні – жовтні 1920 р. розібратись у тому, що відбувалось в українських революційних процесах. Особливо його цікавили настрої та аргументи прихильників більшовиків, настрої серед інтернованих та військовополонених.
In December 1919 the military formation of the Sichovykh strilʹtsiv under the command of Ye. Konovalets completed its history. Part of the strilʹtsiv continued their activities during the First Winter Campaign, some joined the UGA in Vinnitsa, and those who remained with Ye. Konovalets were interned in a camp in Lutsk. This stage of life and activities of Ye. Konovalets lasted until march 1920. After that he traveled to Vienna with the task of organizing a brigade of Ukrainian military personnel for the UNR army stationed in the Nimetsʹkomu Yablonnomu camp (Czechoslovakia). The difficult political relations between Ukrainian politicians from the western Ukrainian lands and the Dnieper, were not allowed to lead the brigade. In July 1920, after moving to live in Prague, Ye. Konovalets and officers of the sichovykh strilʹtsiv decided to prepare for the creation of a new military organization. However, there was no understanding what should be this organization and what should be done in the future in the Ukrainian national liberation movement. At the same time, distancing himself from the UPR army, Ye. Konovalets attempts to understand the military-political situation that emerged, as was the case with the occupied Poles and the Bolsheviks of the Ukrainian lands, and in emigration. In this article, for the first time on the basis of new sources, information is introduced into the scientific circulation, reflecting the attempts of Ye. Konovalets in August-October 1920 to understand what was happening in the Ukrainian revolutionary processes. Especially he was interested in the mood and arguments of the supporters of the Bolsheviks, watching the mood among interned and prisoners of war.



Євген Коновалець, Січові стрільці, армії УНР, Yevhen Konovalets, Sichovi strilʹtsi, Army of the UPR


Хома І. Діяльність Є. Коновальця навколо військово-політичних процесів у серпні – жовтні 1920 р. / Іван Хома // Historical and Cultural Studies. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 6. — No 1. — P. 80–84.



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