Теоретико-методологічні засади управління толінговими операціями на підприємствах

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Видавництво Львівської політехніки


Обґрунтовано збалансований підхід до управління толінговими операціями на підприємствах на засадах паритетного врахування інтересів ключових контрагентів толінгової взаємодії. Уточнено сутність поняття “збалансоване управління толінго-вими операціями”. Виокремлено ключові принципи управління толінговими операціями. Розкрито послідовність управління толінговими операціями та обґрунтовано кожен її етап. For managers of enterprises, that realize tolling operations, an important task is to develop and implement the effective management mechanism of such type of operations to achieve the set goals in this area. It raises the need in compliance with uniform principles of management of tolling operations by both contractors of such interaction to establish mutually beneficial cooperation and avoid the conflicts of interests. In this context the use of balanced approach to management of tolling operations that take into account the interests of two interacting parties of tolling cooperation on the parity basis is reasonable. Balanced management of tolling operations is a goal-oriented activity of managers of one party of tolling interaction that involves the implementation of management technology, formation of management methods, and decision-making in specific situational and temporal conditions of tolling operations’ realization on a contractual basis of balanced consideration of managers’ interests of other party of tolling interaction. Management of tolling operations should be considered as a specific function of management that is based on the classical sequence of management process by implementing of management technology through performance of management functions, formation of management methods, decision-making, implementation of leadership. Planning of tolling operations is aimed at complex projecting of organizational, production, marketing, logistic, social, human, financial, economic and other foundations for future implementation of tolling operations at enterprise. The function of organizing of tolling operations is aimed at development and justification of organizational support of their realization. Motivating of employees involved in the implementation of tolling operations is based on defining the forms and systems of payment for their work. Controlling of tolling operations provides a complex review of all aspects of the implementation of tolling operations (production, technical, technological, financial, economic, social and human resources, marketing, logistics, management, documentaries, customs, etc.). Identified during controlling of tolling operations deviations, inconsistencies, violations or failures of the implementation of such operations should be eliminated using the function of regulation, which may relate to any of the previous stages of management technology of tolling operations. During the implementation of tolling operations there is a need to comply the key management principles by managers of two contractors: goal-orientation, relationship of goals and motives of the implementation of tolling operations, two-positions, balance, interaction, inter-consensus, situational flexibility, legal regulation, time regulation, universality, combination of classicality and innovation, ensuring progressivity.



управління, толінгові операції, збалансований підхід, принципи, технологія, функції, методи, управлінські рішення, керівництво, management, tolling operations, balanced approach, principles, technology, functions, methods, decisions, leadership


Кузьмін О. Є. Теоретико-методологічні засади управління толінговими операціями на підприємствах / О. Є. Кузьмін, І. І. Коць // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". Серія: Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку : збірник наукових праць. – 2016. – № 851. – С. 3–11. – Бібліографія: 19 назв.



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