The protection of wooden constructing materials and structural elements of buildings against biological damage

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Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University


The methods of wooden building materials protection from biological damage were analysed. Constant technical monitoring is the main preventive measure against damage of structural elements of the wooden buildings. The most effective methods from biological damage are chemical treatment, capillary infiltration, diffusion treatment and impregnation under pressure. The essence of action against mycodestructors is to create conditions for the preservation of wood buildings by removing danger factors: moisture more than 20 %, condensation phenomena, sharp fluctuations in temperature, freezing, stagnant air, etс. Effective preventive bioprotection methods are based on the ability of organisms to inhibition or complete growth termination of some species in the presence of the others. It was also found that for the preservation of historical-architectural buildings it is appropriate to apply diffusion method using boron compounds that are able to penetrate into the depth of the construction, while providing maximum protection with minimum interference into materials.



wood, building materials, historical and architectural building, protection, biological damage, mycological damage


Kryvomaz T. The protection of wooden constructing materials and structural elements of buildings against biological damage / Tetyana Kryvomaz, Alona Perebynos // Environmental Problems. – 2017. – Volume 1, number 2. – P. 7–10. – Bibliography: 13 titles.



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