Європейський досвід збереження та використання постіндустріальних об’єктів

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Видавництво Львівської політехніки


Розглянуто досвід збереження архітектури промислових об’єктів міст Європи. Визначено напрямки розвитку сучасних тенденцій збереження та використання промислової архітектури. The article considers the experience in preserving the architecture of industrial facilities in the European cities. The author has established the directions to develop the modern trends of preserving and use of the industrial architecture. He has described the factors affecting the industrial heritage status. Yet it has been distinguished, that one of the key historical factors is the movement from the industrial to the informative society. That caused the decline of many industrial facilities, elements of which have some architectural and historical value. The author has also highlighted such factor as a modern thoughtless use of the industrial architecture. Such approach may lead to the destruction and loss of the valuable architectural heritage. Thus, under such circumstances, the main task of architects is to restore the functioning of postindustrial facilities by means of giving the new functions to them because such facilities are considered to have a potential to promote development of the modern cities nowadays. The author has taken four facilities for example to examine the modern experience in the use and preservation of industrial architecture in the European cities. There has been analysis of the architectural and urban characteristics of each facility. Then, he has paid considerable attention to the reconstruction and restoration methods as well as to the modern function that should be the basis of preservation and use of such buildings. The Gasholders in Vienna have firstly served to analyze them as a facility, which is an interesting example of integration of the modern function into historic industrial building. The article considers the methods applied for adaptation of the four gasholders to accommodate a complete multifunctional complex inside. This complex is located outside the city core. It is a point of attraction in the former industrial area and contributes to its development. The following example, which the author has analyzed in the article, is the Granary (built in the 19th century) on Abby Road in London. For a long time this building has been remained neglected and demanded protection from destruction. The project brought the commercial function in it. It is important that the complex has become a significant component in the social centre of the area. The article has considered the project of a multimedia library in the French town of Erstein with the population, which does not exceed 10 thousand people. The old former mill has become a significant facility in the life of the small town. It provides young people with the possibility of useful and interesting leisure activities. Such peculiarity is very important for towns where there is a trend towards the ageing of the population. The author considers the Eastern European experience on the example of the city of Łódź. Power station ES-1 is one of the largest postindustrial complexes that have acquired the new life. The power station premises occupy the most territory of the block where it is located. After reconstruction, there was created a large community center that could bring back to life the completely industrial area. Analysis of the foreign experience has proved that preserving and use of the historical industrial architecture is quite common in Europe. The architects use almost the similar methods while integrating the modern functions. In particular, there is a trend to preserve the exterior of the building and to emphasize the architecture value as well as to clean the indoor spaces. Such tendencies freely allow providing any building with the new destination. Key words: post-industrial object, preservation, using, experience.



Демків М. В Європейський досвід збереження та використання постіндустріальних об’єктів / М. В. Демків, О. А. Готь // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". Серія: Архітектура. – 2016. – № 856. – С. 162–168. – Бібліографія: 5 назв.



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