Assessment of qualitaty of quasigeoid models in Riga city

dc.citation.issueІІ (46)
dc.citation.journalTitleСучасні досягнення геодезичної науки та виробництва
dc.contributor.affiliationLatvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University
dc.contributor.affiliationLviv National Environmental University
dc.contributor.affiliationLatvian Geospatial Information Agency
dc.contributor.authorCelms, A.
dc.contributor.authorTrevoho, I.
dc.contributor.authorKolodiy, P.
dc.contributor.authorPukite, V.
dc.contributor.authorVirkavs, M.
dc.contributor.authorLidumnieks, T.
dc.description.abstractThe study of the shape and size of the globe on a global scale is crucial to understanding the challenges and impacts of climate, the life sciences, hydrology, hydrography and geology on the planet as a whole. The Earth's topography – the surface, the relief topography that characterizes two different types of regions and certain local urban areas - is varied and changes occur periodically. The practical significance is to create a homogeneous geodetic reference system and geodetic frame based on certainty and reliability. A dynamic model of the globe could solve many future problems. Determining the topographic surface of the Earth - the altitude above sea level – using precise levelling methods is laborious task. Today, satellite-based measurement methods - GNSS - are used. GNSS allows to determine ellipsoidal heights using satellite systems and the global ellipsoidal model parameters (X,Y,Z). The geoid – surface of the mean sea level will enable to derive normal height from ellipsoidal heights; Then compared with the normal heights of the geometric levelling method. The need for a geoid or quasigeoid model in the economy is important for construction, navigation, logistics, users and maintainers of geographic information systems. A high-precision geoid or quasigeoid model would make a qualitative contribution to real-time GNSS measurements. The theoretical part of the study gives an overview of the shape and modelling of the globe; technological methods for the development of geoid and quasigeoid models; characteristics of geoid and quasigeoid models. The study includes GNSS measurements on known Class 1 leveling line points - obtaining ellipsoidal height values at 8 selected points in the southern part of Riga city. The obtained measurements were processed and the data were compared with available geoid and quasi-geoid models.
dc.identifier.citationAssessment of qualitaty of quasigeoid models in Riga city / A. Celms, I. Trevoho, P. Kolodiy, V. Pukite, M. Virkavs, T. Lidumnieks // Modern Achievements of Geodesic Science and Industry. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2023. — No II (46). — P. 47–54.
dc.identifier.citationenAssessment of qualitaty of quasigeoid models in Riga city / A. Celms, I. Trevoho, P. Kolodiy, V. Pukite, M. Virkavs, T. Lidumnieks // Modern Achievements of Geodesic Science and Industry. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2023. — No II (46). — P. 47–54.
dc.publisherВидавництво Львівської політехніки
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofСучасні досягнення геодезичної науки та виробництва, ІІ (46), 2023
dc.relation.ispartofModern Achievements of Geodesic Science and Industry, ІІ (46), 2023
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dc.relation.referencesenAngermann, D., Reguzzoni, M., Gruber, T., Tanaka, Y., Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS). "What is a geoid and why is it needed?. Regional/Local Geoid Models. Pieejams:
dc.relation.referencesenBikše, J., (2007.g.) "Augstākā ģeodēzija", Mācību līdzeklis, RTU Izdevniecība.;, In Latvian.
dc.relation.referencesenBjerhammar, A., (1969). On the boundary value problem of physical geodesy. Tellus. 21:4. 451-516. DOI: 10.3402/tellusa.v21i4.10103
dc.relation.referencesenGrgič, M., Bašič, T. (2021). Radar Satellite Altimetry in Geodesy – Theory. Applications and Recent Developments. In book: Geodetic Sciences. pp. 1-18. DOI:10.5772/intechopen.97349
dc.relation.referencesenHelfriča B., Bīmane I., Kronbergs M., Zuments U. (2007) Ģeodēzija (Geodesy). Rīga, Latvijas Ģeotelpiskās informācijas aģentūra. 263.lpp. In Latvian Hirt. Ch.. and Burki. B.. Status of Geodetic Astronomy at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Geodasie and Geoinformatik der Universitat Hannover.
dc.relation.referencesenKaminskis. J.. Latvijas ģeoīda modelis un tā attīstība. (2010). Rīgas Tehniskā univeritāte. promorcijas darba kopsavilkums. Rīga, In Latvian.
dc.relation.referencesenLatvijas Ģeotelpiskās informācijas aģentūra (LĢIA. 2021). "Rīgas kvaziģeoīda modelis",, In Latvian.
dc.relation.referencesenMorozova. K.. Jager. R.. Zarins. A.. Balodis. J.. Varna. I. and Silabriedis. G. "Evaluation of quasi-geoid model based on astrogeodetic measurements: case of Latvia". Journal of Applied Geodesy. Vol. 15. no. 4. 2021. pp. 319-327.
dc.relation.referencesenSeeber. G.. (2003). Satellite Geodesy. 2nd completely revised and extended edition. Walter de Gruyter. Berlin. New York 2003. ISBN 3-11-017549-5.
dc.relation.referencesenSideris, M., G., "Geoid Determination, Theory and principles", January, 2011. Pieejams:
dc.relation.referencesenSjoberg, L., E., (2013). The geoid or quasigeoid – which ewfwrence surface should be preferred for a national height system?. Research Article. Journal of Geodetic Science. Royal Institute of Tehnology (KTH). Sweden. DOI: 10.2478/jogs-2013-0013.
dc.relation.referencesenTrojanowicz. M.. Osada. E.. Karsznia. K.. (2018) Precise local quasigeoid modelling using GNSS/levelling height anomalies and gravity data. Survey Review. DOI:10.1080/00396265.2018.1525981
dc.relation.referencesenŽagarsJ., ZvirgzdsJ., KaminskisJ.(2014) Globālās navigācijas satelītu sistēmas (GNSS) (Global navigation satellite systems (GSSN)). Ventspils, Ventspils starptautiskais radioastronomijas centrs. 231 lpp. . In Latvian
dc.rights.holder© Західне геодезичне товариство, 2023
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2023
dc.subjectheight systems
dc.titleAssessment of qualitaty of quasigeoid models in Riga city


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