Управління ефективністю венчурного бізнесу

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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House


Досліджено та проаналізовано показники оцінювання ефективності венчурних інвестицій в інноваційні проєкти. Здійснено критичний аналіз методичних підходів до оцінювання ефективності венчурних інвестицій. Запропоновано здійснювати оцінювання ефективності венчурних проєктів за такими індикаторами, як: внутрішня норма прибутковості, модифікована внутрішня норма прибутковості, чиста теперішня вартість, період окупності, дисконтований період окупності, рентабельність продажів, середня норма рентабельності, індекс дисконтованої прибутковості та індекс дохідності, що сприятиме отриманню комплексної та адекватної оцінки збалансованості показників оцінювання ефективності венчурних інвестицій.
Purpose. Since the venture business is a catalyst for structural adjustment and technological renewal of the country’s economic complex, small firms with the support of venture capital effectively create and sell innovations that become the basis of new economy sectors. Effective organization of venture activity requires analysis of the main trends in developing organizational forms of venture business and the creation of venture funds. This article aims to form a coherent system of indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of venture projects to manage the energy of venture business and the characteristics of these indicators. Scientists and their features present the analysis of available indicators or systems of indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of venture business. Design/methodology/approach. This study used both general scientific methods, empirical and theoretical, in particular, the process of analysis (in the study of indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of venture business), synthesis (in the formation of a coherent system of indicatorsfor assessing the effectiveness of venture business), generalization and explanation, classification, and also system (for coordination of the system of hands). Also, unique research methods were used, in particular, formal-logical and comparative forms ofscientific knowledge. Findings. The article’s indicators of evaluating the effectiveness of venture investments in innovative projects have been investigated and analyzed. A critical analysis of methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of venture capital has been done. It is proposed to evaluate the effectiveness of venture projects on such indicators as internal rate of return, modified internal rate of return, net present value, payback period, discounted payback period, the profitability of sales, average rate of return, discounted profitability index, and contribution indexadequate assessment of the balance of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of venture investments. Practical implications. The article proposes to evaluate the effectiveness of venture projects on such indicators as internal rate of return, modified internal rate of return, net present value, payback period, discounted payback period, the profitability of sales, average rate of return, discounted profit index and profit income which will contribute to obtaining a comprehensive and adequate assessment of the balance of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of venture investments. The formation of a coherent system of indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of venture projects will manage venture business efficiency. The intensification of venture activity in Ukraine requires developing an integrated approach, covering institutional development, legislation, and macroeconomic regulation. The story of venture business will contribute to achieving the most critical state goals: the improvement of the innovation sphere and increasing the competitiveness of the domestic economy by entering world markets. The practical application of methods for assessing investment effectiveness is carried out using indicators NPV, IRR, PP, and others. The formation of a portfolio of innovative projects based on linear programming’s classical problem can not be applied in full. That is why today, it is essential to solving issues related to the development and improvement of methods and models of venture risk analysis, assessing the attractiveness of innovative projects, and forming a creative portfolio by a venture company. The participation of venture investors in the capital ofstartups is attractive for several reasons: the presence of venture funds in shareholders tells partners and potential employees that the audit of the company means that the business is transparent and the funds risked their money in terms of growth prospects; venture capitalists help in management. After all, they have experience supporting and developing similar startups; you can use the fund’s companies’ expertise, for example, in organizing sales or preparing for an IPO. Finally, investor connections open up partnerships with other companies, attracting experienced professionals, such as marketing, commercial, financial, executive director. But experts go only to projects with a clear business structure, and venture funds guarantee its presence. Because venture investors, as mentioned above, have a foundational approach to the companies they finance and are initially focused on leaving the company by selling their stake to a strategic investor, company management, or the stock market, the key to success for them, in our view, is a growth company value.



фективність функціонування, показники ефективності, критичний аналіз, венчурний бізнес, efficiency of functioning, efficiency indicators, critical analysis, venture business


Терлецька В. О. Управління ефективністю венчурного бізнесу / В. О. Терлецька // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: "Проблеми економіки та управління". — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021. — Том 5. — № 1. — С. 187–194.



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