Архітектурно-мистецькі особливості віднайденого кивоту ХVІІІ ст. з Собору святого Юра У Львові

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Видавництво Львівської політехніки


Розглянуто історію віднайдення рідкісного напрестольного кивоту XVIII ст. в соборі св. Юра у Львові. Проаналізовано та розкрито архітектурно-мистецькі особливості вирішення віднайденого кивоту. Під час дослідження виявлено стилістичні ознаки мистецького різьблення.
The article deals with the history of the discovery of the rare altar tabernacles of the 18th century and its architectural and artistic peculiarities This ancient altar castle was discovered in the Cathedral of St. Yura in Lviv, during restoration work. A feature of the Lviv tabloid found was its original architectural and artistic solution. It is made in the form of rotunda, with smooth walls without decor, which ended with a lot of carved baths with a lost cross. The carving of the bath reproduces several rows of leaves, made sharp by the end up. The tabernacle consists of three parts of the skilful sinister work – the rear, the hemispherical and the two semi-circular movable doors. The tabernacle's bottom is lost. The front panel of the tabernacle adjoined to the wooden structure at full height along with the dash. This is evidenced by the presence of four openings, as well as the lack of adherence to any traces of painting. The diameter of the main cylindrical volume is 28.5 cm, the height from the base to the highest mark is 41 cm. In the course of the research, we conclude that the discovered kite could be part of the altar. Inside the tabernacle is completely covered with gold leaf, and outside it's doors are painted green. After clearing it from pollution, on the outer surface were also executed drawings in the manner of black and white graphic. On the background of silver sandal, two graphic images of angels, inscribed in a black line outlined by a width of about 5 mm medallions of an oval shape with the size of the left 21.5×13 cm, right – 22×12 cm. They depict the angels with full tools of passions in full height: the left holds a large cross, a column around which Christ was beating Based on the analysis of the architectural stylistic and artistic features of the founder of the tabernacle, it can be stated that it is an important valuable artistic monument of the Western Ukrainian region. This unique sacred liturgical object is a real witness of a new interior decoration consisting of three altars and an ammunition of the Church of St. George, as indicated by the laconic anonymous register of expenditures of 1719–1727. The registry information allows us to assert that the discovered kite and its decorations relate to the cultural tradition of the artistic carving of the Galician school at that time. In the iconographic image of angels, the borrowing of elements of Western European artistic tradition is traced. So the founder of the tabernacle belongs to the rare, still identifiable objects of the prefabrication of the old medieval cathedral of St. George, disassembled in 1744 by the order of Metropolitan Athanasius Sheptytsky



кивот, художня обробка дерева, мистецтво різьблення, tabernacle, artistic treatment of wood, art of carving


Мельник В. А. Архітектурно-мистецькі особливості віднайденого кивоту ХVІІІ ст. з Собору святого Юра У Львові / В. А. Мельник, Л. Я. Чень // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Архітектура. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019. — Том 1. — № 1s. — С. 132–139.



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