Озеленення Львова: погляд крізь історію



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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House


У статті за допомогою методу історичного аналізу досліджено розвиток міських озеленених територій Львова, виділено основні періоди розвитку, що тісно пов’язані з історичними подіями у місті, виявлено чинники впливу на формування кожного з них. На основі статистичних даних щодо озеленених площ, площі міста і кількісті населення досліджено певні особливості кожного періоду.
The article highlights and analyzes the main periods of development of urban green areas of Lviv from the founding of the princely city to the present day. Methods of historical analysis and analysis of the scientific literature were used in the study to find the relationship between historical conditions and periods of development of green areas. Statistical analysis was also used to study statistics on green space, city area and population. Several main periods were identified during the study. The first period - the twelfth century. until 1777 – a period of rapid development of the “city in the walls” and changes in the surrounding lands. The first attempts at organized landscaping in the courtyards of monasteries and nearby cemeteries took place at this time. In the following period from 1777. by 1948, the decision to dismantle the walls and create the first planned landscaping of the city was made. Also, large parks near the estates of noble families were built. Since 1948 after 1917 the ecological situation in the city has deteriorated due to the active development of technology and industry, and the construction of residential areas with gardens has revived. Holding a National Exhibition in the 90s of the XIX century. was the impetus for the creation of new green areas. In the period of 1918 until 1939 the pace of landscaping of the city decreased, landscaping was organized mainly in the central part. At this time, Drexler's idea of expanding Lviv was realized, and the idea of forming a structure of landscaping in the form of three concentric circles is still relevant. From 1939 to 1980, the city's landscaping was actively and gradually developed, new parks were created, and suburban green areas for recreation were developed. The most modern stage – from gaining Independence to the present day – is the period when green areas need planned improvement and protection. The study confirmed the view that green areas are closely linked to historical events, such as wars or the active development of certain areas of the economy. Also, only quantitative indicators of green areas do not fully inform about the filling of the city with green spaces at different times, so it is necessary to take into account the qualitative characteristics.



місто, ландшафт, озеленені території, зеленений каркас, city, landscape, green areas, green frames


Макійчук Л. Озеленення Львова: погляд крізь історію / Людмила Макійчук // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Архітектура. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021. — Том 3 (1). — № 1 (5). — С. 81–90.



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