Sanitary and microbiological status of surface waters of protected areas and traditional economic landscapes of the Carpathians in Pokuttia-Bukovina region

dc.contributor.affiliationBukovinian State Medical University
dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University
dc.contributor.affiliationNational Natural Park “Vizhnitsky”
dc.contributor.authorMasikevych, Andriy
dc.contributor.authorMalovanyy, Myroslav
dc.contributor.authorYaremchuk, Valeriy
dc.contributor.authorKolotylo, Mykhailo
dc.contributor.authorMasikevych, Yuriy
dc.description.abstractThe microbiological parameters of surface water as indicators of the ecological state of the Carpathians in Pokuttia-Bukovina region were studied. The water streams of the National Nature Park “Vyzhnytskyi”, where a specific ecosystem has been formed for more than two decades, were used as a standard for comparison. The possibility of using “biofilters” based on a synthetic carrier “Viia” for purification of natural water streams and raising the level of ecological safety of mountain ecosystems has been proved.
dc.identifier.citationSanitary and microbiological status of surface waters of protected areas and traditional economic landscapes of the Carpathians in Pokuttia-Bukovina region / Andriy Masikevych, Myroslav Malovanyy, Valeriy Yaremchuk, Mykhailo Kolotylo, Yuriy Masikevych // Environmental problems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — Vol 3. — No 4. — P. 265–272.
dc.identifier.citationenSanitary and microbiological status of surface waters of protected areas and traditional economic landscapes of the Carpathians in Pokuttia-Bukovina region / Andriy Masikevych, Myroslav Malovanyy, Valeriy Yaremchuk, Mykhailo Kolotylo, Yuriy Masikevych // Environmental problems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — Vol 3. — No 4. — P. 265–272.
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofEnvironmental problems, 4 (3), 2018
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dc.relation.referencesen3. Kavka G. G., Kasimir D., Farnleitner A. H. (2006). Microbiological water quality of the River Danube (km 2581 – km 15): longitudinal variation of pollution as determined by standard parameters. In Proceedings of the 36th International Conference of the IAD, pp. 415–421 International Association of Danube Research. https:, microbial/kavka.pdf doi=10.1.1.
dc.relation.referencesen4. Hosam E.A.F. Bayoumi Hamuda and Istvan Patko: American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2012, 8(3), 202.
dc.relation.referencesen5. Emőke Páll, Mihaela Niculae, Timea Kiss, Carmen Dana Şandru, and Marina Spînu: J Med Microbiol., 2013, 62(11), 1635. Doi: 10.1099/jmm.0.055749-0.
dc.relation.referencesen6. Alexander K. T. Kirschner, Gerhard G. Kavka, BrankoVelimirov, Robert L. Mach, ReginaSommer, Andreas H. Farnleitner: Water Research, 2009, 43(15), 3673. watres. 2009.05.034.
dc.relation.referencesen7. Mudrak, O. V., Zbalansovanyy rozvytok ekomerezhi Podillya: stan, problemy, perspektyvy. SPD Glavatska R. V., Vinnytsya 2012. (in Ukrainian)
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dc.relation.referencesen10. An. Masikevych, M. Kolotylo, V. Yaremchuk, Yu. Masikevych, V. Myslytsky, I. Burdeniuk, K. Dombrovskyi: EURIKA: Physics and Engineering, 2018, 2, 3.
dc.relation.referencesen11. Gvozdyak, P. I., Visnyk NAN Ukrayiny, 2003, 3, 29. (in Ukrainian)
dc.relation.referencesen12. Ryl's'kyi, O. F., Masikevych, Yu. G., Visnyk Zaporiz'koho natsional'noho universytetu, 2012, 3, 139. (in Ukrainian)
dc.relation.referencesen13. Masikevych, A., Masikevych, Yu., Myslytsky, V., Burdeniuk, I., Valuation hydroecological and sanitaryhygienic condition of the river network of PokutskoBukovinisn Carpathians policy [in:] Water Security. Mykolaiv: PMBSNU, Bristol: UWE 2016, 98–108.
dc.relation.referencesen14. DSTU 4080-2001 – Yakist` vody`. (in Ukrainian)
dc.relation.referencesen15. Sanitarno-virusolohichnyy kontrol' vodnykh ob"yektiv: metod. vkazivky MV 10.2.1-145-2007. (in Ukrainian)
dc.relation.referencesen16. SanPiN 4630-88. Sanitarni pravy`la i normy` oxorony` poverxnevy`x vod vid zabrudnennya. (in Ukrainian)
dc.relation.referencesen17. Council Directive of 16 June 1975 concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water in the Member States. Surface Water Directive: 75/440 EEC. https:, www.eea.
dc.relation.referencesen18. Masikevych A., Kolotylo M., Yaremchuk V., Masikevych Yu., Myslytskyi V., Burdenyuk I., Danish Scientific Journal, 2017, 7, 57.
dc.relation.referencesen19. Masikevych A., Malovanyy M., Masikevych Yu. G., Kolotylo M., Yaremchuk V., Myslytsky V. F., Burdenyuk I. P., Characteristics of the main components of ecological safety of the Pokutsko-Bukovynian Carpathians [in:] Henryk Sobczuk, Beata Kowalska (Ed.), Water Supply and Wasterwater Disposal. Monografie. Lublin University of Technology, Lublin 2018,132–151.
dc.relation.referencesen20. Thompson D. E, Rajal V. B, De Batz S., Wuertz S., J. Water Health, 2006, 4(1), 67. https: //www. ncbi. nlm.
dc.relation.referencesen21. Zuraini Zakaria, Sanjay Gairola & Noresah Mohd Shariff. Effective Microorganisms (EM): International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Modelling for Environment’s Sake. http://www. php?n=Main.Proceedings.
dc.relation.referencesen22. Krupyey K. S., Skokova A. O., Rylskyy O. F., Dombrovskyy K. O., Hvozdyak P. I., Pytannya bioindykatsiyi ta ekolohiyi, 2014, 19(2), 224. (in Ukrainian)
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2018
dc.rights.holder© Masikevych A., Malovanyy M., Yaremchuk V., Kolotylo M., Masikevych Yu., 2018
dc.subjectmountain ecosystem
dc.subjectsurface waters
dc.subjectmicrobiological indicators
dc.subjectprotected areas
dc.titleSanitary and microbiological status of surface waters of protected areas and traditional economic landscapes of the Carpathians in Pokuttia-Bukovina region


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