Попередні результати дослідження принципів архітектурної типології будинків доби функціоналізму в м. Чернівці. На прикладі житла
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Висвітлено попередні результати дослідження принципів архітектурної типології
будівель архітектури доби функціоналізму в м. Чернівці. Проаналізовано дев’яносто три
житлові будинки, сім громадських і один промисловий об’єкт.
The aim of the publication is an attempt to suggest the architecturally-typological classification of residential buildings in the city of Chernivtsi during functionalism epoch. Architecture of functionalism objects was easily integrated with national peculiarities of the architecture of different countries, what quickly made this style an international one. This all may be also said about Chernivtsi which since November 11, 1918 had become a part of royal Romania and the second city in Romania by the number of citizens – 140 000 people [5]. “Reunification” of Bukovina and Chernivtsi with the support of occupation forces was proclaimed by temporary assembled “General congress of Bukovina”. Thus during next 26 years (with a small break during 1940–1944) the city of Chernivtsi turned into the city of Cherneuts. Romanians built a lot and involved American building companies extensively, moreover even nowadays left by them architecture legacy of functionalism epoch effectively enriches the architecture of historical centre, within and behind its boundaries. During twentysix years of Chernivtsi being a part of Romania the following was built: ninety-three residential buildings, seven public and one object of industrial architecture, which still play significant role in shaping architecturally-spatial environment of the city. The most important group of buildings is the residential one. According to the type of dwelling two key trends may be distinguished: dwelling and dwelling on the edge of functions. By the plan schemes residential functionalistic buildings may be classified in the following way: plans in the shape of sections: at 15, Ukrainska str.; at 1, 28 chervnia str.; at 8, L. Ukrainky str. etc.; section-corridor ones: at 4, Universytetska str., on the corner of Ukrainska and Dobrogo str. Section solutions prevail (see table 1). Number of stories of the dwelling is formed by two-, three-, four- and five-storied buildings. Three- and four-storied buildings prevail over the others (see table 2). The houses are equipped with vertical communications and lifts. They have thoroughfares or passageways to the yards where technical buildings had been projected. The houses have emergency exits and stairs. Dwelling on the edge of functions may be divided into dwelling with elements of service and dwelling with storages, which were the ground or first floors (see table 3). The shapes of plans of functionalistic residential buildings are formed by three groups – frontallinear, angle and in the shape of squares. Among frontal-lineal it is possible to find dash-like, Г-like, П-like, Т-like (see table 4). Other plans are in the shape of asymmetrical T-like, in the shape of a halfcross, square, rectangular ones. Plan shapes may occupy the whole quarter or its part. A lot of residential buildings were designed and built by such architects as A.-L. Webber, A. Fleminger, Hermann Kagan, as well as by outstanding designers and builders of famous public buildings in Chernivtsi H. Kriange, K. Seledzhianu etc. At the beginning of the 20th century most buildings of residential, public and industrial architecture of functionalism epoch in Chernivtsi were disregarded by Ukrainian scientists. It especially relates to dwelling architecture which consists of 93 buildings. Professional interest is not only in architecturallytypological aspects of shaping the named buildings but also in project possibilities of the methods of architects who had created them and information about their creative work.
The aim of the publication is an attempt to suggest the architecturally-typological classification of residential buildings in the city of Chernivtsi during functionalism epoch. Architecture of functionalism objects was easily integrated with national peculiarities of the architecture of different countries, what quickly made this style an international one. This all may be also said about Chernivtsi which since November 11, 1918 had become a part of royal Romania and the second city in Romania by the number of citizens – 140 000 people [5]. “Reunification” of Bukovina and Chernivtsi with the support of occupation forces was proclaimed by temporary assembled “General congress of Bukovina”. Thus during next 26 years (with a small break during 1940–1944) the city of Chernivtsi turned into the city of Cherneuts. Romanians built a lot and involved American building companies extensively, moreover even nowadays left by them architecture legacy of functionalism epoch effectively enriches the architecture of historical centre, within and behind its boundaries. During twentysix years of Chernivtsi being a part of Romania the following was built: ninety-three residential buildings, seven public and one object of industrial architecture, which still play significant role in shaping architecturally-spatial environment of the city. The most important group of buildings is the residential one. According to the type of dwelling two key trends may be distinguished: dwelling and dwelling on the edge of functions. By the plan schemes residential functionalistic buildings may be classified in the following way: plans in the shape of sections: at 15, Ukrainska str.; at 1, 28 chervnia str.; at 8, L. Ukrainky str. etc.; section-corridor ones: at 4, Universytetska str., on the corner of Ukrainska and Dobrogo str. Section solutions prevail (see table 1). Number of stories of the dwelling is formed by two-, three-, four- and five-storied buildings. Three- and four-storied buildings prevail over the others (see table 2). The houses are equipped with vertical communications and lifts. They have thoroughfares or passageways to the yards where technical buildings had been projected. The houses have emergency exits and stairs. Dwelling on the edge of functions may be divided into dwelling with elements of service and dwelling with storages, which were the ground or first floors (see table 3). The shapes of plans of functionalistic residential buildings are formed by three groups – frontallinear, angle and in the shape of squares. Among frontal-lineal it is possible to find dash-like, Г-like, П-like, Т-like (see table 4). Other plans are in the shape of asymmetrical T-like, in the shape of a halfcross, square, rectangular ones. Plan shapes may occupy the whole quarter or its part. A lot of residential buildings were designed and built by such architects as A.-L. Webber, A. Fleminger, Hermann Kagan, as well as by outstanding designers and builders of famous public buildings in Chernivtsi H. Kriange, K. Seledzhianu etc. At the beginning of the 20th century most buildings of residential, public and industrial architecture of functionalism epoch in Chernivtsi were disregarded by Ukrainian scientists. It especially relates to dwelling architecture which consists of 93 buildings. Professional interest is not only in architecturallytypological aspects of shaping the named buildings but also in project possibilities of the methods of architects who had created them and information about their creative work.
архітектурна спадщина, Чернівці, функціоналізм, architectural heritage, Chernivtsi, functionalism
Проскуряков В. І. Попередні результати дослідження принципів архітектурної типології будинків доби функціоналізму в м. Чернівці. На прикладі житла / В. І. Проскуряков, Р. Д. Юрійчук // Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: Архітектура. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017. — № 878. — С. 88–93.