Theoretical and methodological principles for accounting reflecton of goodwill: dialectics of development and directions of improvement

dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University
dc.contributor.authorLemishovska, O.
dc.contributor.authorMazur, I.
dc.description.abstractThe rapid development of market relations, Ukraine's integration into the world economic space, encourage companies, in order to achieve competitive advantages, to explore new ways of capitalization. At the same time, the operations of purchase, sale, merger or acquisition of companies, the value of which directly depends on intellectual capital, are becoming more common. The difference in the assessment of market and book value of intellectual capital leads to a special economic and accounting category – goodwill.Despite the prospects of using such a component of assets as goodwill, today there are still a number of theoretical and practical problems, for example: problem of unambiguous understanding and interpretation of the essence of goodwill, methods of its valuation, and the practice of reflecting it in accounting and reporting by domestic enterprises. The study addresses issues related to establishing the nature of goodwill, its content as an intangible economic resource of the enterprise and the component of the value of capital and the problem object of accounting.The purpose of the work is to reveal the economic essence of goodwill as an object of accounting, to conduct a critical analysis of the current standardization of goodwill accounting, to generalize and systematize of existing problems in the formation of accounting information about this object. The task of this study is to formulate separate proposals for improving methodological approaches to accounting for goodwill, which are obtained on the basis of examined legislative and research sources of information. The scientific novelty lies in the substantiation of the accounting category of goodwill as a subjective value and an objectively existing resource, which should be actually reflected in accounting and reporting.
dc.identifier.citationLemishovska O. Theoretical and methodological principles for accounting reflecton of goodwill: dialectics of development and directions of improvement / O. Lemishovska, I. Mazur // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2021. — Vol 8. — No 1. — P. 59–68.
dc.identifier.citationenLemishovska O. Theoretical and methodological principles for accounting reflecton of goodwill: dialectics of development and directions of improvement / O. Lemishovska, I. Mazur // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2021. — Vol 8. — No 1. — P. 59–68.
dc.publisherВидавництво Львівської політехніки
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofEconomics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 1 (8), 2021
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dc.relation.referencesen8. Dicksee L. (1897). Goodwill and its Treatment in Accounts. The Accountant (Vol. 23, No. 115)
dc.relation.referencesen9. Dicksee L. Tillyard F. (1906). Goodwill, Gee and Co. Printers and Publishers, Trind Edition. 33 p.
dc.relation.referencesen10. Leake P. D. (1921). Commercial goodwill: its History. Value and treatment in Accounts. London: Gee. 201 p.
dc.relation.referencesen11. Hatfield H. R. (1909). Modern Accounting, its principles and some of its problems. New York: D. Appleton.367r.
dc.relation.referencesen12. Kaner H. A. (1937). New Theory of Goodwill. London: Sir I. Pitman & Sons Ltd. Access mode: & version ld=16028315.
dc.relation.referencesen13. Accounting Research Bulletin "Accounting for Intangible Assets" (1944). American Institute of Accountants. (24), P. 195-201
dc.relation.referencesen14. Lemishovska O. (2020). Intangible values in the accounting theoretical and applied sphere of the Eastern Galicia of the second half of XIX – the beginning of XX century: historical discourse. Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management (Vol 7. No2), R 78-90
dc.relation.referencesen15. IFRS 3 Business Combinations. Access mode
dc.relation.referencesen16. Is Goodwill a Wasting Asset? IVSC Perspectives Paper. Access mode:
dc.relation.referencesen17. Goodwill Valuation Approaches, Methods, and Procedures. Financial Advisory Services Insights Access mode:
dc.relation.referencesen18. Steven L. Henning Valuation of the Components of Purchased Goodwill, Steven L. Henning, Barry L. Lewis, Wayne H. Shaw, Journal of Accounting Research. 2000. No. 2, R. 375–386.
dc.relation.referencesen19. Accounting Procedure for Valuation of Goodwill [Electronic resource], Access mode
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2021
dc.subjectinternally generated goodwill
dc.subjectintangible assets
dc.subjectbusiness value
dc.titleTheoretical and methodological principles for accounting reflecton of goodwill: dialectics of development and directions of improvement


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