Інвестиційна політика машинобудівного підприємства

dc.contributor.authorСимак, Анастасія Валеріївна
dc.description.abstractIn the dissertation work the theoretical and practical principles of the investment policy of machine-building enterprise are investigated, the analysis of the investment policy of machine-building is executed, and also the ways of improvement of investment policy of machine-building enterprise are grounded. A research purpose is the development of the theoretical, methodical and practical recommendations in relation to the improvement of investment policy of machine-building enterprise. The object of the research is the investment policy of machine-building enterprises. The article of research is an aggregate of theoretical and applied positions in relation to forming and realization of investment policy of machine-building enterprises. For achieving the put purpose the decision of such tasks is foreseen in work: to develop the content filling of the concepts of "investment" and "investment policy of enterprise"; to ground the possible directions of investment policy of machine-building enterprise; to define the role and place of investment policy in providing of the permanent competitiveness of machine-building enterprise; to execute the analytical evaluation of the Ukrainian and foreign experience of investment policy of the machine-building enterprises and the methodical approaches as for its optimization; to investigate the spatial aspects of choice of the optimum variant of investments; to develop the methodical positions from the economic evaluation of choice of the optimum variant of investments for the possible place of investing; to execute the economic evaluation of the spatially technological program of investments of machine-building enterprise. The practical value of research results is in the results and developed recommendations of the author can be used for the increase of efficiency of investment policy of machine-building enterprises. In the first section "The theoretical and applied principles of investment policy of enterprises" are probed the essence and the maintenance of investments and investment policy of enterprises, the directions of investment policy of machine-building enterprise and the spatial factor of investment policy of machine-building enterprise, in relation to the providing of its permanent competitiveness. The investment policy of enterprise must be characterized by three basic elements: by the directions of realization of investments; by the volumes of investing after the proper direction; by the location of realization of investments. The ground of optimum parameters of investment policy of enterprise plays an extraordinarily great role in forming of its competitiveness and effective functioning. Purchased subsequent development: the contents of concept "competitiveness of enterprise" and research of factors of territorial differentiation of the charges of production. The position from the grounding of the directions of optimization of the investment policy of machine-building enterprise is improved by the coding of technologies and space places after the criterion of factors of location. The investments of machine-building enterprise can have the multiplicative character which will depend on the system "co-operations" different types of fixed assets in the process of production of goods. It is from this point of view expedient to inculcate the concept of taxonomical level of investments. Introduction of concept of taxonomical level of investments enables expressly to structure the investment program of machine-building enterprise. In the second section of "The analysis of investment policy of machine-building enterprises" the investment policy of enterprises in Ukraine, foreign experience of investment policy of enterprises, and also methods of optimization of investment policy of enterprises are investigated. Overwhelming part of enterprises of machine-building and metal-workingness in Ukraine is concentrated in areas with the highest level of economic development, research base and skilled shots, and also in regions with the developed metallurgical base. Specific gravity of products of machine-building in the general volume of export of Ukraine exceeds 15%. Thus Ukraine is selected the export of airplanes, ships, agricultural technique, and also machine-building products of military-oriented. The innovative development of machine-building complex to a great extent is exactly oriented on the domestic defensive-industrial complex. At the terms of modern globalization a world machine-building is displaced in the countries with minimum production charges. It touches investments as in the "old" so newest technologies of production of machine-building goods. The analysis of foreign experience of investment policy of machine-building enterprises forces to pay regard to foremost spatial factor which consists in sharp spatial differentiation of development of machine-building. Thus, this spatial differentiation shows up as in quantitative (volume of products of machine-building) so in the high-quality (technological level of products of machine-building) indexes of development of machine-building in the different regions. In the third section of "The improvement of investment policy of machine-building enterprise" the investigational spatial aspects of choice of optimum variant of investments, methodical positions are developed from the economic evaluation of choice of optimum variant of investments for the possible place of investing, an economic evaluation is executed spatially - technological program of investments. Scientific terminology of subsequent development in the field of grounding the choice of optimum decisions of investments is purchased. An important factor which will influence at choice of optimum variant of investing by the managers will be a depreciation policy of the state. Interpretation of term the "immediate writing on charges" is needed to attach exploitations not to the first year of the fixed assets but to the year of the realization of investments, as there are the projects of investments with the time of realization, which exceeds an annual period. Possibility of the immediate writing on the charges of complete size of carried out investments in the fixed assets will influence on investment activity in two ways. Such possibility will stimulate the investment activity and influence at choice of the optimum variant of investments promoting probability of realization of variant of the more capital capacity. В диссертационной работе исследованы теоретические и прикладные основания инвестиционной политики машиностроительного предприятия, выполнен анализ инвестиционной политики машиностроительного предприятия, а также обоснованы пути усовершенствования инвестиционной политики машиностроительного предприятия. Впервые введено в научный оборот понятие таксономического уровня инвестиций машиностроительного предприятия и предложено выполнять кодирование технологий и мест пространства по критериям показателей размещения. Усовершенствован метод обоснования выбора оптимального варианта инвестирования. Получили дальнейшее развитие: научная терминология в сфере обоснования выбора оптимальных инвестиционных решений, содержание понятия "конкурентоспособность предприятия" и идентификация показателей территориальной дифференциации расходов производства. У дисертаційній роботі досліджено теоретичні та прикладні засади інвестиційної політики машинобудівного підприємства, виконано аналізування інвестиційної політики машинобудівних підприємств, а також обґрунтовано шляхи удосконалення інвестиційної політики машинобудівного підприємства. Вперше введено у науковий обіг поняття таксономічного рівня інвестицій машинобудівного підприємства та запропоновано виконувати кодування технологій та місць простору за критерієм чинників розташування. Удосконалено метод обґрунтування вибору оптимального варіанта інвестування. Набули подальшого розвитку: наукова термінологія у сфері обґрунтування вибору оптимальних інвестиційних рішень, зміст поняття "конкурентоспроможність підприємства" та ідентифікація чинників територіальної диференціації витрат виробництва.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationСимак А. В. Інвестиційна політика машинобудівного підприємства : автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата економічних наук: 08.00.04 – економіка та управління підприємствами (машинобудування та приладобудування) / Анастасія Валеріївна Симак ; Національний університет "Львівська політехніка". – Львів, 2010. – 24 с. – Бібліографія: с. 21–23 (13 назв).uk_UA
dc.publisherНаціональний університет "Львівська політехніка"uk_UA
dc.subjectмашинобудівні підприємстваuk_UA
dc.subjectінвестиційна політика підприємстваuk_UA
dc.subjectконкуренція технологійuk_UA
dc.subjectпросторово-технологічна програма інвестиційuk_UA
dc.subjectмашиностроительные предприятияuk_UA
dc.subjectинвестиционная политика предприятияuk_UA
dc.subjectконкуренция технологийuk_UA
dc.subjectпространственно-технологическая программа инвестицийuk_UA
dc.subjectmachine-building enterprisesuk_UA
dc.subjectinvestment policy of enterpriseuk_UA
dc.subjectcompetition of technologiesuk_UA
dc.subjectspatially - technological program of investmentsuk_UA
dc.titleІнвестиційна політика машинобудівного підприємстваuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeИнвестиционная политика машиностроительного предприятияuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe investment policy of machine-building enterpriseuk_UA


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