Історико-архітектурні особливості розвитку палаців стилю класицизм Східного Поділля кінця XVIII – початку ХХ століття
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
У статті досліджено історичні передумови та основні чинники становлення
палацових комплексів стилю класицизм Східного Поділля кінця XVIII – початку XX
століття. Розглянуто особливості їхніх архітектурно-планувальних вирішень. Проведено
архітектурно-просторовий аналіз палаців Східного Поділля. Визначено питання
подальшого вивчення пам’яток палацової архітектури задля найшвидшого збереження.
This article provides the complex research of the historical and architectural monuments of palace architecture of classicism style of end of XVIII of beginning of XX centuries, that were situated on East Podillya. The basic historical aspects of this period are expounded in relation to social-economic and political, cultural, esthetic and the geographical state of Vinnitsa region, as a functionallyadministrative center of Ukraine. It was considered the features of becoming of palace and court-style-park complexes. Also socioeconomic, geographical and natural factors that influenced on building and location of noble estates were analyzed here. On the basis of iconography, cartographic materials and model inspections, here was conducted, historical, cultural, stylistic , architectural and planning analysis, of the basic periods of the evolution of palaces in the days of domination on East Podillya the families such as Pototsky, Groholsky, Chetvertinsky, Sobansky, Shcherbatovy, and others like that. Here was monitored the influence of world classic stylish tendencies of end XVIII century and beginning of XX century on the specific of forming of architectonically-spatial and composition-structural character of lordly palaces. It was established the division into periods of evolution the classicism in palace architecture, taking into account historical-cultural and architectonically-town-planning factors at that time. It was analyzed the periods of early and late classicism to neoclassicism, here was identified the characteristic features of stylistic devices inherent each of these stages of architectural creation palace. Palaces of classicism period marked monumentalness of building, majesty of the warrant systems, perfection of forms, restrained and symmetric volumes, calm colors, the precision of geometrical lines and the simplicity in planning. It was found formation patterns of structural and compositional aesthetic solutions to the main facade and decorative elements of decoration of palace buildings. This, combined with newly surrounding the beautiful parks, english glades and french gardens, harmoniously emphasized perfect image of the unique architectural ensemble of classical style of this epoch. It was identified and discussed the architectural and planning organization of internal space and the use of art and decorative techniques during the construction of the palace complex in the style of classicism on the East Podillya. It was established typology planning scheme in architectural objects characteristic of the classical style. It was traced that palace monuments, most of which are monuments of national importance, every day they lose their proper form, and it further prevents them worthy of preserving, restoring full and careful use. After architectural heritage classicism style palace buildings on the East Podillya - a historic cultural and inalienable public domain of our region. In the article generalized existent previous researches of palace architecture, the features of numerous group of magnate palace complexes of style are distinguished and analysed classicism on East Podillya of end of XVIII of beginning of XX of century.
This article provides the complex research of the historical and architectural monuments of palace architecture of classicism style of end of XVIII of beginning of XX centuries, that were situated on East Podillya. The basic historical aspects of this period are expounded in relation to social-economic and political, cultural, esthetic and the geographical state of Vinnitsa region, as a functionallyadministrative center of Ukraine. It was considered the features of becoming of palace and court-style-park complexes. Also socioeconomic, geographical and natural factors that influenced on building and location of noble estates were analyzed here. On the basis of iconography, cartographic materials and model inspections, here was conducted, historical, cultural, stylistic , architectural and planning analysis, of the basic periods of the evolution of palaces in the days of domination on East Podillya the families such as Pototsky, Groholsky, Chetvertinsky, Sobansky, Shcherbatovy, and others like that. Here was monitored the influence of world classic stylish tendencies of end XVIII century and beginning of XX century on the specific of forming of architectonically-spatial and composition-structural character of lordly palaces. It was established the division into periods of evolution the classicism in palace architecture, taking into account historical-cultural and architectonically-town-planning factors at that time. It was analyzed the periods of early and late classicism to neoclassicism, here was identified the characteristic features of stylistic devices inherent each of these stages of architectural creation palace. Palaces of classicism period marked monumentalness of building, majesty of the warrant systems, perfection of forms, restrained and symmetric volumes, calm colors, the precision of geometrical lines and the simplicity in planning. It was found formation patterns of structural and compositional aesthetic solutions to the main facade and decorative elements of decoration of palace buildings. This, combined with newly surrounding the beautiful parks, english glades and french gardens, harmoniously emphasized perfect image of the unique architectural ensemble of classical style of this epoch. It was identified and discussed the architectural and planning organization of internal space and the use of art and decorative techniques during the construction of the palace complex in the style of classicism on the East Podillya. It was established typology planning scheme in architectural objects characteristic of the classical style. It was traced that palace monuments, most of which are monuments of national importance, every day they lose their proper form, and it further prevents them worthy of preserving, restoring full and careful use. After architectural heritage classicism style palace buildings on the East Podillya - a historic cultural and inalienable public domain of our region. In the article generalized existent previous researches of palace architecture, the features of numerous group of magnate palace complexes of style are distinguished and analysed classicism on East Podillya of end of XVIII of beginning of XX of century.
палац, маєток, фасад, планування, ордер, чинники, архітектурна пам’ятка, estate, planning, style, classicism, facade, palace, ensemble, period
Хороша О. І. Історико-архітектурні особливості розвитку палаців стилю класицизм Східного Поділля кінця XVIII – початку ХХ століття / О. І. Хороша, В. В. Смоляк // Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: Архітектура. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017. — № 878. — С. 50–58.