Управління якістю професійної освіти як сучасний тренд підвищення конкурентоспроможності майбутнього спеціаліста
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Проаналізовано структурно-функціональні особливості системи вищої освіти як
невід’ємної складової національного виробництва та суспільно-державного устрою країни.
Доведено, що існуючі методи і алгоритми оцінки якості роботи професорськоговикладацького та студентського складу вищого методи навчального закладу є ключовими
у вирішенні даної проблеми, які і сьогодні є нестандартизованими та потребують всебічного
аналізу та дослідного впровадження. Розглянуті методичні та практичні підходи
визначення комплексних показників якості вищої освіти на основі виділення ключових
груп показників якості та теоретичних положень кваліметрії.
The article analyzes the structural and functional features of the system of higher education as an integral part of national production, the social and state system of the country. It is indicated that the functional activity of the higher education system is closely linked with the external interested consumers of the intellectual product of higher education institutions. From the state, society and production, this system should receive sufficient material and technical resources, use them qualitatively and transfer the results of their activities to the external environment. Determining the quality of the higher education system be should built based on a closed structural and functional model of the implementation of the concept Long Life Learning. It is proved that existing methods and algorithms for assessing the quality of work of faculty members and students of higher educational institutions are key to solving this problem. Each of the quality indicators groups is a heterogeneous multicomponent vector, which ideally be should evaluated by an integral quality indicator. Methodological and practical approaches to the definition of complex indicators of higher education quality are considered on the basis of the choice of the main indicators of quality indicators and the theoretical positions of Qualimetry. The main approaches to the process of internal and external assessment of the quality of the system of higher education are the definition of performance indicators and expert evaluation. Calculated parametric algorithms are of particular interest in evaluating quality indicators. According to the authors, the fundamental basis for the development of instrumental means for determining the quality of the higher education system should be the scientific provisions of the Qualimetry in education that has acquired economic status. Qualimetry provided a flight of economic content of the category of quality education in conjunction with consumer value and price. The objective of the applied Qualimetry is to develop a methodology and mathematical models for assessing the quality of subjects and objects of the educational space. The methodological significance of Qualimetry for a higher education system is the ability to present the quality of non-material objects of educational systems by one quantitative indicator. The basis of the structural analysis of the concept of "quality" is the operations of functional and morphological decomposition, which are multilevel hierarchical structures. The quality of management of higher education is a combination of properties that reflect the specifics and the essence of management. These properties are interrelated, are the basis of the management process and have some value. In the article is presented the graphic model of relations between formal objects of the system of quality estimation. Of particular interest for this model are quality evaluation algorithms. It can be concluded that educational systems belong to the category of complex dynamical systems having a poly hierarchical structure. Qualitative characteristics relate to the system of education of different scales – educational systems in the world, national and regional dimensions, as well as individual higher education institutions. Naturally, the study of indicators of the quality of the system of higher education is the object of Qualimetry. However, tools for a comprehensive assessment of the quality of higher education should be standardized. They require a comprehensive analysis and implementation of research.
The article analyzes the structural and functional features of the system of higher education as an integral part of national production, the social and state system of the country. It is indicated that the functional activity of the higher education system is closely linked with the external interested consumers of the intellectual product of higher education institutions. From the state, society and production, this system should receive sufficient material and technical resources, use them qualitatively and transfer the results of their activities to the external environment. Determining the quality of the higher education system be should built based on a closed structural and functional model of the implementation of the concept Long Life Learning. It is proved that existing methods and algorithms for assessing the quality of work of faculty members and students of higher educational institutions are key to solving this problem. Each of the quality indicators groups is a heterogeneous multicomponent vector, which ideally be should evaluated by an integral quality indicator. Methodological and practical approaches to the definition of complex indicators of higher education quality are considered on the basis of the choice of the main indicators of quality indicators and the theoretical positions of Qualimetry. The main approaches to the process of internal and external assessment of the quality of the system of higher education are the definition of performance indicators and expert evaluation. Calculated parametric algorithms are of particular interest in evaluating quality indicators. According to the authors, the fundamental basis for the development of instrumental means for determining the quality of the higher education system should be the scientific provisions of the Qualimetry in education that has acquired economic status. Qualimetry provided a flight of economic content of the category of quality education in conjunction with consumer value and price. The objective of the applied Qualimetry is to develop a methodology and mathematical models for assessing the quality of subjects and objects of the educational space. The methodological significance of Qualimetry for a higher education system is the ability to present the quality of non-material objects of educational systems by one quantitative indicator. The basis of the structural analysis of the concept of "quality" is the operations of functional and morphological decomposition, which are multilevel hierarchical structures. The quality of management of higher education is a combination of properties that reflect the specifics and the essence of management. These properties are interrelated, are the basis of the management process and have some value. In the article is presented the graphic model of relations between formal objects of the system of quality estimation. Of particular interest for this model are quality evaluation algorithms. It can be concluded that educational systems belong to the category of complex dynamical systems having a poly hierarchical structure. Qualitative characteristics relate to the system of education of different scales – educational systems in the world, national and regional dimensions, as well as individual higher education institutions. Naturally, the study of indicators of the quality of the system of higher education is the object of Qualimetry. However, tools for a comprehensive assessment of the quality of higher education should be standardized. They require a comprehensive analysis and implementation of research.
Драчук Ю. З. Управління якістю професійної освіти як сучасний тренд підвищення конкурентоспроможності майбутнього спеціаліста / Ю. З. Драчук, Л. М. Заміховський, Л. О. Сав’юк // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017. — № 875. — С. 382–390. — (Економіка та управління науково-освітньою діяльністю).