Identification of natural and technogenic seismic events by energy characteristics
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Однією з ключових проблем сейсмічного моніторингу є ідентифікація землетрусів і сигналів від джерел техногенного походження, виявлених мережею сейсмічних станцій. У мирний час техногенні події пов’язані в основному із промисловими гірничими розробками, однак з початком повномасштабної агресії росії проти суверенної України сейсмологічною мережею Головного центру спеціального контролю Державного космічного агентства України зареєстровано тисячі сейсмічних сигналів від вибухів у результаті ракетних, авіаційних, артилерійських ударів, що значно ускладнює процес оцінки сейсмічності та робить надзвичайно актуальним питання визначення природи зареєстрованих подій. На основі аналізу сейсмічних сигналів визначені співвідношення між енергетичними класами (K), магнітудами (mb), максимальними амплітудами поздовжніх об’ємних фаз , і потужностями (Y) вибухів в тротиловому еквіваленті у Київській, Житомирській, Вінницькій, Хмельницькій, Чернігівській областях. Енергетичні характеристики можуть бути використані для ідентифікації природи сейсмічних подій, а результати аналізу співвідношень , , дозволяють здійснювати оцінки потужностей вибухів в тротиловому еквіваленті і визначати за отриманими даними ймовірні типи боєприпасів. Енергія від джерела сигналу у випадку вибухової події може бути визначена додатково за інфразвуковими даними, наявність акустичної хвилі слугує додатковим критерієм для ідентифікації події. Разом з тим енергетичні характеристики дозволяють ідентифікувати і природні джерела, прикладом якого є тектонічний землетрус 26.05.2023 року в Полтавській області.
One of the key problems of seismic monitoring is the identification of earthquakes and signals from technogenic sources detected by a network of seismic stations. In peacetime, technogenic events are mainly associated with industrial mining developments, however, with the beginning of russia's full-scale aggression against sovereign Ukraine, thousands of seismic signals from explosions as a result of missile, aircraft, artillery strikes were registered by the seismological network of the Main Center of Special Monitoring of the State Space Agency of Ukraine. This significantly complicates the process of assessing seismicity and makes the question of determining the nature of registered events extremely relevant. Based on the analysis of seismic signals, the relationships between energy classes (K), magnitudes (mb), maximum amplitudes of longitudinal volumetric phases , and yields (Y) of explosions in TNT equivalent in Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia, Khmelnytsky, Chernihiv regions. Energy characteristics can be used to identify the nature of seismic events, and the results of the analysis of the ratios , , make it possible to yield estimate of explosions in TNT equivalent and determine the probable types of ammunition based on the received data. The energy from the signal source in the case of an explosive event can be determined additionally by infrasound data, the presence of an acoustic wave serves as an additional criterion for identifying the event. At the same time, energy characteristics make it possible to identify natural sources, an example of which is the tectonic earthquake of May 26, 2023 in the Poltava region.One of the key problems of seismic monitoring is the identification of earthquakes and signals from technogenic sources detected by a network of seismic stations. In peacetime, technogenic events are mainly associated with industrial mining developments, however, with the beginning of russia's full-scale aggression against sovereign Ukraine, thousands of seismic signals from explosions as a result of missile, aircraft, artillery strikes were registered by the seismological network of the Main Center of Special Monitoring of the State Space Agency of Ukraine. This significantly complicates the process of assessing seismicity and makes the question of determining the nature of registered events extremely relevant. Based on the analysis of seismic signals, the relationships between energy classes (K), magnitudes (mb), maximum amplitudes of longitudinal volumetric phases , and yields (Y) of explosions in TNT equivalent in Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia, Khmelnytsky, Chernihiv regions. Energy characteristics can be used to identify the nature of seismic events, and the results of the analysis of the ratios , , make it possible to yield estimate of explosions in TNT equivalent and determine the probable types of ammunition based on the received data. The energy from the signal source in the case of an explosive event can be determined additionally by infrasound data, the presence of an acoustic wave serves as an additional criterion for identifying the event. At the same time, energy characteristics make it possible to identify natural sources, an example of which is the tectonic earthquake of May 26, 2023 in the Poltava region.
One of the key problems of seismic monitoring is the identification of earthquakes and signals from technogenic sources detected by a network of seismic stations. In peacetime, technogenic events are mainly associated with industrial mining developments, however, with the beginning of russia's full-scale aggression against sovereign Ukraine, thousands of seismic signals from explosions as a result of missile, aircraft, artillery strikes were registered by the seismological network of the Main Center of Special Monitoring of the State Space Agency of Ukraine. This significantly complicates the process of assessing seismicity and makes the question of determining the nature of registered events extremely relevant. Based on the analysis of seismic signals, the relationships between energy classes (K), magnitudes (mb), maximum amplitudes of longitudinal volumetric phases , and yields (Y) of explosions in TNT equivalent in Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia, Khmelnytsky, Chernihiv regions. Energy characteristics can be used to identify the nature of seismic events, and the results of the analysis of the ratios , , make it possible to yield estimate of explosions in TNT equivalent and determine the probable types of ammunition based on the received data. The energy from the signal source in the case of an explosive event can be determined additionally by infrasound data, the presence of an acoustic wave serves as an additional criterion for identifying the event. At the same time, energy characteristics make it possible to identify natural sources, an example of which is the tectonic earthquake of May 26, 2023 in the Poltava region.One of the key problems of seismic monitoring is the identification of earthquakes and signals from technogenic sources detected by a network of seismic stations. In peacetime, technogenic events are mainly associated with industrial mining developments, however, with the beginning of russia's full-scale aggression against sovereign Ukraine, thousands of seismic signals from explosions as a result of missile, aircraft, artillery strikes were registered by the seismological network of the Main Center of Special Monitoring of the State Space Agency of Ukraine. This significantly complicates the process of assessing seismicity and makes the question of determining the nature of registered events extremely relevant. Based on the analysis of seismic signals, the relationships between energy classes (K), magnitudes (mb), maximum amplitudes of longitudinal volumetric phases , and yields (Y) of explosions in TNT equivalent in Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia, Khmelnytsky, Chernihiv regions. Energy characteristics can be used to identify the nature of seismic events, and the results of the analysis of the ratios , , make it possible to yield estimate of explosions in TNT equivalent and determine the probable types of ammunition based on the received data. The energy from the signal source in the case of an explosive event can be determined additionally by infrasound data, the presence of an acoustic wave serves as an additional criterion for identifying the event. At the same time, energy characteristics make it possible to identify natural sources, an example of which is the tectonic earthquake of May 26, 2023 in the Poltava region.
сейсмічна станція, сейсмічний сигнал, сейсмічна хвиля, вибух, боєприпас, потужність в тротиловому еквіваленті, магнітуда, енергетичний клас, максимальна амплітуда, землетрус, інфразвук, ідентифікація, seismic station, seismic signal, seismic wave, explosion, ammunition, power in TNT equivalent, magnitude, energy class, maximum amplitude, earthquake, infrasound, identification
Osadchii V. Identification of natural and technogenic seismic events by energy characteristics / V. Osadchii, Yu. Andrushchenko, O. Liashchuk // Geodynamics. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2023. — No 2 (35). — P. 99–105.