Оцінювання загальної привабливості громадського простору міста за багатьма критеріями
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Розглянуто підходи до оцінки загальної привабливості міських громадських просторів на
основі різних критеріїв – урбаністичних, соціальних, економічних, екологічних.
Розроблені моделі планування громадських просторів призначені для обґрунтованого вибору
зі сукупності альтернативних проектів, передбачених до впровадження, за домінантним
критерієм або за багатьма критеріями в умовах ресурсної обмеженості.
Cities are constantly changing – new and existing facilities are created and reconstructed, existing ones are modernized, and new territories are developed, and, accordingly, public spaces are formed and develop in a certain way. To a large extent, this process is random and does not take place systematically, but this rather happens as a response to the urgent economic, environmental, social or other needs of city residents. Development management in the urban planning system is designed to solve the controversial problem of maintaining integrity and at the same time striving for its transformation. The use of the tools of mathematical modeling, considered in the article, allows one to solve the problems of spatial development of a city and its public spaces in a purposeful way, and to coordinate such a solution with the interests of stakeholders. When forming public spaces of a city one faces the task of streamlining competing development projects (alternative projects) for a particular area of the city, taking into account the importance of their impact on the establishment of a distinctive image of the city and ensuring quality of life of its residents. To solve this problem, it is advisable to use methods of expert evaluation of design decisions, in particular, methods of ranking, valuating, and folding vector-valued criterion into a scalar criterion (integrated indicator of project weight). Ranking means assignment of a certain rank (a number from the natural series) to every project. The most important project is given the highest rank, which corresponds to number “one”. The sum of the ranks given by all experts to a particular project can be considered as a generalized value of its weight. The article considers approaches to the assessment of urban public spaces on the basis of various criteria, namely urban, social, economic, environmental ones. The developed models of public space planning are designed for making a reasonable choice from a set of alternative projects subject to implementation, either according to the dominant criterion or according to many criteria in the conditions of resource constraints.
Cities are constantly changing – new and existing facilities are created and reconstructed, existing ones are modernized, and new territories are developed, and, accordingly, public spaces are formed and develop in a certain way. To a large extent, this process is random and does not take place systematically, but this rather happens as a response to the urgent economic, environmental, social or other needs of city residents. Development management in the urban planning system is designed to solve the controversial problem of maintaining integrity and at the same time striving for its transformation. The use of the tools of mathematical modeling, considered in the article, allows one to solve the problems of spatial development of a city and its public spaces in a purposeful way, and to coordinate such a solution with the interests of stakeholders. When forming public spaces of a city one faces the task of streamlining competing development projects (alternative projects) for a particular area of the city, taking into account the importance of their impact on the establishment of a distinctive image of the city and ensuring quality of life of its residents. To solve this problem, it is advisable to use methods of expert evaluation of design decisions, in particular, methods of ranking, valuating, and folding vector-valued criterion into a scalar criterion (integrated indicator of project weight). Ranking means assignment of a certain rank (a number from the natural series) to every project. The most important project is given the highest rank, which corresponds to number “one”. The sum of the ranks given by all experts to a particular project can be considered as a generalized value of its weight. The article considers approaches to the assessment of urban public spaces on the basis of various criteria, namely urban, social, economic, environmental ones. The developed models of public space planning are designed for making a reasonable choice from a set of alternative projects subject to implementation, either according to the dominant criterion or according to many criteria in the conditions of resource constraints.
Фещур Р. Оцінювання загальної привабливості громадського простору міста за багатьма критеріями / Роман Фещур, Надія Соснова // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Архітектура. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020. — Том 2. — № 4. — С. 193–203.