Дослідження поведінки споживачів на ринку органічної продукції в Україні

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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House


Вивчено відмінності між поняттями “екологічно чиста продукція”, “екологічно безпечна продукція” та “органічна продукція” і обґрунтовано використання саме останнього терміна. Проаналізовано стан та динаміку ринку органічної продукції для оцінювання перспектив його розвитку в Україні та необхідності регулювання. Виявлено групи загроз для його становлення. За результатами вибіркового спостереження встановлено основні мотиви поведінки наявних та потенційних споживачів органічної продукції на ринку та створено їхній профіль. Запропоновано маркетингові інструменти для вирішення актуальних проблем становлення ринку органічної продукції та стимулювання попиту споживачів в Україні.
Purpose. The goal of the research is to characterize the profile and study the behavior of consumers on the market of organic products based on the results of marketing research. It is important to identify marketing tools that will stimulate demand for organic products. Design/methodology/approach. Achieving these goals will contribute to the use of general and special research methods, such as: abstract-logical, analysis and synthesis, comparative analysis and monograph, generalization – to formulate the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study, conclusions and prospects for further research; sample observation with the use of specially designed questionnaires – to form a sample of research and identify key characteristics and motives of consumer behavior in the market of organic products; analysis of time series, averages and relative values – to analyze the state and dynamics of the market of organic products; tabular and graphical – to visualize the results of the study. Findings. As a result of the study, the differences between the concepts of “environmentally eco products”, “environmentally friendly products” and “organic products” were established, and the use of the latter term was substantiated. An analysis of the state and dynamics of the market of organic products was conducted to assess the prospects for its development and regulation. Problems of its formation in Ukraine are revealed, a group of marketing threats is singled out. The key characteristics of the consumer of organic products are studied and generalized portrait is given. According to the results of sample observation, the key motives for the behavior of existing and potential consumers of organic food market were identified. Marketing tools are offered to solve current problems of formation of the organic food market and to stimulate consumer demand. Practical implications. The market for organic products is actively developing around the world. Consumers are interested in a healthy lifestyle, care about their health and the environment, so choose food wisely. Therefore, organic products are interesting to consumers, who prefer expensive products if they are confident in its quality. Due to this, the market of organic products is being formed in Ukraine. Therefore, clarifying such issues as determining the theoretical basis, studying the prospects of the organic market, the portrait of the consumer and the motives of the behavior will help to intensify this process. Originality/value. Considering the global trends and possibilities of organic food market in Ukraine, the results of marketing research on the behavior of existing and potential consumers are very important and relevant to intensify this process. The expediency of application of the term “organic products” for formation theoretical and methodological preconditions of formation the organic food market in Ukraine is substantiated in the work; identified prospects and key threats to its development, and suggested directions to eliminate them; the portrait of the consumer of organic products is characterized and motives of its behavior are defined, offers concerning stimulation of this kind of demand are given.



органічна продукція, екологічно чиста продукція, екологічно безпечна продукція, споживач, поведінка споживачів, ринок, попит, пропозиція, мотивація, organic products, environmentally eco products, environmentally friendly products, consumer, consumer behavior, market, demand, offer, motivation


Карпій О. П. Дослідження поведінки споживачів на ринку органічної продукції в Україні / О. П. Карпій, Н. Р. Струк // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія “Проблеми економіки та управління”. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021. — Том 5. — № 1. — С. 72–83.



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