Функціонально інтегровані графен-сенсори на основі поєднання магнітних та теплових методів
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Подано оптимізовану технологію виготовлення методом фотостимульованого
травлення напівпровідників поверхневої дифракційної решітки. Це дає змогу отримати
решітки з контрольованим періодом та глибиною поверхневої модуляції. Проведено
математичне моделювання синусоїдальних рельєфних решіток на поверхні GaAs. Крім
того, оптимізовано їх параметри. Обрано оптимальні періоди решіток. Отримано
залежності ефективності дифракції від поверхні модуляції рельєфу для різних довжин
хвиль. Встановлено, що максимальна ефективність решітки спостерігається при
відношенні глибини поверхні рельєфу до періоду, який приблизно дорівнює 1:10. Для
запису рельєфних решіток використовували лазер Nd: YAG на другій гармоніці (532 нм)
з максимальною потужністю 100 мВт. Для вивчення рельєфу решіток був використаний
атомно-силовий мікроскоп. Показано, що легування GaAs телуром призводить до
сильного розвитку морфології поверхні та більшої глибини модуляції поверхні напівпровідника.
The optimized technology of the fabrication by the method of photostimulated etching of semiconductors of the surface diffraction grating is presented. It allows obtain the gratings with a controlled period and a depth of surface modulation. The mathematical modeling of the sinusoidal relief gratings on the GaAs surface has been carried out. In additional, their parameters have been optimized. The optimal gratings periods were selected. The dependences of diffraction efficiency on the surface of relief modulation were obtained for different wavelengths. It is established that the maximum grating efficiency is observed at a relief surface depth ratio to the period which is approximately equal to 1:10. The Nd: YAG laser on the second harmonic (532 nm) with a maximum power of 100 mW was used to record the relief gratings. It is easy to restructure the period of the recording grating using proposed scheme. There is an additional Michelson interferometer to control the stability of the interference pattern during the exposure process. In addition, in the optical scheme, it is proposed to introduce control over the diffraction efficiency of the grating during its recording. The additional diode laser with a wavelength of 650 nm is used for testing. It is directed to the surface of the GaAs plate at an angle of maximum efficiency of the recording grating for the wave of 650 nm. This control allowed the recording of gratins with the optimum depth of modulation. The conditions of the photostimulated etching of the gratings were optimized. Results of experiments have shown that in order to achieve the optimum depth of grating modulation in accordance with the results of theoretical modeling, it is necessary to select the concentration of the etchant depending on the type of semiconductor and the degree of its doping. It has been established that optimum concentration of etchant increases when degree of doping of the GaAs increases. The Atomic-force microscope to study the gratings relief was used. It is shown that doping GaAs by tellurium leads to a strong development of the surface morphology and a higher modulation depth of the surface of the semiconductor
The optimized technology of the fabrication by the method of photostimulated etching of semiconductors of the surface diffraction grating is presented. It allows obtain the gratings with a controlled period and a depth of surface modulation. The mathematical modeling of the sinusoidal relief gratings on the GaAs surface has been carried out. In additional, their parameters have been optimized. The optimal gratings periods were selected. The dependences of diffraction efficiency on the surface of relief modulation were obtained for different wavelengths. It is established that the maximum grating efficiency is observed at a relief surface depth ratio to the period which is approximately equal to 1:10. The Nd: YAG laser on the second harmonic (532 nm) with a maximum power of 100 mW was used to record the relief gratings. It is easy to restructure the period of the recording grating using proposed scheme. There is an additional Michelson interferometer to control the stability of the interference pattern during the exposure process. In addition, in the optical scheme, it is proposed to introduce control over the diffraction efficiency of the grating during its recording. The additional diode laser with a wavelength of 650 nm is used for testing. It is directed to the surface of the GaAs plate at an angle of maximum efficiency of the recording grating for the wave of 650 nm. This control allowed the recording of gratins with the optimum depth of modulation. The conditions of the photostimulated etching of the gratings were optimized. Results of experiments have shown that in order to achieve the optimum depth of grating modulation in accordance with the results of theoretical modeling, it is necessary to select the concentration of the etchant depending on the type of semiconductor and the degree of its doping. It has been established that optimum concentration of etchant increases when degree of doping of the GaAs increases. The Atomic-force microscope to study the gratings relief was used. It is shown that doping GaAs by tellurium leads to a strong development of the surface morphology and a higher modulation depth of the surface of the semiconductor
Функціонально інтегровані графен-сенсори на основі поєднання магнітних та теплових методів / Г. А. Петровська, І. Я. Яремчук, С. З. Малинич, Я. В. Бобицький // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Радіоелектроніка та телекомунікації. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019. — № 914. — С. 17–22.