Система управління підприємства в інформаційному суспільстві

dc.contributor.authorНоваківський, Ігор Іванович
dc.description.abstractВ условиях становления информационного общества формирование систем промышленных предприятий зависит от организации использования его основного капитала, привлечения персонала к принятию управленческих решений, взаимодействия предприятия с потребителями, партнерами. В составе системы управления предприятия выделено организационную структуру управления, производственно-управленческую структуру, структуру центров ответственности, структурной оболочку бизнеса и информационную инфраструктуру. Модернизация системы управления предприятием рассмотрена с позиции максимально полного использования экономико-математических моделей в сочетании с возможностями новых управленческих ИТ. Использование разработанных мероприятий в системе управления предприятия обеспечивает целеустремленное применение методов стандартизации и проектного менеджмента, гибкое построение цепей стоимости, поддержания экономической безопасности деятельности предприятия и стойкости его системы менеджмента. The thesis is devoted to development of functional and structural transformation of enterprise management system in a networking business environment of the informative society. The thesis is devoted to modernization of enterprise management system, basing on functional and structural changes in terms of intensive development of networking environment of informative society. The necessity to support the competitiveness of domestic enterprises in the conditions of intensification of productive and trade relations with the European Union actualized the tasks of modernization of management systems of enterprise. The globalization of enterprise networking organization, industrial relations and complication of intellectualized communication systems opened wide range of opportunities for the modernization of the management system of enterprise. It is shown that within conditions of informative society statement the modernization of enterprise management system is determined by the dependence of factors "capital", "work" and "market" from factors of informative society: "information", "knowledge" and "communication." Factors "capital", "work" and "market" define mechanisms of formation of management system of enterprise, depending on the use of fixed assets, involvement of staff to managerial decision-making, collaboration with partners and customers. There is developed an innovative approach to the formation of the management system of the enterprise as a logical unification of following components: organizational structure of management as the apparatus of productive activity management; the structure of responsibility centers for concentration of administrative personal in narrow applied areas of enterprise activity; structural shell of business for the fullest and deepest penetration into markets of products, raw materials, innovations through agency network; information infrastructure for regulated information support of elements of internal and external environment. There is improved theoretical and methodological approach to formation of toolkit for modeling of management system of enterprise, which previews the formalization of the description of the structural and functional space of management system of enterprise. There are specified theoretical approaches to modernization of the management system of enterprise in terms of the intensification of scientific and technological progress, within which there is revealed the essence of informative society. There is determined the order of evolutionary development of management systems of enterprise, as well as semantic filling of innovative production processes of industrial enterprises under the influence of scientific and technological progress. There are systematized the approaches and there is built a generalized model of evaluation of the efficiency of management system of enterprise functioning and its organizational structures, that is based on the calculation of the integrated and generalized indexes of efficiency and functioning. There are improved theoretical groundings of choice of economic models of enterprise management system formation considering the level of social development, that determines the feasibility of mechanistic, system or synergistic approach of management for determination of groups of principles that create systems in such areas as structural fill, functionality provision, support of stability, management of development. There are developed theoretical and pragmatic principles of support for the optimal development of information infrastructure of enterprise management system. There are developed measures, supported by statistical and analytical models, for determination of the real current value of IT assets, minimization of the average value of their use, optimization of economic duration of their exploitation concerning obsolescence of the I and II kind. The efficiency of proposed improvements of enterprise management system is confirmed by the results of their practical application on industrial enterprises. Particularly, there is clarified the model of reasonably proved standardization of management system of enterprise. Also, there are improved approaches for efficient management of project portfolio, that preview the improvement of methods of management for dynamic project portfolio through the use of spline approximations for detailing of the stages of each project life cycle and convex programming for optimization of the results of project portfolio realization in a whole. In order to build effective and credible chains of value there is proposed the mechanism for management of interaction of elements of networking organizationally-productive structures that previews a coherent construction of value chain through the use of developed scientific and methodological recommendations. These recommendations preview using of methods of netting and imitative modelling in order to ensure the maximum and at the same time stable results of performance of the industrial enterprise. There are developed areas that will allow to maintain economic security of industrial enterprises activity through the sustainable functioning of its organizational and productive system. For this aim, there is developed double-criteria economically-mathematical model in order to combine the requirements of maximization of results and minimization of risk deviations from the expected results. This model is concentrated on solving the unique-criteria problem of convex programming in a limited field of acceptable values. This approach allows to provide consistently high results of the enterprise activity. There is improved systematic approach for increasing the sustainability of functioning of management system of enterprise according to grouped indicators of flexibility, additivity, competitiveness. For realization of this task there was developed economically-mathematical model for maximization of scalar product of vectors of planned quantities of added value, involved organizational and productive units of enterprise and informational power of their elements in informational infrastructure. This approach provides self-programming of the process of modernization of management system of enterprise in terms of investment limitations.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationНоваківський І. І. Система управління підприємства в інформаційному суспільстві : дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора економічних наук : 08.00.04 – економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності) / Ігор Іванович Новаківський ; Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка». – Львів, 2017. – 494 с. – Бібліографія: с. 402–438 (419 назв).uk_UA
dc.publisherНаціональний університет "Львівська політехніка"uk_UA
dc.subjectсистема управління підприємствомuk_UA
dc.subjectфункції менеджментуuk_UA
dc.subjectорганізаційна структура управлінняuk_UA
dc.subjectструктурна оболонка бізнесуuk_UA
dc.subjectцентр відповідальностіuk_UA
dc.subjectінформаційна інфраструктураuk_UA
dc.subjectорганізаційна структураuk_UA
dc.subjectорганізаційно-виробнича одиницяuk_UA
dc.subjectланцюг вартостіuk_UA
dc.subjectпромислове підприємствоuk_UA
dc.subjectсистема управления предприятиемuk_UA
dc.subjectфункции менеджментаuk_UA
dc.subjectорганизационная структура управленияuk_UA
dc.subjectструктурная оболочка бизнесаuk_UA
dc.subjectцентр ответственностиuk_UA
dc.subjectинформационная инфраструктураuk_UA
dc.subjectорганизационная структураuk_UA
dc.subjectорганизационно-производственная единицаuk_UA
dc.subjectцепь стоимостиuk_UA
dc.subjectпромышленное предприятиеuk_UA
dc.subjectsystem managementuk_UA
dc.subjectmanagement functionsuk_UA
dc.subjectorganizational structure managementuk_UA
dc.subjectstructural shell of businessuk_UA
dc.subjectcenter of responsibilityuk_UA
dc.subjectinformation infrastructureuk_UA
dc.subjectorganizational structureuk_UA
dc.subjectorganizational and productive unituk_UA
dc.subjectchain of valueuk_UA
dc.subjectindustrial enterpriseuk_UA
dc.titleСистема управління підприємства в інформаційному суспільствіuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeСистема управления предприятия в информационном обществеuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeManagement system of enterprise in the informative societyuk_UA


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