Проблеми та перспективи зовнішньої реклами в історичному Львові
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Розробити концепцію творення зовнішнього рекламного оформлення історичної
частини міста, яке б відповідало сучасним вимогам дизайну, ергономіки, урбаністики та
естетики міського простору. На основі досліджень спроектовано та запропоновано
альтернативні варіанти існуючих рекламних вивісок з візуалізацією на архітектурному
об’єкті у межах історико-архітектурного заповідника Львова. In conditions of overwhelming information space by various advertising carriers in huge number and
size of outdoor advertising media in Ukraine especially in large cities usually exceeds the appropriate amount creating additional information pressure. The concept of creation urban outdoor advertising design must comply with the modern requirements of design, ergonomics, urbanism and aesthetics of city space, where outdoor advertising, visual information and urban environment form the unified harmonious ensemble. Each element of the advertising carrier should be an integral part of the aesthetic design of advertising information and be on a high level of design decisions. Furthermore, there are normative acts provided by the laws of Ukraine,
which regulates principles and rules for outdoor advertising in the city. Moreover, it is important to
understand that the task of designers involved in the creation of advertising in the historic environment or building, is to avoid of creating visual time dissonance.
At the current stage of research and development of advertising for the historic city center raises the
question of professional approach and consideration of European experience in setting up the historic area of the city, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Generally, the information concerning the study of specific placement of advertising signs or constructions are mainly artistic or architectural, while informational advertising component, which would include iconographic, analytical and stylistic analysis to create advertising that would harmoniously combined form, content and style with the historic atmosphere of the city are either superficial or generally ignored. Actually, this is the scientific novelty of the chosen subject.
The purpose of this research is to develop an algorithm of creating outdoor advertising for the
historical city center on the example of designing alternative advertising signs that meet with the modern design principles, municipal advertising laws and respect for their historic context.
While designing the outdoor advertising on a historic building the developers’ priority of design
solution should be the examples of first advertising, which was installed at the site of the future of design. In order to determine this, it is necessary to explore the history of advertising on the site. For this purpose could be used any source: archives, libraries, internet-museums, etc. The investigation of architectural analogues enables to compensate the absence or lack of photographic materials that would allow to thoroughly study the history of advertising on the studied architectural heritage and, in the absence of earlier advertising on it. Analysis of advertising typographic graphics samples of ХІХ–ХХ century allows to determine the characteristics and aspects of its use in modern design advertising in the historic environment. The study of color advertising is also one of the main priorities in the design in historical city. Considering that the above presented studies due to technology state at the time did not convey full information about historical advertising, such as color and shades of advertising, there is an urgent need to appeal to the iconographic research.
Having investigated and evaluated the problem, conducted research summarized in the developed
algorithm of creating an urban outdoor advertising design.Structuring the necessary material for making advertising signs that implemented by developed algorithm and its visualization in an assembled catalogue allowing to lay the foundation of outdoor advertising considering the status of the city as a World Heritage property.
Швед О. Проблеми та перспективи зовнішньої реклами в історичному Львові / О. Швед, О. Попович, Н. Лотошинська // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". Серія: Архітектура. – 2016. – № 856. – С. 223–229. – Бібліографія: 6 назв.