Learning to See. Nietzsche, Tramp and the New Digital Media

dc.contributor.authorШтефан, Пауль
dc.contributor.authorStefan, Paul
dc.identifier.citationStefan P. Learning to See. Nietzsche, Tramp and the New Digital Media / Paul Stefan // Humanitarian Vision. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2021. — Vol 7. — No 1. — P. 46–53.
dc.identifier.citationenStefan P. Learning to See. Nietzsche, Tramp and the New Digital Media / Paul Stefan // Humanitarian Vision. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2021. — Vol 7. — No 1. — P. 46–53.
dc.publisherВидавництво Львівської політехніки
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofHumanitarian Vision, 1 (7), 2021
dc.relation.referencesAdorno, T. W., Horkheimer, M. (2004). Dialektik der
dc.relation.referencesAufklärung. Philosophische Fragmente, 15. Frankfurt a. M.:
dc.relation.referencesS. Fischer Verlag GmbH.
dc.relation.referencesBaudrillard, J. (1991). La Guerre du Golfe n’a pas eu
dc.relation.referenceslieu. Paris: Galilée.
dc.relation.referencesBlake, A. (2017). Kellyanne Conway says Donald
dc.relation.referencesTrump’s team has «alternative facts». Which pretty much says it
dc.relation.referencesall. The Washington Post, 22.01.17. Retrieved from
dc.relation.referencesDescartes, R. (2011). Meditationen. Herausgegeben
dc.relation.referencesvon Andreas Schmidt, 2., Göttingen: Vandenchoek & Ruprecht.
dc.relation.referencesEvon, D. (2017). Matters of Size. Retrieved from
dc.relation.referencesFarand, C. (2017). Donald Trump did not write his
dc.relation.referencesinauguration speech, White House admits. Independent, 22.01.17. Retrieved from
dc.relation.referencesFoucault, M. (1969). Wahnsinn und Gesellschaft. Eine
dc.relation.referencesGeschichte des Wahns im Zeitalter der Vernunft. Frankfurt a.
dc.relation.referencesM: Suhrkamp.
dc.relation.referencesGriggs, T., Wallace, T., Yourish, K. (2017). Trump’s
dc.relation.referencesInauguration vs. Obama’s: Comparing the Crowds. The New
dc.relation.referencesYork Times, 20.01.17.
dc.relation.referencesRetrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/01/20/us/politics/trump-inaugurationcrowd.html?r=0
dc.relation.referencesHabermas, J. (1988). Der philosophische Diskurs der
dc.relation.referencesModerne. 12 Vorlesungen. Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp.
dc.relation.referencesHealy, P. (2017). Donald Trump Says He’s Not Surprised
dc.relation.referencesby Meryl Streep’s Golden Globes Speech. The New York Times, 09.01.17.
dc.relation.referencesRetrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/09/movies/trump-meryl-streep-golden-globes-speech.html?r=0
dc.relation.referencesHunt, E. (2017). Trump’s inauguration crowd: Sean
dc.relation.referencesSpicer’s claims versus the evidence. The Guardian, 22.01.17.
dc.relation.referencesRetrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jan/22/trump-inauguration-crowd-sean-spicers-claims-versusthe-evidence
dc.relation.referencesLee, T. B. (2017). Trump claims 1.5 million people
dc.relation.referencescame to his inauguration. Here’s what the evidence shows.
dc.relation.referencesRetrieved from http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/1/21/14347298/trump-inauguration-crowd-size
dc.relation.referencesLukács, G. (1988). Die Zerstörung der Vernunft. Der
dc.relation.referencesWeg des Irrationalismus von Schelling zu Hitler. BerlinWeimar: Aufbau-Verlag.
dc.relation.referencesNietzsche, F. (1974). Nachgelassene Fragmente. Herbst 1885 bis Herbst 1887. Kritische Gesamtausgabe Bd. VIII/1.
dc.relation.referencesBerlin-New York: de Gruyter. Nietzsche, F. (2011a). Also
dc.relation.referencessprach Zarathustra. Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen. Kritische Studienausgabe Bd. 4. München: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag
dc.relation.referencesGmbH & Co. KG.
dc.relation.referencesNietzsche, F. (2011b). Der Fall Wagner / GötzenDämmerung / Der Antichrist / Ecce homo / Dionysos-Dithyramben
dc.relation.references/ Nietzsche contra Wagner. Kritische Studienausgabe Bd. 6.
dc.relation.referencesMünchen: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH & Co. KG.
dc.relation.referencesNietzsche, F. (2012a). Jenseits von Gut und Böse / Zur
dc.relation.referencesGenealogie der Moral. Kritische Studienausgabe Bd. 5.
dc.relation.referencesMünchen: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH & Co. KG.
dc.relation.referencesNietzsche, F. (2012b). Menschliches, Allzumenschliches
dc.relation.referencesI und II. Kritische Studienausgabe Bd. 2. München: Deutscher
dc.relation.referencesTaschenbuch Verlag GmbH & Co. KG.
dc.relation.referencesNietzsche, F. (2015). Die Geburt der Tragödie / Unzeitgemäße Betrachtungen I-IV / Nachgelassene Schriften 1870-1873.
dc.relation.referencesKritische Studienausgabe Bd. 1. München: Deutscher
dc.relation.referencesTaschenbuch Verlag GmbH & Co. KG.
dc.relation.referencesRuda, F. (2011). Hegels Pöbel. Eine Untersuchung der
dc.relation.references«Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts». Konstanz:
dc.relation.referencesKonstanz University Press.
dc.relation.referencesSartre, J.-P. (1994). Überlegungen zur Judenfrage.
dc.relation.referencesHamburg: Rowohlt thschenbuch.
dc.relation.referencesThomä, D. (2016). Puer robustus. Eine Philosophie des
dc.relation.referencesStörenfrieds, Berlin: Suhrkamp.
dc.relation.referencesTrump, D. J. (2017). Remarks of President Donald J.
dc.relation.referencesTrump – As Prepared for Delivery. Inaugural Address. Retrieved from https://www.whitehouse.gov/inaugural-address
dc.relation.referencesQiu, L. (2017). Fact-checking Donald Trump's
dc.relation.referencesinaugural address. Politifact, 20.01.17. Retrieved from
dc.relation.referencesenAdorno, T. W., Horkheimer, M. (2004). Dialektik der
dc.relation.referencesenAufklärung. Philosophische Fragmente, 15. Frankfurt a. M.:
dc.relation.referencesenS. Fischer Verlag GmbH.
dc.relation.referencesenBaudrillard, J. (1991). La Guerre du Golfe n’a pas eu
dc.relation.referencesenlieu. Paris: Galilée.
dc.relation.referencesenBlake, A. (2017). Kellyanne Conway says Donald
dc.relation.referencesenTrump’s team has "alternative facts". Which pretty much says it
dc.relation.referencesenall. The Washington Post, 22.01.17. Retrieved from
dc.relation.referencesenDescartes, R. (2011). Meditationen. Herausgegeben
dc.relation.referencesenvon Andreas Schmidt, 2., Göttingen: Vandenchoek & Ruprecht.
dc.relation.referencesenEvon, D. (2017). Matters of Size. Retrieved from
dc.relation.referencesenFarand, C. (2017). Donald Trump did not write his
dc.relation.referenceseninauguration speech, White House admits. Independent, 22.01.17. Retrieved from
dc.relation.referencesenFoucault, M. (1969). Wahnsinn und Gesellschaft. Eine
dc.relation.referencesenGeschichte des Wahns im Zeitalter der Vernunft. Frankfurt a.
dc.relation.referencesenM: Suhrkamp.
dc.relation.referencesenGriggs, T., Wallace, T., Yourish, K. (2017). Trump’s
dc.relation.referencesenInauguration vs. Obama’s: Comparing the Crowds. The New
dc.relation.referencesenYork Times, 20.01.17.
dc.relation.referencesenRetrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/01/20/us/politics/trump-inaugurationcrowd.html?r=0
dc.relation.referencesenHabermas, J. (1988). Der philosophische Diskurs der
dc.relation.referencesenModerne. 12 Vorlesungen. Frankfurt a. M., Suhrkamp.
dc.relation.referencesenHealy, P. (2017). Donald Trump Says He’s Not Surprised
dc.relation.referencesenby Meryl Streep’s Golden Globes Speech. The New York Times, 09.01.17.
dc.relation.referencesenRetrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/09/movies/trump-meryl-streep-golden-globes-speech.html?r=0
dc.relation.referencesenHunt, E. (2017). Trump’s inauguration crowd: Sean
dc.relation.referencesenSpicer’s claims versus the evidence. The Guardian, 22.01.17.
dc.relation.referencesenRetrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jan/22/trump-inauguration-crowd-sean-spicers-claims-versusthe-evidence
dc.relation.referencesenLee, T. B. (2017). Trump claims 1.5 million people
dc.relation.referencesencame to his inauguration. Here’s what the evidence shows.
dc.relation.referencesenRetrieved from http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/1/21/14347298/trump-inauguration-crowd-size
dc.relation.referencesenLukács, G. (1988). Die Zerstörung der Vernunft. Der
dc.relation.referencesenWeg des Irrationalismus von Schelling zu Hitler. BerlinWeimar: Aufbau-Verlag.
dc.relation.referencesenNietzsche, F. (1974). Nachgelassene Fragmente. Herbst 1885 bis Herbst 1887. Kritische Gesamtausgabe Bd. VIII/1.
dc.relation.referencesenBerlin-New York: de Gruyter. Nietzsche, F. (2011a). Also
dc.relation.referencesensprach Zarathustra. Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen. Kritische Studienausgabe Bd. 4. München: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag
dc.relation.referencesenGmbH & Co. KG.
dc.relation.referencesenNietzsche, F. (2011b). Der Fall Wagner, GötzenDämmerung, Der Antichrist, Ecce homo, Dionysos-Dithyramben
dc.relation.referencesen/ Nietzsche contra Wagner. Kritische Studienausgabe Bd. 6.
dc.relation.referencesenMünchen: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH & Co. KG.
dc.relation.referencesenNietzsche, F. (2012a). Jenseits von Gut und Böse, Zur
dc.relation.referencesenGenealogie der Moral. Kritische Studienausgabe Bd. 5.
dc.relation.referencesenMünchen: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH & Co. KG.
dc.relation.referencesenNietzsche, F. (2012b). Menschliches, Allzumenschliches
dc.relation.referencesenI und II. Kritische Studienausgabe Bd. 2. München: Deutscher
dc.relation.referencesenTaschenbuch Verlag GmbH & Co. KG.
dc.relation.referencesenNietzsche, F. (2015). Die Geburt der Tragödie, Unzeitgemäße Betrachtungen I-IV, Nachgelassene Schriften 1870-1873.
dc.relation.referencesenKritische Studienausgabe Bd. 1. München: Deutscher
dc.relation.referencesenTaschenbuch Verlag GmbH & Co. KG.
dc.relation.referencesenRuda, F. (2011). Hegels Pöbel. Eine Untersuchung der
dc.relation.referencesen"Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts". Konstanz:
dc.relation.referencesenKonstanz University Press.
dc.relation.referencesenSartre, J.-P. (1994). Überlegungen zur Judenfrage.
dc.relation.referencesenHamburg: Rowohlt thschenbuch.
dc.relation.referencesenThomä, D. (2016). Puer robustus. Eine Philosophie des
dc.relation.referencesenStörenfrieds, Berlin: Suhrkamp.
dc.relation.referencesenTrump, D. J. (2017). Remarks of President Donald J.
dc.relation.referencesenTrump – As Prepared for Delivery. Inaugural Address. Retrieved from https://www.whitehouse.gov/inaugural-address
dc.relation.referencesenQiu, L. (2017). Fact-checking Donald Trump's
dc.relation.referenceseninaugural address. Politifact, 20.01.17. Retrieved from
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2021
dc.titleLearning to See. Nietzsche, Tramp and the New Digital Media
dc.title.alternativeВчитися бачити. Ніцше, Трамп і нові цифрові медіа


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