Збереження та використання пам’яток архітектури на західноукраїнських землях в добу тоталітаризму (II половина ХХ ст.)


Розглянуто дії радянського тоталітарного режиму на західноукраїнських землях у другій половині ХХ ст. щодо збереження і використання пам’яток архітектури регіону. Звернено увагу на стан збереження пам’яток архітектури, переданих владою в користування закладам охорони здоров’я.
The problem of preserving a national memory is quite relevant to modern Ukraine. The century of domination of invaders in our land did not pass without a trace. The material and spiritual values created by the Ukrainian people were destroyed or accepted to the achievements of other peoples. The temporary rulers left their dominance mark on our lands in the magnificent monuments of architecture and art, glorifying emperors, kings, and magnates. Other governors sought to destroy everything from the past to form a new people’s memory with a new culture and ideology. In the framework of the totalitarian regime that came to the Ukrainian lands in the 20th century, a negative attitude towards the cultural achievements of the past was formed. Accordingly, people did not regret the destruction of monuments and other artistic values. The Soviet political system has created its own socialist culture without respect for the past epochs and without admiration for the talent and work of many Ukrainian generations and other peoples who formed one European cultural foundation. Forming and propagating the culture of "socialist realism" on the Ukrainian lands, the Soviet authorities used various methods to destroy the historical memory of Ukrainians. One of the effective ways was to reorient architectural monuments (castles, palaces, monastery buildings. The purpose of this study is to analyze the actions of the Soviet authorities on preservation and exploitation of the architectural monuments of the region in the postwar period in the Western Ukrainian lands. The authors aim to pay special attention to the state of conservation of architectural monuments, which were transferred by a totalitarian regime in the use of health care institutions. As an example were taken the Renaissance Palace of the 17th century in Pidgirtsi village, a memorial of the fortified architecture of the 18th century – a monastery complex in Pidkamin’ village and neo-Gothic palace of Count Skarbek of the 19th century in the Zaklad village of Lviv region.



культура, пам’ятки архітектури, історична пам’ять, медичні заклади, culture, architectural monuments, historical memory, medical institutions


Божко Н. Збереження та використання пам’яток архітектури на західноукраїнських землях в добу тоталітаризму (II половина ХХ ст.) / Наталія Божко, Леонід Цубов // Historical and Cultural Studies. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 6. — No 1. — P. 19–24.



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