Кирило Трильовськй – організатор Січового руху у Галичині (кін. XIX – поч. XX ст.)
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Висвітлено діяльність відомого галицького громадсько-політично діяча Кирила Трильовського, який як представник ліворадикального напряму створив на початку XX ст. в легальних умовах Австро-Угорщини січові організації. The article highlights the work of the famous Galician public figure Cyryl Tryl’ovs’kyi who
being a representative of left radical direction in the early twentieth century in legal terms of the Austro-Hungarian created Sich organizations that were the first proto-type of military forces, and later on their basis Ukrainian national connections in the Austrian armed forces were created.
It was determined that in addition to officially defined tasks – providing fire security, development of physical training of youth – “Sich “ directed its activities in the extention of
education, organization of social life. Within Sich movement many financial institutions and cooperatives appeared. They
were considered the economic basis of the national government in the future. The organizational and physical training in the Ukrainian “Sich” contributed to the creation
of national military structure within the Austrian Armed Forces before the First World War. During the time of War K. Trylovskyy contributed to the formation of national military units. This paper traces the process of forming social and political views of Cyryl Tryl’ovs’kyi on the background of socio economic and political development of Western lands in the late XIX – early XX century. Even being a student Сyryl Tryl’ovs’kyi entered the Ruthenian-Ukrainian Radical Party
which formed its ideological and political views and determined the direction of future life path. Soon the young lawyer became one of the most active and popular party leader. At the seventh congress in October 1898 Cyryl Tryl’ovs’kyi along with Ivan Franko and Michael Pavlik was
eleced Chief Executive. Despite the fact that K. Trylovskyy shared the same ideas as Drahomaniv, he always had his stable position, which often led to conflicts with the leadership of the party. The article analyzes the activity Cyryl. Trylovskoho before and during World War I on the formation of national military groups, discovered his role in the creation and deployment of military activities of Sich Legions. He joined the main Ukrainian Council while working as a member of the total Ukrainian Council in Vienna. This paper investigates the role and place of Cyryl Tryl’ovs’kyi
in social and political processes of Western Ukraiinian National Republic period. It was stressed that the activity K. Trylovskyy during Western Ukraiinian National Republic was
aimed at nation-building. In October 1918 he joined the Ukrainian National Council of Ukraiinian National Republic. During 1918–1919. Cyryl Trylovskyy worked as deputy head of the district department of the National Council in Kolymna, a member of the Committee of Foreign Affairs,he was a member of the military and administrative committee Ukrainian
National Republic. In April 1919 K. Trylovskyy was elected to the Regional Land Commission, which implemented the project of agrarian reform. As a member of Ukrainian National
Republic he held a special position and supported the need for party building and the reactivation of the Radical Party. At the same period Cyryl Trylovskyy created Peasant – radical club that became the basis of Peasant – Radical Party, and in February 1919, reestablished the publication of radical
newspaper “ The public voice” in Colomya. A separate line of investigation is devoted to studying the peculiarities of the Ukrainian youth and national sport organizations and the role
of Cyryl Tryl’ovskyi in this movement during interwar period in Poland. After the fall of Western Ukraiinian National Republic Cyryl Trylovskyi worked in the government of
Ye.Petrushevych. His political activity was aimed at expantion of Peasant – Radical Party in Eastern Galicia and Ukrainian national council. In 1921 Cyryl Trylovskyy created working sports association “ Sich”, which represented the Ukrainian workers in International competitions in Vienna. Back in Galicia, K. Trylovskyy tried to reactivate the Sich
organizations, but under the rule of the Polish government that was practically impossible. At the same time, he positively assessed the national sports movement (‘Sokil’, ‘Plast’) and contributed much to it’s development.
Кирило Трильовський, ліворадикальний напрям, Австро-Угорщина, січові організації, Cyryl Tryl'ovs'kyi, Ukrainian Radical Party, Austria-Hungary, Ukrainian "Sich" organizations
Нагірняк А. Я. Кирило Трильовськй – організатор Січового руху у Галичині (кін. XIX – поч. XX ст.) / А. Я. Нагірняк // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". – 2014. – № 784 : Держава та армія. – С. 46–51. – Бібліографія: 19 назв.