Держава та армія. – 2014. – №784

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Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"

Тематичний випуск “Держава та армія” фахового Вісника Національного університету “Львівська політехніка” виданий з ініціативи Інституту гуманітарних та соціальних наук Львівської політехніки. У цьому випуску Вісника публікуються наукові статті, в яких основну увагу приділено проблемі історії України та її державності і національним Збройним cилам. Виходить у двадцять другий раз. Цей випуск також містить матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції “Проблеми музеєфікації, реконструкції та експонування пам’яток ранньосередньовічної доби”, що відбулась на базі Культурно-археологічного центру с. Пересопниця на Рівненщині 1–2 червня 2013 р. Розрахований на науковців, викладачів гуманітарних дисциплін, студентів, усіх тих, хто цікавиться проблемами військової історії України.

Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка» : [збірник наукових праць] / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка». – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014. – № 784 : Держава та армія / відповідальний редактор С. В. Терський. – 288 с.


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    Зміст до Вісника "Держава та армія" № 784
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014)
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    Духовні скарби рідної землі
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Терський, С. В.; Підкович, А. Я.
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    Участь шляхти у мобілізації війська в Сяноцькій землі на початку Польсько-шведської війни (квітень – грудень 1655 р.)
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Лисейко, Я. Б.
    Досліджено участь населення Сяноцької землі у мобілізації війська на початковому етапі Польсько-шведської війни 1655–1660 рр. Загалом до кінця 1655 р. було мобілізовано близько 115 вершників, 17 піхотинців та окрему хорогву ланових жовнірів, які разом склали основу територіальної самооборони краю. Попри пасивну участь сяноцької шляхти у військових діях поза межами Сяноцької землі, вона поставила пріоритет в обороні власного краю, адже не проігнорувала жодної можливості найняти військо для забезпечення оборони своїх домівок. The Rus province nobility responded to oncoming war with the Swedes by gathering on April 28, 1655 in Vyshnya at the Sejmyk, where was decided to convene campaign of planned soldier. Then there was defined the type of troops and the prosess of hiring planned soldier – infantry was mobilized and comprised one soldier out of ten fields, and later one out of every 15 fields. The development of military and political events led to the gathering of Russ nobility at the following congress of Vyshensky Sejm, held on August 13, 1655. In response to the invasion of Swedes to Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth the nobility declared Pospolytyy movement which took place on August 24 near Vyshnya. Sanok gentry started to reorganize sefety means on their own land. On the terririry of Sanok land the military troop was formed which consisted of about 115 horsemen and 17 infantrymen (hired by Sanok towns) under the command of Sanok nobleman Janusz Dedenskoho. As it turned out, Sanok people have never been into a military campaign against the enemy held beyond Syanok land. A month later, in September 27th, 1655 a meeting at Sanok Sejmyk was arranged where Sanok nobles decided all Pospolytyy movement to stay directly on Sanok land, explaining that decision was made because of excessive risk of robber attacks from the Hungarian border. Sanok gentry authorized its decision by the fact that third notification, sent out by King on July 30, they received permission to stay on Sanok land in order to ensure proper defense of the land. Nevertheless Sanok nobility was obliged to continue the mobilization of some military troops which should have set out to replace the main military camp during the Pospolytyy movement. Syanok people requested Zygmunt Fredra, the Sanok Castellan, to provide his own dragoons of 100 soldiers for state needs. Overall response of Sanok people to the military and political events of that time appeared in manifesting and delaying the mobilization of troops, unwillingness to act in the campaign in person and participate in military actions outside the Sanok lands. One of the main reasons, mentioned by historians, was caused by the loss of morale within the Polish troops in 1655, the common frustration, demoralization from prolonged warfare with the Cossacks that lasted permanently since 1648. Such spirits could not affect the general feelings of the Sanok nobility that despite its regional patriotism, self-awareness of being the “Ukrainian knighthood” remained citizens of the Commonwealth. Another important reason was the fact that nobility did not want to leave their homes because they were afraid of anti-noble appearances, increase of attacks against rebels and bandits from Beskid. From a financial point of view, after years of war the nobility did not processed sufficient resources to hire expensive cavalry, and therefore they addressed for employment of infantry, and personally had to come to arms during the Pospolytyy movement. Although passive participation of Sanok nobility in the military operations outside the Sanok lands, it should be noted that nobility has put a priority in the defense of their own land at that hard time. By the end of 1655 there was generated a sufficient army to defend Sanok land against the enemy. When Pospolytyy movement was declared there were mobilized about 115 riders out of Sanok nobility and 17 infantrymen from Sanok towns that formed the basis of territorial self-defense. In addition, there was mobilized a separate military troop during the hiring of planned soldiers, which could account to 80-100 people. Also there were involved another 50 infantrymen to fight against robbers provided to defend the land by mayor of Sanok. This list included an additional 100 dragoons of Sanok castellan, who had to replaced Sanok nobility during the Pospolytyy movement. This is the only one who possibly took part in military actions outside the Sanok lands in 1655.
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    Створення та діяльність більшовицьких військ в Україні в кінці 1918 – 1929 роках у сучасній історіографії
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Хома, І. Я.
    У загальних рисах проаналізовано основні здобутки сучасної української історіографії в дослідженні становлення та діяльності військ Червоної армії на території України в кінці 1918 – 1920 роках. Modern Ukrainian historiography of Ukrainian National Revolution (1917–1921) has been presented by hundreds of research papers, theses, monographs that covervarious aspects of that age. The vast majority of works concern the problems that until 1991 were suppressed, falsified an derased from the memory of society. Clearly there is a need in scientific reappraisal of the establishment of Bolshevik government history, bothin general and in detail. It comprises new problems and aspects that were not consideredin Soviet historiography, suppressed or distorted. The reappraisal and new scientific publications should be based on modern methodological approaches, sources, factsetc. According to historian V.Verstyuk “Ukrainian historians practically stopped to study the history of Bolshevism. This is very interesting phenomen on that... was not examined critically” [1, p. 129]. The aim of the article is to determine the general state of researchin modern Ukrainian historiography the formation an dactivities of the Red Army against the forces of the UNR in the end of 1918 – 1920. The modern historiography refers to scientific researches that have been issued since independence. In general the historiography of this problem is divided into two groups. Works that briefly concider this perspective, as well as those that are directly related to current military events in Ukraine of 1918–1920. The first group include monographs written by S.Kulchytskyy, M.Doroshko and G.Kuriy. S. Kulchytskyy under the scheme of communismin Ukraine is considering the problem of “military and political alliance” between Bolshevik Russia and Ukrainian Soviet government. M.Doroshko raises the general questions about coming of Bolsheviks’ regime. The value of H.Kuriy’s monographis in collected and summarized factual material that refers to G. Petrovskyy’s activities, who was involved in the military and political processes of that time. V.Verstyuk’s publication “Ukrainian Revolution: metaphors, object, interpretation” motivated to write the article. These condgroup is presented by monographs of V.Verstyuk, V.Kuzmenko and A.Rukkas, V.Savchenko’s scientific and popular publication, the sis researches of O.Bozhko and O.Chihradze. In addition to N. Makhno’s military units that were apart of Bolshevik forces, V.Verstyuk’s monograph presentsa number of legitimate critical views about the military and political alliance, the formation and activities of the Red Army. V.Kuzmenko’s scientific paper considers the specificity of state building in the USSR, where the focus of attention on the attitude of the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the Ukrainian Soviet Army is especially interesting. A.Rukkas describesin details the condition of Soviet troops and the major battles that were held on the territory of Ukraine during th e Ukrainian-Polish-Soviet War in 1920, as well as directly against the UNR’s troop sin November of that year. That paper is the latest significant achievement in Ukrainian militaryhistory. The thesis presented by O.Bozhko did not lose its relevance because it is the only comprehensive work about the Ukrainian Soviet Army before the military and political union of 1919. In O.Chihradze’s work there are presented schemes of the Bolshevik forces structure, comparison of the warring parties’ military capability, ethnic composition is mentioned and other issues are considered. Scientific and popular book written by V.Savchenko is an achievement of historiography. The structure of the book shows the author has thorough knowledge in the topic of military events in Ukraine during 1917 – 1921. However V.Savchenko avoid the implication of archival documents and links for the scientific apparatus on which his work is based. In general, the problem of Ukrainian Soviet Army, and later Bolshevik forces that have been operating in Ukraine did not become the subject of a separate research in modern Ukrainian historiography. Every of the mentioned researches who worked in it sown field during scientific analysis draws attention to the different aspects of military construction, military activities of the armed forces of the Ukrainian Soviet government and the institutions that are under its controll. In analyzed works the historians raise the question of chronological boundaries of the military actions, compare strength and combat cap ability the of warring armies, tactical and strategic principles of the activities and others. The combination of these aspects shows that inmodern historiography, onthe background of a large number of works about military construction of the UNR and fight on various fronts, there was formed a common vision for the establishment and activities of the main enemy camp in 1917–1921 years – the Red Army.
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    Діяльність Т. Окуневського у Державній раді під час другої та третьої каденцій (1907–1912 рр.)
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Мельник, В. М.
    На основі широкої джерельної бази у статті розглядається діяльність Теофіла Окуневського як депутата Державної ради, розвиток українського парламентаризму у Відні та участь Т. Окуневського в ньому. This dissertation is a complex research of histor ical, ideological, and so cio-political processes and phenomena, which directly influenced the format ion of political beliefs of dr. T. Okunevskyi. On the basis of analysis of archive, published so urces and specialized litera ture the author tries to clarify the historical circumstances of T. Okunevskyi’s worldview formation, to characterize his role in Ukrainian parliamentarism development. He was also a member and founder of Russian and Ukrainian Radical Party and organizer of radical movement on Pokuttia territory. The research defines the meaning of T. Okunevskyi’s activity for Ukrainian organizations development (societies such as “Prosvita” (“Enlightenment”), “Mishchanska Rodyna” (“Bourgeois Family”), “Besida” (“Conversation”), “Tovarystvo Kredytove” (“Crediting Society”), “Narodna Torhovlia” (“People’s Trade”), “Narodna Spilka” (“Public Society), and for Ukrainian Radical Party in Lviv, Horodenka, and Kolomyia. T. Okunevskyi started his social activity in Kolomyia, while studying at high school. He shaped his national beliefs very soon, while formation of his worldview, viewpoints and beliefs in socio-political and nationally-cultural spheres was even longer. T. Okunevskyi’s turning into radical in 80s of XIX cent. was inspired by studying at Vienna University and his membership at Sich students society. It is here that his teachers and colleagues fostered real national spirit and patriotic views. T. Okunevskyi’s character was highly influenced by his striving for cognition of everything new, unusual and interesting and this is how decisive the radical views were. During popular assembly in Kolomyia, T. Okunevskyi delivers successful speech in front of his electors and this speech was the beginning of his political career. This is in Kolomyia Region that he was shaped as a politician and organizer of Ukrainian national movement in that region. T. Okunevskyi also showed his political position and attitude towards his compatriots during political agitation before the elections. T. Okunevskyi conducted agitation himself, he personally went from village to village of his election district and spoke about his program. This event characterizes him as a real people’s ambassador. Being a deputy of Halychyna Seim and ambassador to the State Council (Reichsrat) T. Okunevskyi has not changed his political position of protecting the rights of his compatriots. Basic principles, for which he struggled, were as following: fair elections, new election law, studying in Ukrainian, opening of new educational establishments in Eastern Halychyna. The politician did not neglect church, land issues, and roads construction and repair. By his speeches T. Okunevskyi tackled and frequently solved the most pressing problems of Ukrainian society. T. Okunevskyi was representative of Ukrainian national movement at the state level, meaning public and political figure at the level of state. He lived in Vienna, Lviv and Horodenka, he was two times elected as ambassad or to Halychyna Seim and three times to the Reichsrat, held senior roles in the most important Ukrainian societies and Ukrainian Radical Party. Along with this, he was active, dedicated public figure, worked a lot for the welfare of his compatriots, worked in many spheres of social and political life, he left autobiographic memoirs and political speeches. The resluts of his civil activities were known to most of Halychyna people mainly of those districts, where he lived and worked. But on the scale of all Halychyna T. Okunevskyi was known first of all as a politician and only later as a lawyer. However, all his political successes do not diminish his social work. Okunev skyi was one of leading organisers, leaders of Ukrainian national movement in Halychyna, who tried to realize the idea of independent Ukrainian nation building.
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    Полковник Р. Сушко – учасник Другого зимового походу 1921 року
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Куций, А. Ф.
    Показано роль полковника Р. Сушка як керівника 2 групи Київської дивізії на тлі кривавих подій завершального етапу визвольної боротьби українського народу під час ІІ Зимового походу військ УНР. На основі спогадів безпосередніх учасників походу, в тому числі Романа Сушка, проаналізовано і показано підготовку, хід та наслідки фінального етапу боротьби за українське державотворення. The article deals with the events of the final stage of the national liberation struggle 1921rr 1917, the participation of Sich Riflemen, Colonel Roman Sushko in the fighting against the Bolsheviks Volyn group at the Second Winter campaign in 1921. Against the background of contemporary events of the Ukrainian statehood, The role of the former internment camp in Polish Ukrainian military leaders who continued the struggle against the Bolshevik power in Ukraine, forming three groups of military forces. Nowadays, the problem of the November 1921 raid remains relevant because Ukrainian retained in the memory 92 - year bloody pages of these events, and especially the role of the person looks and its influence on the formation of combat capability of one of the groups Winter campaign. In this study show the formation of the governing officials as including rebel - partisan staff, its location and activities in carrying out the uprising against the Bolsheviks. The role of Colonel R. Sushka as head of the Kyiv Division 2 groups on the background of the bloody events of the Second Winter campaign UNR troops. Based on the memoirs of direct participants in the campaign, including Roman Sushko, analyzed the fighting Volyn group defined route and causes of the tragic consequences of the final phase of the struggle for the Ukrainian state.
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    Військово-політичні аспекти передісторії Галицького князівства
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Омельчук, Б. А.
    Із залученням письмових та археологічних джерел проаналізовано боротьбу київських князів за утвердження своєї влади на Прикарпатті до кінця XI ст. Зроблено спробу переглянути існуючі погляди на етапи утвердження великокнязівської влади на цій території. Розглянуто особливості територіального розвитку Прикарпаття та Подністров’я у другій половині X–XI ст. The article involving written and archaeological sources the Kievan princes fight to uphold its authority in the Carpathian region by the end of XI century. An attempt to revise the existing views on the steps of the Grand approval authorities in the area. The features of territorial development Carpathians and the Dniester in the second half of the X-XI centuries. Analyzed tibal dukes activity as war-lords and military organizers against Great Kievan Princes. The appearance of the tribal union of the ancient Slavs in the Carpathian region who took afterwards the name of Croats, could be dated back to the last quarter of the 8th – middle of the 9th cc. The Upper Dniester region together with the nearby territories between the Dniester and the Pruth are considered to be the primary territory the ancient Slavic tribal formation appeared at. Afterwards it gradually extended and covered both sides of the Carpathians. For example the Croats inhabited the upper current of the Tyssa river behind the Carpathians.
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    Поневолення України більшовицькою системою та припинення її репрезентації на міжнародній арені у першій половині XX ст.
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Дещинський, Л. Є.
    Розглянуто поневолення української держави та припинення її репрезентації на міжнародній арені у першій половині XX ст. The condition and tendencies of development of the basic of Ukraine on international changes in 1919–1941 is analyzed.
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    Кирило Трильовськй – організатор Січового руху у Галичині (кін. XIX – поч. XX ст.)
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Нагірняк, А. Я.
    Висвітлено діяльність відомого галицького громадсько-політично діяча Кирила Трильовського, який як представник ліворадикального напряму створив на початку XX ст. в легальних умовах Австро-Угорщини січові організації. The article highlights the work of the famous Galician public figure Cyryl Tryl’ovs’kyi who being a representative of left radical direction in the early twentieth century in legal terms of the Austro-Hungarian created Sich organizations that were the first proto-type of military forces, and later on their basis Ukrainian national connections in the Austrian armed forces were created. It was determined that in addition to officially defined tasks – providing fire security, development of physical training of youth – “Sich “ directed its activities in the extention of education, organization of social life. Within Sich movement many financial institutions and cooperatives appeared. They were considered the economic basis of the national government in the future. The organizational and physical training in the Ukrainian “Sich” contributed to the creation of national military structure within the Austrian Armed Forces before the First World War. During the time of War K. Trylovskyy contributed to the formation of national military units. This paper traces the process of forming social and political views of Cyryl Tryl’ovs’kyi on the background of socio economic and political development of Western lands in the late XIX – early XX century. Even being a student Сyryl Tryl’ovs’kyi entered the Ruthenian-Ukrainian Radical Party which formed its ideological and political views and determined the direction of future life path. Soon the young lawyer became one of the most active and popular party leader. At the seventh congress in October 1898 Cyryl Tryl’ovs’kyi along with Ivan Franko and Michael Pavlik was eleced Chief Executive. Despite the fact that K. Trylovskyy shared the same ideas as Drahomaniv, he always had his stable position, which often led to conflicts with the leadership of the party. The article analyzes the activity Cyryl. Trylovskoho before and during World War I on the formation of national military groups, discovered his role in the creation and deployment of military activities of Sich Legions. He joined the main Ukrainian Council while working as a member of the total Ukrainian Council in Vienna. This paper investigates the role and place of Cyryl Tryl’ovs’kyi in social and political processes of Western Ukraiinian National Republic period. It was stressed that the activity K. Trylovskyy during Western Ukraiinian National Republic was aimed at nation-building. In October 1918 he joined the Ukrainian National Council of Ukraiinian National Republic. During 1918–1919. Cyryl Trylovskyy worked as deputy head of the district department of the National Council in Kolymna, a member of the Committee of Foreign Affairs,he was a member of the military and administrative committee Ukrainian National Republic. In April 1919 K. Trylovskyy was elected to the Regional Land Commission, which implemented the project of agrarian reform. As a member of Ukrainian National Republic he held a special position and supported the need for party building and the reactivation of the Radical Party. At the same period Cyryl Trylovskyy created Peasant – radical club that became the basis of Peasant – Radical Party, and in February 1919, reestablished the publication of radical newspaper “ The public voice” in Colomya. A separate line of investigation is devoted to studying the peculiarities of the Ukrainian youth and national sport organizations and the role of Cyryl Tryl’ovskyi in this movement during interwar period in Poland. After the fall of Western Ukraiinian National Republic Cyryl Trylovskyi worked in the government of Ye.Petrushevych. His political activity was aimed at expantion of Peasant – Radical Party in Eastern Galicia and Ukrainian national council. In 1921 Cyryl Trylovskyy created working sports association “ Sich”, which represented the Ukrainian workers in International competitions in Vienna. Back in Galicia, K. Trylovskyy tried to reactivate the Sich organizations, but under the rule of the Polish government that was practically impossible. At the same time, he positively assessed the national sports movement (‘Sokil’, ‘Plast’) and contributed much to it’s development.
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    Підвалини військової політики гетьмана Павла Скоропадського
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Барановська, Н. М.
    Проаналізовано основні засади військової політики гетьмана Павла Скоропадського, роль і місце національних Збройних Сил у державотворчих процесах квітня – грудня 1918 p. Розглянуто державно-правове підгрунтя формування національної армії та її кадрового забезпечення. The article analyses the main principles of hetman Pavlo Skoropadskyj military policy, role and place of national Military Рowers in state creation processes of April – December, 1918 and considers foundations of national army formation and staffing. Though, recently, in the Ukrainian historical science appeared many scientific works that consider questions of the state formation in period of hetmanate, but the problems of army formation are investigated insufficiently. It is necessary to notice, that despite of complexity of mutual relations in the Ukrainian society and all external threats, during the period of Pavlo Skoropadskyj governing, the questions connected with development of an official military state policy gain an accurate outline. Creation of regular national army as guarantor of state sovereignty is first and foremost. The idea of Central rada about replacement of army by national policy has finally been rejected and realisation of program, concerning formation of the regular, professionally trained Armed forces has begun. The legislative base of military support which not only introduced legal framework for formation of the Ukrainian army and fleet, but also guaranteed their development because of the up-to-date military achievements of that time civilised world, has been developed. Considerable reorganisation of the Ukrainian army’s higher command institutions concerning as structural formation, as operative management has taken place. A set of professional educational institutions has been created for military personnel training. It testifies that P. Skoropadskyj was devoted to an idea of the Ukrainian statehood and was well aware of the role of an combat-ready constant army in question of protection of Ukraine from military aggression of other countries. And with that, P. Skoropadskyj’s protective concept did not provide constant army involvement to police within the country, and officer military formations were used only for suppression of political protest actions and country disorders. However, hetman didn’t managed to push the matter through after all, because of the activity of destructive forces and to create real powerful military force, during his short governing, because even the Serdjutska Guards division that consisted of representatives of substantial farmers and was considered as a support of hetmanate, has come over the side o the Directory.