Psychological and pedagogical studies: the problem of methodological principles development


The essence of pedagogical methodology and its components is widely investigated in the article. The system of basic methodological principles (identity of opposites in the infinite, ascension from abstract to concrete, dialogue interaction, differentiation) is substantiated. Also the main contradiction in education (between needs of society (“necessary”) and the needs of individuals (“I want”), taking into account their physical and psychological possibilities (“I can”) is specified. The method of derivative contradictions determination from the main one is being offered.



higher education, pedagogical methodology, principle, contradiction


Sikorskyi P. Psychological and pedagogical studies: the problem of methodological principles development / Petro Sikorskyi // Ukrainian Journal of Educational Research. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017. — Vol 2. — No 1. — P. 43–50.



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