Обґрунтування маркетингової політики інтернет-комунікацій виробників кухонних меблів в Україні


Одним із способів досягнення конкурентних переваг виробниками кухонних меблів на ринку України є активізація ними маркетингових комунікацій з використанням Інтернету. Виконане дослідження дало змогу встановити, що з цією метою їм доцільно використовувати SMS- та Viber-розсилку, розробити заходи щодо оптимізації веб-сайту. На підставі зібраної та проаналізованої первинної маркетингової інформації подано основні мотиви, на яких доцільно зосередити свою увагу вітчизняним виробникам кухонних меблів на прикладі ТОВ “ДІОЛІНІ”.
The current stage of the market relations development in Ukraine is characterized by the increased competition, which causes a constant search of competitive advantages for the manufacturers, in particular in the furniture market. The market today is trending to grow, this opens new opportunities to increase sales of its manufacturers. The way to achieve competitive advantage in the furniture market is to intensify the marketing communications of domestic enterprises, which have their specificity compared to traditional marketing communications using the Internet. Based on the study of the furniture market, it is found that the kitchen furniture manufacturers have significant opportunities for their further growth. In order to personalize their information messages, they are advised to use SMS and Viber mailing. A comparative description of existing mail services is provided for it, such as UniSender, MailChimp, eSputnik, GetResponce. It is found that the best option for Diolini LLC would be to use the UniSender service, as it is quite easy to use, as well as it is available in Ukrainian. It uses several communication channels and offers additional paid packages at reasonable prices. The activation of marketing communications of kitchen furniture manufacturers requires them to use certain motives in their information appeals that are important for consumers, when they buy these products. A survey was conducted among kitchen furniture consumers and it was defined that they prefer the furniture that is made in Ukraine. For them, quality is the most important factor in choosing kitchen furniture. Price is the second most important factor, then come additional services, then time of manufacture and services of the designer. An analysis of the primary marketing information shows that most respondents search for kitchen furniture when browsing the websites of their manufacturers or sellers. In the research we have analyzed the sites of several furniture sellers, including Diolini LLC, and took into consideration different groups of criteria, such as domain name analysis; the evaluation of website design; general usability analysis; analysis of the content of the website, the frequency of its updating, the presence and usefulness of the information required for the user; testing of existing website services, evaluation of quality of their performance; analysis of the search visibility of a website and the presence of third-party advertising banners on websites. On this basis it is substantiated that it would be expedient for Diolini LLC to improve the design of the site, to update the information on it more frequently, to expand the photo gallery and the number of languages of the site.



ринок кухонних меблів України, Інтернет-комунікації, мотиви інформаційних повідомлень, SMS- та Viber-розсилка, аналіз веб-сайтів, kitchen furniture market of Ukraine, Internet communications, motives of informational messages, SMS- and Viber-mailing, analysis of the websites


Косар Н. С. Обґрунтування маркетингової політики інтернет-комунікацій виробників кухонних меблів в Україні / Н. С. Косар, А. А. Чипак, Н. Є. Кузьо // Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: Проблеми економіки та управління. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019. — № 4. — С. 34–44.



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