Optimization of Process of Methacrylic Acid Obtaining by Aldol Condensation of Propionic Acid with Formaldehyde Using a Kinetic Model

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Видавництво Львівської політехніки


Methacrylic acid is widely used industrial monomer. An alternative method of its obtaining is aldol condensation of propionic acid with formaldehyde in the gas phase. It has been found that catalyst based on oxides of boron and phosphorus and promoted by oxide of tungsten is effective for this process. The purpose of this work is to find out optimal parameters of this process (temperature and contact time) using a kinetic model. The optimal parameters of this process have been found and technology basics of methacrylic acid obtaining have been developed.



kinetic model, methacrylic acid, propionic acid, formaldehyde, solid catalyst, optimization


Optimization of Process of Methacrylic Acid Obtaining by Aldol Condensation of Propionic Acid with Formaldehyde Using a Kinetic Model / Roman Nebesnyi, Volodymyr Ivasiv, Yulia Dmytruk, Nazar Lapychak // Хімія та хімічні технології : матеріали IІI Міжнародної конференції молодих вчених CCT-2013, 21–23 листопада 2013 року, Україна, Львів / Національний університет "Львівська політехніка". – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013. – С. 42–43. – (4-й Міжнародний молодіжний фестиваль науки "Litteris et Artibus"). – Bibliography: 7 titles.



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